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About dsn

  • Birthday 03/02/1968

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    Addicted to the outdoors

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  1. No problem. Yes true people were a lot kinder. You’re welcome! dsn???
  2. I can solve that issue for you once and for all. You can have my “Shimano EXAGE S.T.C. TE comes with a hard case, rod bag, guide guard and the telescopic rod. I haven’t used it for awhile. Been too busy with life. It’s in great condition. Just have to find away to get it to you. ??? Let me know “If you want it.” dsn
  3. Been so busy taking care of a family member, that I hardly had anytime for anything else. Finally got out after a year to do some carp fishing.And playing with my waterproof camera. It rained recently so the clarity isn't so great. Hope everyone's enjoying this heat.
  4. My favorite is the Black Burnain Warbler. I came across it once. And that was it. Nice pics! Dsn
  5. dsn

    mirrorless cameras

    I prefer a DSLR. Been shooting with mirrorless cameras and from what I can tell you is that you do lose sharpness and detail. I compared my photos from a mirrorless camera with my Bros dslr. I find a huge difference in sharpness and details loss from mirrorless cameras. Been shooting birds and I can say you don't get the fine detail in the birds feathers with mirrorless cameras. I also seem to sharpen the photos a bit with software after shooting with a mirrorless camera. Looking at getting a dslr.
  6. Just read it now. Toronto island harbor. Maybe it's time to breakout the carp gear.
  7. Saw that report on the news. I'm sure all the carp addicts will swarm the local area to haul them out. I would. My gear needs to be dusted off tho.
  8. Nice fish. Your photo gives me some ideas. Lol
  9. I could use a new reel if they took their gear. Tried carpfishing this year once and my reel gave way.
  10. Cool I wonder if they will scare the mosquitos away! Alreadygot bitten uin the neck twice photographing birds in a stream. New hobby.
  11. You can always go weightless too if you get the corn and hook out without weights. Carp usually hit and run. I have done it many times.
  12. my equipment is collecting dust. Been busy, haven't been out for many moons. Found a new hobby.
  13. Welcome Back! I haven't left here just hiding in the shadows.
  14. Nice pic. What camera were you using. I also got into shooting birds just last year.
  15. Its all a bunch of garbage. Scientist interests my butt. Next thing you know it will be closed to the public sanctuary like the one at River Dale Park. Closed off completely and no ones allowed in.
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