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Everything posted by brandon

  1. I went to take pictures at another Spitfires game tonight and here are some of the pictures that turned out..... regulation and OT solved nothing so it was shootout time.....it was 1-1 in the shootout and this is Ottawa's second shot which looks to be a goal however the puck slid behind the goalie and stayed out of the net shot 3 for Ottawa and again Spits win 5-4
  2. thanks guys.....Wendel......"the barn" is a pretty classic place....the spits move into their new arena sometime in december so i'm trying to get to as many games at the old arena as i can before its no longer in use. and as for what i've been up to....i'm just hanging out in windsor for now, moving back to vancouver in january to continue my old pest control job....hows everything been with you?
  3. As you can see by the topic title, these photos aren't fishing, outdoor, or nature related but i thought i'd post them anyways. If anybody out there follows the OHL, you'll know that John Tavares is predicted to be drafted either 1st or 2nd in 2009. Tavares was in Windsor on sunday facing off against the spitfires who have a star of their own, Taylor Hall, who is expected to be drafted 1st or 2nd in 2010. I decided to buy a ticket and bring my camera to the game......here is what I came up with.... national anthem Greg Nemisz Brown Vs. Engelage Spits celebrate a goal Ryan Ellis, OHL Player of the Week, taking a slapshot Windsor arena, aka "the barn" Taylor Hall Taylor Hall again Taylor Hall protecting the puck Hall and Tavares faceoff John Tavares defends the puck Stokes tries to block a shot Tavares Tavares again Tavares and Hall stare each other down
  4. oh man.......beauty pics!!....i really like the reflection ones
  5. http://www.canada.com/windsorstar/news/sto...94-33b43efbcb28
  6. yeah the colours are amazing.....pretty cool how something like that can be found so close to the city
  7. awesome series of pics Dan!
  8. I don't really have many photos of Ontario so Monday i packed up some things and hit the road. I knew tuesday was supposed to be a nice day so that is when I planned on taking pictures. I left windsor at 4 monday afternoon and arrived in tobermory around 11 that night. I wanted to keep the cost of this trip fairly low so I decided to sleep in my car. I was up before sunrise tuesday morning and after a quick bite to eat at a diner I was ready to go. My first stop was Bruce Peninsula National Park.... After the short hike in Bruce Peninsula National Park, I headed back down the peninsula to Sauble Falls...which weren't what I was hoping for so I continued on. I drove to Bruce Caves Conservation Area next... The hike along the caves was pretty cool but I still had a few more stops so I had to keep moving. I stopped at Inglis Rapids just south of Owen Sound and took this picture By this time it was around 1pm and when it comes to landscape photos, lighting is everything, and the middle of the day is sub par for taking pictures....so I took this photoless time to drive NE to the Huntsville area. I found a section of the Oxtongue River that I just couldn't pass up... by the time I was done at the Oxtongue it was getting late and I decided to head home......all in all it was a cool way to spend the day......enjoy
  9. brandon

    part 3

    well now im back in windsor for a few weeks to relax and visit some family and friends before i move somewhere else for another job......heres 2 pics of the detroit skyline
  10. brandon

    part 2

    my job in the charlottes ended on sept 15th and i was flown to vancouver. a buddy of mine from windsor had never been before so he met me there and we hung out and did some touristy things for 5 days......heres a few pics these first 4 are taken at the grouse mountain grizzly bear habitat.... other than a few shots of downtown vancouver i didnt really take my camera with me all that much but here is a scenery picture from whistler....well about 15 mins south of whistler......we went bungee jumping
  11. been a while since i posted so to start, here are a few from my last week in the queen charlottes... me with a river caught chinook
  12. ...so I took a few random pictures around town....enjoy
  13. beauty pics man....love the one with the lighthouse
  14. awesome pics......first one is my fave as well
  15. brandon

    The Bench

    awesome picture Dan.....such an eerie scene and you captured it well
  16. lol dan.....I'm a little north for the feet..those are in the gulf islands south of vancouver island......and thanks for the kind words guys
  17. Here are a few photos I recently took out here.....enjoy A beach in Skidegate Balancing Rock in Skidegate.....pretty weak balancing rock though...if you've been to the one in Nova Scotia you know what im talking about View from the Haida Heritage Museum in Skidegate Fisheye view of a Haida Canoe 3 Sea Lions 2 Sea Lions....one of which is playing 2 Orcas.....female with a calf same 2 Orcas again female Orca
  18. geeze.....i didn't realize it was such a horrible thing to post pictures with a watermark in the PHOTOGRAPHY section.....and wow...I'm awfully sorry for having a link in my signature to my personal website....and also sorry for my watermark being my website address......i just feel so terrible now....if there is anything, anything i can do at all to gain your guys' forgiveness then please let me know....... give it a rest guys......the internet has enough people whining about actual problems......you guys are complaining about a watermark in a picture......
  19. don't like it? don't look at it.....'nuff said
  20. again with the watermarks eh?
  21. I'm with Deano on this one......that second one is saweet dude
  22. what camera did you get Deano?
  23. A couple nights ago I headed to Naikoon Provincial Park to take some pictures of the sunset....this one was my favourite and after a few weeks of waiting, the fisheye lens I ordered online finally got here yesterday. I went for a quick hike up Tow Hill, which is in Naikoon Provincial Park, and took this picture.....and the lens is a Tokina 10-17mm fisheye zoom lens....i can't wait to try some new things with it
  24. Thats great that your doing the painting for charity. The choice is 100% up to you though on which one you would like to paint
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