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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. i thought there is a FREE wireless zone from the lake up to Bloor street that Hydro put in place?
  2. hey randy... my buddies fish is bigger than your buddies fish! lol
  3. that was th first of five he caught that morning on the Maitland river
  4. ummmm... Lund guy.... if i drive over to your place, can i borrow YOUR arm to go fishing with? those are some BIG fish too.
  5. GREAT story Billie... how the heck did ya even stay warm in the -30c night?
  6. dang CCM... why di u have to go and do THAT!
  7. canuck2fan: I might already be in trouble then: 1: i already own two sets of reels and rods.. 2: i try to coordinate jobs on Fridays( or not) that end by noon. 3: My wife thinks i was a much happier guy while i was still fishing... she sees no change in me talking with my new fishing friends! 4: My daughters ask me what i am gonna do with the 5k worth of golf gear I own and i immediately start thinking, maybe i could trade soem of it for soem kind of fishing gear. 5: My youngest daughter notes i already have my fishing FOLDER on this laptop loaded with links. 6: I am talking about the last rainbow i caught, IN MY SLEEP ! 7: I have a new prayer already cooked up " please fishing gods, pleeeeeze let me at least get a hit today"
  8. ccm: that fish looks like some of the food I ate at my late mother-in-laws( Filipina lady) house on a sunday night. I thought it was only "caught" in the freezer section at the fish and seafood store in Scarborough.. I looked EXACTLY like you do in that pic when my brother in laws asked me "why" I wasn't eating the shrimp HEADS TOO! geesh
  9. Rich: It IS fun catching the bass.. We feed them the dew worms we find in the early morning dew as well. And sometimes, if we find a frog that got smoked by the grasscutting machines, we will feed the bass those too. What a blast to watch the bass cream a frog BEFORE it even hits the water!
  10. Glad u are ok too . But, you didn't mention how your fishing gear in the trunk was? You DO have gear in the trunk don't ya? lol
  11. ty for welcome guys.
  12. Big Cliff: Your tag line says >> There is a fine line between fishing and sitting in a boat and looking stupid!<< How am i gonna know when I am looking stupid? I already got a dumb chatname from my fishing buddies ! What's next? lol
  13. thanks Mike. appreciate it
  14. buy the water softener and also hire a maid on a weekly basis... then the warden won't know u are MIA !
  15. As has been noted by the other two new guys today, I also just joined this site and am very impressed by the forthcoming support. The comradery is refreshing and i love fearing all the "tall tales" with soem amazing pics to go with them too. I am a self employed contractor in London,ON specializing in grout and tile restoration. >> www.TheGroutDoctor.ca The fishing bug hit me real bad last summer when I caught a large mouth bass, ON MY HOME GOLF COURSE in Clinton. It was about 3.5 lbs and was released as well. The course owner lets members bring their kids to the big pon on a catch and release(with permission) basis. One of my golf buddies is also an avid fishermen and he got me started on the Maitland River last fall going for Rainbows. My chat name comes from him. More will be revealed, some day. I am a blessed guy to have a wife that ENCOURAGES me to golf and fish, so i don;t get so cranky in the fall! lol I have two beautiful daughters ( 10 year old is the 2007 Canadian Junior NATIONAL Black belt Taekwando champion and my18 yr old is in first yr University at Western) I am also graced to belong to a group of men and women that are "Friends of Bill W" for the past 17 yrs. Now, for the fishing bug, I have only caught small mouth bass and rainbows in the river and have caught some walleye on the lake(Huron and Erie) while out on charters over the past 10 years. So, my question for all is: Is this sport gonna be as addictive as golf has been for me, and how will iknow when i wil lneed to go to "fishermens anonymous" or some kind of treatment centre for fishing addicts? LOL Thanks for this site.. I watch it every night. Splashopper
  16. Hi anton..... i just joined here two weeks ago and am very impressed by the help and welcome i have already received... Maybe we should try to organize a newbie fishin day and get one of the OLD GUYS to take us out for the day? lol splashhopper... aka Ron in London,ON
  17. although this law makes sense to me, it is a LITTLE KNOWN LAW and as such can be challenged in court if yo uso choose to. This exact situation was brought up by a talk radio host(cjbk1290 am) here in London a couple of weeks ago and the ticket is being challenged. Ignorance of the law is not a defence, but when the law is not known by the general population in a reasonable manner, there is a chance that you may get a sympathetic judge and have it thrown out or the officer does not show up to defend the ticket and it will be tossed out. the money is big, but the points and the hit on your insurance will be even worse. Think about it and get some local legal advice on it.
  18. thanx, beats and headhunter. This board really is pro-active and it is great to know, I can get some suggestions when i post on it. Thanks for the help. splashopper
  19. Thanx kickingfrog.... now if we can get the MNR to put all that in plain language,, i may not lose my truck ! lol
  20. great story Irish. did u find out if the 'tenters" froze to the ice though? lol
  21. Beats... i stand corrected,,, it was PIKE they mentioned at Wildwood,,NOT pickerel. Interesting you mention Thamesville as I was wondering about one of the stretches along # 2 down there when i drove a guy there two weeks ago. My native buddie fishes in that area alot too. I have no issues driving up to 90 minutes for some quiet river fishing. Thanx
  22. headhunter: Thanks for the heads up on "the junk " in the river.. sure makes a case for NOT BUYING used tackle in the area now doesn't it.. I never would have thought some IDIOTS would even pull that kinda crap with all the awareness of polution etc.
  23. thanks for the heads up on Wildwood, Beats... i don't really wanna stand out on that shore anyway. I was just gonna post about the Sarnia /Wallaceberg area too. Any suggestions other than making sure I know where the "reserve" starts and finishes ? lol Thanx spalshopper
  24. i was wondering about the Kilworth area too.. Thanx. Right now, there is good flow down in the delaware area. But yes, I have been told the same thing about the "netting" Bull too. One of my friends is a native from Oneida and is ticked about that too. Thanx again splashopper
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