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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. We were driving from Oshawa to BPS this morning at 10am and the wind was terrible...
  2. Fish Crisp Cajun
  3. oops lol, well if there was any confusion i guess it's cleared up.
  4. I was the luckyiest 16 year old i think this year. I managed to catch 5 new species and gather up 6 PB's...Fishing a grand total of 83 days this year i was again very lucky and fortunate. So my years resolution is to catch a PB largemouth bass...not a pb bass for a certain lake(i had 3 of those) but a all around PB! With new gear and inspitation i am ready and determined to catch the big one! Wish me luck everybody
  5. Bass Pro rocks, i have only been there about 15 times and i have not had 1 problem... i asked for help several times today finding items and without any trouble i found what i was looking for. The store seemed to be in good stock, however i saw 1 guy running around helping people so maybe getting a few more people on the floor would be good. Besides that they have fair prices nice staff and good deals, theres a reason there are lot's BPS stores and that is because they are the best fishing outfitter world wide!(but they need more in canada )
  6. I had a list and i got everything on it! I had to get my hands on these new Rapala X-Rap Shad Shallow crankbaits and i did. One of them has a sure set hook, the other does not. Pictures: I can not wait for the spring fishing classic sales to come
  7. I have room on my "Got To Get" list for bass pro, if it there it's mine!
  8. I cut the line lol, i had a older pair of Mustad line clippers that did not cut the braid...i have a new never used pocket knife that cut it with no problem...i'll be looking at bass pro tomorrow for come braid clippers/sissors.
  9. What when did this happen, i need a link or something.
  10. O i love perch fishing, i can't wait untill spring to go out to scugog to fish for perch! Thanks for sharing!
  11. I saw in the bass pro shops online flyer that there were rapala lures in the mercer magic color on sale. Does this color work , and also to those who went to the store, did you see any left...
  12. Ok i just spooled my rod and man is this stuff hard to cut. My line clippers did nothing, i had to use a pocket knife...
  13. Finally a beleiver
  14. I loved using the palomar knot with mono but can i still use it with braid line(20lb)? If not can somebody lead me to a good video of another knot to use....i hope palomar works still
  15. There was no deal here but here is what i got, http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...c=26823&hl=
  16. i got a few lures and some fishing line...i was not happy when i saw NO 20lb powerpro so i went with what my uncle likes and that is the spiderline. As for the trilene my favorite mono is trilene! Dont make fun of this line it's great Colors for the x-raps were not good at all, i did get that silver color x-rap., but they didn't have any silver/blue,perch, or even white so i also got a xr08 in this Hot Steel color. Here is the pic
  17. lol, well he's beside a boat in his avatar, close enough
  18. Large and smallmouth bass.
  19. Ok so we have all have read alot about rapala's these past 2 weeks so lets narrow it down to 1 specific lure. The rapala x-rap slashbait. Going to be shopping at walmart and i'm adding 2, maybe 3 more Xraps to the box regardless. Walmart will not have every colour there, so i'm taking what is available, aside from the colors i already have what are some productive colors that have worked well with this particular lure. Colors i have: Clown,gold,and olive green. A must color that i will get will be the purple ghost color(providing it's there) Thanks for any suggestions Looking at getting XR10's, fishing for small & large mouth bass.
  20. Congrads Spiel!
  21. lol, i hope your not serious.
  22. I like that it has little sub headings and titles where you can "fill in the blanks". Very great gift indeed!
  23. No all boats are equipted with GPS, and fish finders...
  24. nope, all i got is my rubber boat and some tackle...no gps, fish finders...find weeds,find bass. Easy as that!
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