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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. Caught this 6lb smallie on a drop shot watermelon worm this summer. Had the lake all to myself for the first two hours and was in to the bass like never before for me. This is my first year targeting bass and only started trying for them due to the long lay over waiting for trout season in the fall Now I am trying to learn the ins and outs of fall fishing for bass. No matter what, being out on the lake in my first canoe, I love the serenity of the morning mist while anticipating the days fishing. Splashhopper
  2. but "where" is the money for any increase going to come from ?
  3. Sign me up
  4. so if we agree it is a BIG number.... where do u propose that money come from then? Oh yeah, I know... it will come from the "savings" of not having to pay the HOSTAGE TAKERS for the time on strike and the savings from not putting fuel in the bus..... but then again... there is a loss of revenue for this time as well and the those darned banks just don;t understand that the loan can't be paid for the bus this month and the insurance company is putting pressure on too... but hey.... we, the government employee, don;t really care about all that real world stuff... we want our god given right to a raise and we don;t give a dang who gets affected nor who has to pay for it....
  5. great video ..
  6. did u read the offer that was posted... it broke the wages down .... and furthermore laid it out, with simple math the cost of each sides proposed increase in package....a pretty big number either way ... that money has to come from some where .
  7. Umm lets see... .when fuel went thru the roof last year,,, they raised the fees... and now if the wages and benefits go up by 15% they somehow magically don;t have to come up with 15% more money to cover it? not sure how that works.... let me know how to do it please... your math seems different than mine.
  8. you are one funny guy Rick.... The mayor at least comes to the talk shows and brings a reasonable voice to these negotiations... she is well know for being reasonable.. Not sure what the personal attacks to me are about though... My view point is partially based on my personal situation with my daughter, yes. It is also largely based though on a union that can take 75- 80,000 daily riders ( and now their personal drivers) HOSTAGE.
  9. where do we get the "shoe goo" ?
  10. Looks like we will be having some water chicken tonite ! great line ... nice looking "bucket of water chicken" or is that KFP
  11. Not sure who this is aimed at... but I will respond The lead negotiator for the union said : he "was looking forward to arbitration" last week.. He was on the local am talk radio show that i heard him say it. The guy ( Pat Hunniford) can't get his numbers ( wages and benefits etc) straight from talk show to talk show.. He thinks if they go to arbitration that it is a slam dunk they will get what "other cities " are paying their drivers... How fair is that if we are compared to cities with 2-10 times the population base( see tax base)? this "arbitration" is not very arbitrary The city has posted their offer to the union online >> http://www.ltconline.ca/ The bus drivers want "parity" with the EMS teams here in London... and "feel" they are entitled to the same benefits package for their jobs. Listen to the talk shows when the Union representative calls in... it's almost laughable how they represent themselves. In the posts that I have on this thread, I have not made an issue with what they are making.. I AM making an issue of their "bargaining" tactics... which holds an ENTIRE CITY ( the bus riders and their NEW drivers now) HOSTAGE... The city will eventually cave in.. we know that in our logical brains... but at what cost and to whom and how ? The mayor came on the same talk shows and shared her disdain for the "arbitration " process as well. I say,, lets figure out how to settle this ASAP in town... or lets fire every damned one of em and take on this "arbitration system " once and for all.. London could be a leader in this FARCE and I will do whatever I have to do to get my daughter to and fro from University. And, in today's paper: THE DISPUTE * London Transit Wages/benefits: Offering six, staged wage hikes worth 8.3% during a three-year contract plus some benefit improvements. How top pay would change: For drivers, to $25 an hour from $23.08 now; for skilled workers, to $29.02 from $26.81. Bottom line: Including benefits, the offer would cost an extra $2.7 million during three years. * Amalgamated Transit Union Wages/benefits: The union had sought a 15.2% wage hike for drivers during three years and 12% for skilled workers. Including benefit improvements the union wanted, the LTC says it would cost an extra $6 million during three years. Bottom line: The union says LTC drivers are paid less than drivers in some smaller Ontario cities, and workers' benefits lag civic employees in London. The LTC employees, which include about 340 drivers and 110 other workers, voted overwhelmingly against the last offer.
  12. I am gonna give those a try down here tomorrow after work... I haven't seen any cray fish in this lake though... lots of frogs earlier in the season though..
  13. i think it has to be taken on a lake by lake case... The conservation area in your neck of the woods that i went to this summer was over run with power boats seedoo's. Maybe some kind of "power sharing" strategy could be tried... ie... let the and paddlers and electric motors have the water on even numbered days and the motors have it on odd days.... don't know
  14. One of the locals conservation areas that I fished all summer for bass has been a real challenge for me this fall. I am new to fall bass fishing and am researching and following threads here all the time on this. If the turnover effect means that the water temps are close to the same throughout the depth of the water and this particular body of water only has maximum depths of 12 feet, why is it that I can't seem to find the fish when I am targeting that depth of water ? I have slowed the presentations down... trying all kinds of spinners, jerk baits,,, drop shots... live bait floated ... u name it I am trying it all.. Do the fish school up even tighter so that it just seems that they have "dissapeared" in the 20 acres of water somewhere ? I am hoping for a few more days on this location ( before the season ends) as I am a proponent of learning a few bodies of water and fishing them. Just hoping to capitalize on "the feed bag" phenomena. Thanks Splashhopper
  15. the water is running AWAY from the falls and is fast .... looking forward to YOUR post and review when you get back tomorrow ...
