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Everything posted by dsn

  1. I didn't know anything about ACLU nor heard about "ACLU." But after looking up their site and reading what they stand for... I think they are saying they don't want the government to promote any kind of religion. ACLU is not against Christmas they are fighting for the people to keep Christmas as is. And keep governments out of promoting any kind of religon. Keeping them out of it completely. Good for them !! Last thing we need is for Governments to take away more of our fun that we enjoy freely. DSN
  2. I agree. How can anyone deliberately be so ruthless and then say "Not Guilty?" He shouldn't even be allowed to enter a plea if it was up to me.. dsn
  3. Wow, I'm surprised I live so close JB's and never knew they existed let alone heard about them. Plus I need a spare part for my shimano spare reel too. Its amazing looking all over the net and the source of info is closer to home than I thought. Thanks dsn
  4. You're definately right! See I got everything all mess up. See what no fishing does to me? Let alone, not just getting out to enjoy nature. dsn
  5. Because it also can be a reminder to others. dsn
  6. Thanks Irish Get to sleep in. dsn
  7. A friend of mine goes and picks up peoples, pumpkins fro the sidewalk and uses it as compost. He said its makes everything grow sweeter. I surely believe him cause the tomatoes he gives me every year is amazingly sweet. Better than the ones I grow myself. And the kind I grow is exactly same as his. I tasted mine and his... truly there is a huge difference!! dsn
  8. Do the clocks go back tonight or Sunday night thanks!! (Confused) And stay safe Monday. They say.... after clocks go back 1 hr it messes up peoples driving. The next day. Thanks dsn
  9. The fireworks shots are from my new digital. Still trying to get used to it. Take shots like these at night were hard. The camera really had nothing to focus on in the dark. So I had to focus it on a street light then still holding the button down reposition the camera at the fire works and then press the button rest of the way. The only part I didn't like is that the camera slowly slides down thats why the street lights created a vertical line. Which isn't what I wanted. Anyways enjoy. dsn
  10. Oh I hate putting the camera to Auto. See all the pics my bro takes on Auto and its just not worth it. I like the manual features. Give me more better of quality of how the photo comes out. Oh by the Thanks for making the picture better. WB (white balance)
  11. Thanks Brandon. Yeah I do eventually crop everything before posting and so on.
  12. Hi I haven't posted for many moons. Every since my old Canon 700A Powershot got kicked into the lake by a demon possed strange female that when off on a rampage. That was a great camera. It had 6x optical and 6 mega pixels. My question is.... when looking for a camera do you look for a camera with maxium optical or pixels? For me.. the optical thinking this will magnify the image with greater detail rather have the image magnified by the amount of pixels. With my old Canon I used to have the setting to Maxium size "L" and the Super fine pixel "S" rather "normal" pixel setting." I have always taken my pictures with the " Super fine" setting. I have never tried using the normal setting and not really sure how good it is. I have seen some amazing photos taken by the folks here and you can see the square pixels. I thought thats kinda cool. Now is that the "normal" setting? With the normal setting can you still enlarge the picture with geat detail? Also does anyone ever use a higher ISO like 400 and up since the picture becomes grainy? Or is that not a problem anymore with digital? Another which I have never touched 200+ ISO. "Not even with 35mm film !! I've taken photography back in highschool and college days " 35mm film and the old 35mm Canon A-E1. . So Do have some knowledge. Just curiuos what other people have thier camera settings on. I finally found another camera. Yes its a Canon again. It's the Canon PowerShot SX120IS 10X Optical & 10Mega Pixels. Paid $289.00 tax included. (it was the last one on display) Hope this baby isn't a battery sucker. Cause I know some take up so much juice. Heres a photo taken today with my new digital. I had the setting to M2 with a Fine Pixel Setting. Its not as clear as I though it would be. Maybe I should have set the camera to M1. Which might have made the image sharper I guess. Not sure. And maybe I should have tried the " Normal" pixel setting. It was cloudy this morning so it wasn't the greatest setting. I still have to play with it more. I guess I have to experiment with digital more rather staying on the safe side. Gotta have the camera setting to it's max...never know when I have to pull it out for instant picture moment. dsn
