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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. I second that .. I am not a thief either .
  2. but the real question is after : "8 males and 2 females began to drink. The theory, is that the average male will reach .080mg/100mL after 6-8 standard 1.5oz shots (mixed drinks) over 4 hours. " Where did this little party of ten end up at after the driving tests? If they drank like me, I woulda continued the party till I dropped.
  3. I was thinking the same thing Dutchy. Isn't he the guy that looked at YOU when you told him what you are educated in It was ALL YOUR FAULT too ! But hey, that particular CO was a very reasonable individual and earned both of our respect that day.
  4. That would be better than returning from a guided tour by the Steelyourstuffcre.com guys!
  5. wow... those bears "were busy" I need a nap just watching them !
  6. So, it was TOO warm to try out the new bed heater. It only got down to 10C where I was for the weekend. I was plenty warm enough in my sleeping bag. I did buy the alligator clip/cigarette lighter adapter at CT for $5.95. Will provide an update on the next cold snap when I need the heat. Thanks
  7. man I shoulda drove 15 minutes south !
  8. I just tried to as well .... will try to learn that feature on a later date... going fishing now
  9. Thanks again Irishfield and also to Slowpoke.. I am heading out now and will let you know if I turned in to a poptart after hooking this deal up !
  10. now that is what I call service... thank you to both.... i will try to do this today and post my results.... hope i don't look like a poptart after I hook it up
  11. Thanks Irishfield.... Ia ppreciate the quick and simple answers
  12. That sounds very simple to do. Could I buy those plugs at CT or at princess auto then ?
  13. Did you attach them to the marine battery with alligator clips? Or is there an adapter that I can buy at CT to plug the seat in to and then to the marine battery ? AS you may guess, I am not very sound on electrical practices. Grout and tile I know a thing or two about. lol
  14. hmmmm??? mixed results so far. The seat heater can make my backside sweat on the coldest of days, with the regular heater on of course. I am just looking to keep the chill off with this pad is all, not looking for toasty warm BTW, they have the exact same on one on sale at Crappy Tire this week for $9.995 if you are getting older like me and like to warm your vehicle up for a few minutes and then sit on a warm seat.
  15. AS the trouts season is on for me now, I will be van camping in some cold nights. I will be using my sleeping bag that is rated for -20c along with a a foam pad to go under it. I also bring an old comforter just in case. I am wondering about using my old slip on car seat heater that I plug in to the cigarette lighter. It has two settings and works like a charm. I was thinking about putting it between the foam pad and the sleeping bag. I can plug it in to the rear plug accessories plug in my van as well. What I am wondering though is about draining the battery in the van down. It is only 30 days old and I know these are not meant for draining fully like a marine battery. So, should I re-wire the seat cover with two alligator clips and hook it up to my 12volt marine battery or should I just plug it in to the cigarette lighter and then boost the battery off the marine battery if need be? Thanks for the support. Splashhopper
  16. now that's persistence brother.... i hope to catch up with u on the weekend
  17. no need to post specific places.... a PM if you want to is appreciated though. Thanks mercman..
  18. Thanks for all the suggestions, now if the rain doesn't get too goofy where I am going I might have a chance trying a new technique or two.
  19. great pics... i really like the second pic
  20. wow that son of yours has red hair... reminds of me when I was kid Keep the reports coming.... Splashhopper
  21. I might be in Kingston the weekend of Nov 20th for a two day Taekwondo tournament with my daughter and wife. They both said I could go fishing if i want to! I have no clue of what to even fish for out that way. Any suggestions ? Thanks Splashhopper
  22. I joined here in March of 08. Pretty sure I was looking for info for summer fishing of some sort. I stay because my daughter and I have received a lot of great support and encouragement with our new found sport together.
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