  16. I am acknowledging that they are an essential service and THAT is waht gives them bargain power.... but that power is lop-sided when it holds other people HOSTAGE who cannot do a damned thing about it.... ie... the tax-payers I don't always take the side of the employee ESPECIALLY when it comes to the "entitled" culture of government employees. I have no issue with bargaining for better packages.... but NOT when it holds people hostage that cannot affect the outcome of the bargaining process. To "always take the side of the employee" ( see rest of sentence above).... suggests to me an anti-authority complex and be damned with the consequences of innocent HOSTAGES as long as "the man" doesn't get his way. There are real people getting their lives disrupted here today and for however long this strike will last. This is not some theory that we are all gonna lay out pros and cons for and write up a thesis... At some point there has to be a shakeup of this "entitled mentality" of government workers ( Maybe do as another poster here suggested and "Maggie Thatcher" them) and let the chips fall where they may... how bad could it really get? Reaghan's planes are still flying and the UK's country didn't fall apart.... when those LEADERS took a stand against HOSTAGE TAKING.
  17. ummm.. if you are going to quote me,,, maybe put the entire sentence in so that it isn't taken out of context >>> "Hell, they are getting a damned good package as it is to DRIVE A BUS dry.gif ... There are lots of unemployed eligible truck drivers that would LOVE to have the security of these guys packages and be home at night with their families !" I don't get your "point" with the auto unions.... unless of course that was tongue in cheek... and we all know what is happening to those overpaid unions now.
  18. it is likely the vertical seals in the middle of the door.... the air is probably coming out there and going across the stationary door. Try the "peel and stick " FELT draft stopper first along that seem.. make sure you CLEAN the edges real well first . The other thing you can do is buy the plastic window kits and install that on the stationary glass only( temp fix- but works quite well and is very easy to do) But seriously look at a storm door on the outside...
  19. I didn't say i don't want arbitration... i said there needs to be a review of its process..... comparing "living cost allowances" for Toronto vs London is ridiculous.
  20. Where is the draft coming from? ie: from the vertical frame in the middle of the door or along the outer edges? Weather stripping is gonna be the key, but make sure the wheels are working properly and not broken as well.. Broken wheels will not let the door "seat" properly and therefore not seal properly. Another alternative is putting a storm door on the outside.... Pretty easy to install too ( screw gun / caulking if measured properly for fit).. just don't cheap out on the one you buy
  21. Hell, if the drivers had University degrees, I would have to seriously wonder WHY they are driving a bus? No offense to any University educated drivers here.... but really, come on... it doesn't take a BA to drive a city bus !
  22. Tell your daughters that if they stick with it, they can go from here ( 5 years old yellow belt Taekwondo) to here ( 11 years old - 2009 Canadian NATIONAL Champion for 52 lb category - second dan blackbelt ) and still have time for this
  23. soooo,, WHY am I posting on OFC at this time of the morning you may ask? BECAUSE I AM WAITING TAKE MY DAUGHTER TO UNIVERSITY on the other side of the city due to the "HOSTAGE TAKING " by the LTC UNION ! The chief negotiator for the UNION said: 1: " he WELCOMES arbitration...." doesn't sound like "good faith" to me ! 2: "they have made BIG concessions from where they started".... they are still looking for FIFTEEN PERCENT ! 3: " they are behind their counterparts in other cities" ..... well move THERE then..! This HOSTAGE TAKING is gonna be weeks long.... weeks..... And in the end the drivers may get an increase that they can "settle" for but will have lost whatever their wages were for the length of the strike..... Oh I get it, they must think it will be a short strike... I don't think so, the local population is TICKED ! So far, the population is behind the city,,,,, but the union is banking on the fact that the HUUGE inconvenience will put pressure on the city to give them what they want... For Today I say, stick to your guns Anne Marie DiCicco ( London's mayor) and let the UNION starve.. Or hey, Pull a RONALD REAGHAN and FIRE THEM all if they get don't back on the road.... There is one helluva lot of UNEMPLOYED QUALIFIED drivers ( see laid off AZ truckers) out there that could drive these buses locally. And, there one helluva lot of unemployed SKILLED workers looking for work in the London region that are QUALIFIED to turn wrenches on these buses... I
  24. first off, congrats on the ACE... I bet you are gonna get ribbed to death on that pitch shot though!
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