  13. Yeah we all go through trials and tribulations. Some are harder then others. It's what builds compassion towards others who need the comfort of knowing they are not the only ones who have been down this road. And are not alone. It sucks to have to go through it. It's what builds compassion for others. So we can know what others go through emotionally. And thus give them comfort in times likes this. dsn
  14. I can't find some songs off torrent sites. It's limited that's why I was thinking doing it legally. Dsn
  15. I have MP3 which I take when I head to my fishing whole on transit. I normally buy CD's. But haven't bought any for a long long time because theres no paticular music group I like these days. I was wondering where do most folks on this board get their music? Doesn't matter what kinda of music you listen to. I want to know is there any good sites to get music from. Plus I guess there are fees to these download sites for this that's ok. I'm looking to see if there is a favorite one everyone goes to. Hopefully they have a variety of music. Thanks DSN
  16. He's the thing I watch when there's not fishing show on. I also purchased his "BOOK." Starting a fire with out a lighter or match isn't easy as he makes it. It is tough. I tried it with a magnify glass and only succeed once. His his shelters is what I'm interesting in. Never know when they might come in handy. dsn
  17. I would just put it behind you bro. People like that are not worth the time and effort to even think about. ( As someone use to say "waste of skin." ) I have been through one of those situations before on Stoney Lake !! I was with my cousin at the time. And yeah they look at you and come close to you and tap in thier own language and go away. Kinda like a Warthog checking things out. Then moving on it's way. Lost Souls !! DSN
  18. These frogs are eating machines.. they eat and eat and eat. Its all they do. For example every time he swims both front arms move towards his mouth. As if he's stuffing his face with food non-stop. dsn
  19. Oh Yeah I forgot about that. LOL I guess 2-3lb'ers are not that bad. Then again I have no clue. I'll let you know.lol dsn
  20. Ok as some folks know I have a pet frog. I have chopped up Talapia to feed the frog which someone recommend me from this board to do. Which is working out fine. A thought just came to me this morning why not go fishing for carp and feed them to my pet frog. (African Clawed Frog ). I know exactly where to go, to find the 2-3 lb carp so that not a problem. But even at that size they are still too big. I know they are a very boney fish. And I have never fillet one before. Does anyone know how to fillet a carp? Or where can I even find a diagram of the bone structure of a carp that would help too. Thanks DSN Oh here we go I found something. But I certainly don't have those tools. Check out the massive load of eggs. No wonder why theres so many of them around. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BtdIhv3h7I
  21. I prefer the common. I find mirrors interesting to look at but alittle to slimmy to handle. dsn
  22. Well depending on the size of carp you are after... I can tell you were exactly to find them this time of year. dsn
  23. Hey Have had any time to go carping? The area we fished at ********is getting over grown with weeds and bushes. Seems that the city isn't cutting anything down there anymore. But I saw alot of people(trying)fish for the carp there just this past week. All have failed to land even one fish. So sad. MJL and I might head down sometime this week hopefully. DSN

    1. dsn


      Sorry for the late response. I don't know why I didn't get an email notification from this forum.

  24. My Fishing hole is getting covered over with weeds and bushes

  25. The bubbles can be other fish, or it can be just gas being released if its a muddy bottom. But I would say its definately fish at this time of year. Earlier in the season I would say gas from the presure changes in the atmosphere. Next time, before you chum use a pair of polarized sun glasses and try to look and see whats the source of the bubbles if the water is clear or cloudy. I would be trying to looking for dark shadows like carp under the bubbles still searching for your chum, left overs. Look for the tip of carp tails moving under the bubbles. If you see them even before you chum. You can literally drop a rig down if there is a carp there (silently no splashing) and they will take the corn without chumming..By now definately carp will be holding in your spot. Even when your not fishing there. I had fish stay in one spot for about a week after I stopped chumming. Just hope no on else sees your spot. You can now use this spot for next year to chum cause the fish will come back looking for a food source. Have Fun DSN I'm hoping I'll be able to get out with MJL next week. But I have to prepare the place with chum before hand as you have done.
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