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Everything posted by MoriaRiverMan

  1. what is the world record for a musky?
  2. Dont want to open a can of worms here ............ but these high waters and currents stop the natives from spearing the spawning fish?
  3. Wendel method is the only perfect method !!!!!!!! Anything that takes time a patience isnt for any man! except FISHING
  4. Well its still moving up .........has slowed today but i fear the rain may cause a issue. were going to move the stuff we would be upset to lose tommorow night............the rest the insurance company can fight with the egg heads that are behind the control of the dams. several people on my road may flood or may already have..... moved all the stuff around in the garage tonight incase it fills up tommorow...........The rain is suppose to start tonight....... i had a nice flood a few years back when the power outage happen........... so most stuff is already at high ground or in garbage from that. i should have called insurance on that one...........but im such a pay my own way guy sometimes.............stupid i guess This i will call......... not sure what kinda damage will happen if water reaches outlets ..........lol bran new washer and dryer wont like it either...........nor the few month old carpet........... Im not going to stress out over it .........it will be what it will be no matter who i call or what i do.......... they observe the river steady and already know its water levels im sure. Maybe if my house floods.............Ill park my hummer at dam with the biggest sign i can make saying THANKS FOR FLOODING MY HOUSE AND RAISING MY INSURANCE RATES EGG HEADS! :)
  5. Got some pumps in truck right now....... went up alot over night For now im just keeping a eye on it ........... not a whole lot really can be done. she floods..............she floods..............it is what it is garage is just starting to flood ......... have to shift some stuff around tonight when i get home.
  6. Ill bring home some more pumps in morning after getting coffee First picture that comes to my mind is me and family sitting here watching tv and fishing through holes in living room floor be just like ice fishing............but have tv and nice couch to relax on ok almost ticked myself................. wife thinks im strange to insurance...............should be on there .............shhhhhhhhhhhh gota call in morning ..............already told wife its covered ................. wife didnt find it funny when i asked her if i could tie her to the couch in the basement tonight either told her i was just feeling frisky
  7. 3 feet verticle actually when i was just out........its more like a foot and half sand bags wont help ........... i just hope i dont wake up to a poop show in the morning ............ im the lowest house to top things off........both neighbours are in much better shape so far... might have to get on the phone in the morning if it continues to rise at this rate...........will got out tonight before i goto bed and check new stick i put up.
  8. You would enjoy the BMW X5 much more
  9. I think the bass might be good right around the furnace myself OK now iam getting a bit worried....... just went downstairs and subpump is HOT and only shutting off for about 15 seconds.............. NO SPARE!!!
  10. yes........they will i may be able to sell my boat and just fish off deck ........or worse ............fish in basement !!!!!
  11. The Rain is going to be a issue and warm weather to follow early next week isnt the best either!!! Normal............. well i have seen it a bit higher one year..........but there was no warnings in effect. it that year it also took twice the time for it to reach these levels............. this has gone up a foot to two feet per day!!! im only about 3 feet or less and it will be pouring in the basement........... So with my high tech calculations lol if it continues to go as it has for 2 more days ................guess what............. i will be fishing in the comfort on my own basement not agaist the law to drink and drive your couch is it ??????
  12. Yeah i got several pumps at work............. im not chewing my nails yet...... see how it is by this time tommorow.........then i might start to worry
  13. Notice my satilite dish behind dog kennel just great
  14. The log!!! Is my sweet fire pit
  15. Well soon i wont have to worry about launching the boat!!!! ill be able to drive off trailer!!! Here's some pics of how bad it is this year......... Radio today was saying theres a flood watch for my road God dont let my fishing season start in the basement
  16. We have had glue reps in my company showing glue that is stronger than welds!!!!! ya.....blew my mind to....... They actually glue buses together these days (glue was called something like plexas or plexis) amazing stuff!!!!! rep glued a piece of flat bar to plate and i couldnt beat it off with large hammer!!!! couldnt pry off either !!! Also loctite has some really amazing glues aswell
  17. Try your local fastenal or maybe mcmastercarr online. Fastenal sells alot more then nuts and bolts and if local rep wont help you..........call belleville branch and talk to jeff Derrick (i have bought 3m products through them)
  18. Well if beer runs out.........ill start working weekends to
  19. The owner had it in lastyear for a checkup and they said they cleaned the carb on it.......(which i know they didnt) I did some work for him on engine the weekend before he took it in (fixed carb linkage) when he got it back i looked at the carb and could see they never had it off........ For what its worth..........ill take carb off and clean it this weekend........... Will this carb be similar to doing a snow machine or chainsaw carb? i have done both of them in past with no issue's. Also the bog does go away when u choke it a bit........... i was doing that the day i drove it.
  20. Good idea....... im just one of those "wana fix everything myself guys " its not a real bad bog.......... but i dont want headaches either............so i should just take it in .........
  21. wont work for me...........just sits there saying loading ..... any ideas?
  22. its around a 91 or 92 evinrude 20hp
  23. whats the deal on chat for us new guys?
  24. I should actually weight him again soon......... Might be more around the 170 mark........ and he's lean to Hes only about a 20 months old to
  25. 18 Reasons why Fishing is better than Sex 18 - You don't have to hide your Fishing magazines.. 17 - It is perfectly acceptable to pay a professional to Fish with you once in a while. 16 - The Ten Commandments don't say anything about Fishing. 15 - If your partner takes pictures or videotapes of you Fishing,you don't have to worry about them showing up on the Internet if you become famous. 14 - Your Fishing partner doesn't get upset about people you fished with long ago 13 - It's perfectly respectable to Fish with a total stranger. 12 - When you see a really good Fisherperson, you don't have feel guilty about imagining the two of you Fishing together. 11 - If your regular Fishing partner isn't available, he/she won't object if you Fish with someone else. 10 - Nobody will ever tell you that you will go blind if you Fish by yourself. 9 - When dealing with a Fishing pro, you never have to wonder if they are really an undercover cop. 8 - You don't have to go to a sleazy shop in a seedy neighborhood to buy Fishing stuff. 7 - You can have a Fishing calendar on your wall at the office, tell Fishing jokes, and invite coworkers to Fish with you without getting sued for harassment. 6 - There are no Fishing-transmitted diseases. 5 - If you want to watch Fishing on television, you don't have to subscribe to the Playboy channel. 4 - Nobody expects you to Fish with the same partner for the rest of your life. 3 - Nobody expects you to give up Fishing if your partner loses interest in it. 2 - You don't have to be a newlywed to plan a vacation primarily to enjoy your favorite activity. 1 - Your Fishing partner will never say, "Not again? We just Fished last week! Is Fishing all you ever think about?"
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