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Everything posted by Pachone

  1. Sick Picture! Looks like alota fun and congrats on the trophy! LOL
  2. I use the Vanish and have thought of it to be VERY strong. Tying knots isnt so simple & strong sometimes, so ive had to customize them to be stronger (doing a couple more twists) I have no experience with trilene but heard it was very good... leaders and full spool... I definitely do NOT like P-Line... I have found it breaks way to easy, curls too permanently, doesnt cast well, and all round, doesnt perform... Thats my 2 cents!
  3. Those are sum realllllllll nice bronzebacks. Reall good looking spots and markings... looked like a greatime fishing. Thanks for sharing
  4. SWEET FISH MAN...soooo shiny
  5. I did get a couple... They are NOT in season, hence why i didnt post the pic in the first place... we were targeting Brookies, and slipped into a few of these... cant wait til they get out to the lakes... theses guys FIGHT soo HARD, it incredible. Good to see they are growing and progressing well!
  6. Ok, so Im not the best at posting these reports, and im trying to do them more often... so heres a start... here are some pictures of the fishing ive been doing lately: WAY BACK in MAY, the last week of it to be specific... I camped out in Algonquin Park... Didnt catch any lakers (im a newb, but getting better) but i did catch this bad boy, weighing in at 5.5 lbs, 31 inches. I know its a lil big to eat... but my 3 buddies were starving for some Pike and they decided to harvest it... its my PB pike though, and put up a killer fight. NEXT.. Went out walking the good ol creeks in Coburg and caught a couple lil brookies, rainbows and atlantics... heres a tiny but spotty brookie : NOW ON TO THE BASS!!!!! K SO i caught this bad boy on opener... 4lb Largie, mustve still been prego or just filled up on bait cuz its belly was BIG... unfortunately, my better picture got deleted, but heres a cool looking one : OH and yea.. it was caught from SHORE! Now I just went up to BOBS LAKE (i think) in lower frontenac, and had a killer time pitching and flipping lillies and docks this weekend. First time experience with SENKOS (yum dingers) and I had a BLAST!!! Some big Rock Bass too Some good top water too! MAN, im pretty new to becoming a serious addict to fishing... but the more i go, the more i learn, the more i LOVE IT. Cant wait til i get out there again... Pachone
  7. I have 2 of the stimula rods and they are great for good throw around rod... work well and can hold up to some pretty big fish. Definitely satisfied...
  8. Yeah, I watched his documentary... Grizzly Man. Interesting, but definitely that dude was messed up... Horrible way to go out...
  9. Ok ok ok, if u dont call this a tear jerker.. i dont know what IS : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7VkiL_PW6U Old School Vid too ... 1969!
  10. TELLLLL US LOL Id say 5.5!
  11. Im dying to try Pickeral!!! Tilapia is pretty bomb
  12. went to LEBS last week... picked up some YUM DINGERS 5 INCH, in the orka purple... worked like a charm... and its same thing as senkos.
  13. ok senkos... are amazing... at least this weekend just past and i absolutely slayed the LMB with senkos... great way fishing. All u do is wacky rig or tex rig it. Shoot to logs, lilly pad edges, anywhere, and let it sink. the senko wiggles on the way down and bass find it amazng. unfortunately if u use it on one spot too much, next season... senkos wont work. but its definitely a great way to bass fish. Im going to buy a whole wack of hooks/dingers and a case for em all!
  14. Mikey, I going through the same process. Im 21, and i went to cooking school after highschool because i was told "do what u like" so i liekd food and to eat.....but i DONT want to do it as a career. SO now i work in some office and dont really like it. What i would suggest is find a program in college that u find interesting whatever it is, and take it. Because either way u NEED the education... so go to school. If u really want a trade do it. Apprentice or something.
  15. My buddy is really into it, and is heading down to buffalo this weekend to compete in NPPL (i think thats the name) Im thinking about getting into it. Its a bit intimidating, plus i need a gun... mask, tank, hopper.. I live like 2 mins away from NEXT PB in Pickering. Anyone wanna help me out with advice, or info on materials...kinda looking for an 06ego preferably, but i dont know much about the guns... Pachone
  16. So why is there a competition?
  17. Why Trash talk!? Just post them pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and shutttttttap!! U guys should post once a month, bigggest fish per month or something
  18. SEXY BUCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta love kawarthas man
  19. I got stung 3 weeks ago, and it hurt for a weeK!!!!! Bled too. I just think there ugly to be honest with ya..... this weekend is time for some sexy pike and bass baby!
  20. Congradulations man!... Both my parents are teachers, and its a good job, with good pay, good benefits, and good holidays! U will work overtime and not be paid, but it is a very rewarding job. ALL The best!! CHEERS! Pachone
  21. That is one sick tatoo! Congrats bud!
  22. Damn i need to hit up the Islands!
  23. Chemong lake is great! Ive caught my biggest bass there being 4lbS! shorefishing from the cottage. We are located on the upper chemong stretch. There are lots of largies, perch, bluegill, crappie, walleye and musky I have yet to catch a musky or wally on the lake, but i do intend on exploring alot more...definitely a gem in the kawarthas. oh and ive seen carp if ur into it! Pachone
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