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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. I am mainly a river fisherman to this point and have come across a situation where we were denied access to certain stretches of the Maitland river in Goderich. Specifically along the steel wall. This wall is about 15 feet above water level and abutts to a seasonal trailer park. The owner of the park next to it says we cannot fish on the wall as it is Private property. i was under the impression that if the River is a thoroughfare to Lake Huron the public MUST be given access to it. We are given access up river of the wall, but this owner says that stops at the steel wall. The "local" MNR rep does not seem to be able to give us a CLEAR CUT DEFINITION of this rule about this particular area. I have tried looking at the MNR site but they seem t ospeak some other language on it and i get off that site looking like this >> Any help is appreciated, and it doesn;t have to be specifically about this particular spot. Thanx splashhopper
  2. Thanks Sonny.. So i guess i gotta get over to the south shore on the Maitland when that damned cold wind is blowing from the North eh .
  3. ummmm.. my wife says: " honey why aren't you going fishing yet ? You were so much happier when u were fishing everyweekend last fall . I asked her if she wants to come fishing with my youngest daughter and i this spring and she said she would try it. So, we will give it a try. I hope she likes it and catches a fish. Kinda reminds me of the time i took her golfing with me on a pitch and putt course. She has a great natural swing and we were laughing our butts off... Then it started raining...and she REALLY STARTED laughing cause i promised to take her shopping as soon as we finished playing golf
  4. Hey CCM: I think i wil ltry to find u a old side view mirror that we had on the inside cover of the toilet seat at our plae when i was in college. It read; "objects in mirror are larger than they appear"
  5. Thanx CCM.. This newbie thinks the dropping barometer makes adifference as well. I had not really considered the wind other than which side of the river I was gonna fish on on.. ie North wind i would fish the North shore to reduce the amount of wind on ME . However, maybe i should be fishing the south shores if there is a north wind?? Any thoughts on the wind question? Splashhopper
  6. me too.... pressure goes up,, i get a headache..
  7. Hi all: Any Experience and Knowledge you al lcan offer this newbie on how barometric pressure affects fishing would be appreciated. Thanx Splashhopper
  8. update: the three of us headed out to the west end of Lake Ontario.. First spot... freezing cold and the water was dirty... stayed 3 hours... not even a hit.. Packed up headed to the next spot... One of our guys, Oltroll from here,, first cast... .. WHAMMO !!! 4lb brown trout ! Nice looking fish. Guys in boats trolling 20-3- yards in front of us getting fish... The next two hours we were fighting rocks and snags ! lol All in all.. .slow weekend for us fish wise... laughed our asses off all weekend and are likely gonna try again next weekend. Thanx again for the board...
  9. Well, i finally got out to try for some spring rainbows today with another member here , Oltroll, and another friend of mine. We fished the Bayfield River. We got to the river a little late.. met a couple guys there that already had couple of nice bows in the cooler and said some others were caught already this am.. We got skunked today, but had a good first trip together... nobody gave up ! lol I did have one on so i finally got to hear the bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of the reel this year! lol The three of us are gonna try again tomorrow on Lake Ontario tribs.. Thanx for the board.. it is a great network builder. Splashopper
  10. holey moley. u mean i might need all that stuff to catch a fish? do i buy it at Loblaws next to the fresh fish section?
  11. not sure if this was mentioned yet... Attach a fish finder / GPS unit ? A cradle holder for the baby? lol
  13. dang... that kayak fishing rig is looking even better to me now..
  14. NP JJ.... we will have another one of these and leave a few fish for you for that one!
  15. Yep.. AVG ffrom grisoft.com BEST i ever used too and does NOT bog the puter down.
  16. Windsor? i thought everyone got laid off and moved...
  17. that's great troll... I hope we catch a few too.
  18. Thanks JJ. Do u want to come along and be our guide too and show us where to get in to the river areas that you think might be best suited for shore fishing?
  19. I am getting in touch with a few guys up in Goderich to see if the river has blown yet. ( not likely though) We are looking to van pool and go the St Catherines / Niagara river next weekend for some shore fishing if anybody knows of some walk in entry points. splashhopper
  20. Hey all u Londoners, or former Londoners: Is there any interest in getting together and going fishing for a day some where for some Rainbows?
  21. maybe we can coordinate a day to go fishing soon?
  22. welcome aboard Tibbs. I too am new at this sport as of last fall. My fishing master, ergo my chat name, set me up with: a) Good quality spinning reel (gonna try the pin reel this year) 6 lb test main line with 4lb leader line c) various small spilt shots( no wings) d) size 10-12 good quality hooks e) 4-5 DIFFERENT coloured floats f) very tiny GOOD quality swivels g) two very small tackle containers h) chest waders ( two sizes larger than my actual foot size to accomodate extra socks in the COOOOLLD weather) i) feet warmer packs j) packet of tiny pink plastic worms k) knowledge of where to buy roe and worms until i could catch those myself too. lol l) a fishing license n) copy of MNR regs 0) a GOOD hat light for those early morning and late night walks to / from the river p) a lighter ( to get a fire started on those COOOOLLLLLDD) days He also had me get a few lures: LITTLE CLEO-3/8oz (one glow in the dark) and a couple of light spinners. You will need your CAMERA to activate the glow feature in the lure AND to provide us with a pic of your BIG smile when u land your first steelhead ! lol .................... He then took me out to his favourite places on the Maitland and Bayfield rivers and showed me the HUGE difference in line length from float to hook. My buddy also encouraged me to find as much info online like this. This place has been great so far and I just joined three weeks ago. I already had one guy find me from my city and we are going out next week to see if we can bag a few. Good luck on your new adventures. Splashhopper
  23. YEP.. i am a NEWCOMER ON THIS BOARD ALLRIGHT! i REPLIED TO THE WRONG POSTING! LOL better get a timmies quick!
  24. welcome aboard Tibbs. I too am new at this sport as of last fall. My fishing master, ergo my chat name, set me up with: a) Good quality spinning reel (gonna try the pin reel this year) 6 lb test main line with 4lb leader line c) various small spilt shots( no wings) d) size 10-12 good quality hooks e) 4-5 DIFFERENT coloured floats f) very tiny GOOD quality swivels g) two very small tackle containers h) chest waders ( two sizes larger than my actual foot size to accomodate extra socks in the COOOOLLD weather) i) feet warmer packs j) packet of tiny pink plastic worms k) knowledge of where to buy roe and worms until i could catch those myself too. lol l) a fishing license n) copy of MNR regs 0) a GOOD hat light for those early morning and late night walks to / from the river p) a lighter ( to get a fire started on those COOOOLLLLLDD) days He also had me get a few lures: LITTLE CLEO-3/8oz (one glow in the dark) and a couple of light spinners. You will need your CAMERA to activate the glow feature in the lure AND to provide us with a pic of your BIG smile when u land your first steelhead ! lol .................... He then took me out to his favourite places on the Maitland and Bayfield rivers and showed me the HUGE difference in line length from float to hook. My buddy also encouraged me to find as much info online like this. This place has been grrat so far and I just joined three weeks ago. I already had one guy find me from my city and we are going out next week to see if we can bag a few. Good luck on your new adventures. Splashhopper
  25. Welcome aboard from another Londoner and a new member too. Splashhopper
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