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Everything posted by moose

  1. if your going to bass pro today or cabellas do price check againgst sail or competitors bass pro bumped a lot of there prices 10 plus and sail actually drop prices till dec 31 ex bass pro bump aqua vu 5 revolution from 439 to 449 and sail was 449 know they have been 382.49 for same unit staff at bass pro acknowledge what had happened and said it was wrong there is a aqua vu on sale in flyer if you check regular price in fyler and check price on shelf they bumped 50$ and know on sale
  2. moose


    if I could wear at work I would wear all yr
  3. some cells are you can keep tabs on Temagami facebook page
  4. there is no power in the Temagami area
  5. wishin you were fishin on lake Temagami and has flyin trips to diamond lake which is great fishin rick lockhart
  6. we used to use tip up with spreader and minnows
  7. hey lew just fyi trucks in canada all have to have govenors and cant go any faster than 105 km an hr
  8. are you at the rapids to diamond lake in pics iam going to diamond saturday for a week
  9. I had a 2003 arctic 500 cc 4x4 atv I had tjd tracks for it cost Close to 4000$ I found every yr I was putting rear wheel bearing every yr I was told by dealer it's like putting your emergency brake on car and driving ,makes a lot of torque on rear end and bearing I just sold and bought new atv but wouldn't put tracks on
  10. i did mine on dec 6 at 5.30 in the morning no problem
  11. call wishin you were fishin on lake temagami rick and pauline laockhart will take care of you
  12. Call rick Lockhart at wishinyouwerefishin he does guiding and is good at it has boat and downriggers
  13. Call rick Lockhart at wishinyouwerefishin he does guiding and is good at it has boat and downriggers
  14. horseshoe valley area
  15. we pulled our taps yesterday after collectng over a 1000 litres of syrup tues to yest and the boil hac been none stop we boiled around 4500 litres and 100 plus litres of syrup
  16. Collected 230 litres of sap yesterday as trees started to run again
  17. Sap has been running non stop since Saturday night Running out of storage while boil go on Strapped battles to atv to collect sap In horseshoe valley area
  18. ----check out wishyouwerefishin on lake Temagami or his flyin trips to mosquito lake or diamond lake
  19. I just sold a limited edition 410 electric acoustic Mint shape Had lots of real low ballers from Toronto I received email from a guy from Timmins drove 7 hrs and didn't haggle with price Also had a guy from gander Newfoundland who wanted it but we needed someone to deliver to him
  20. yesterday a couple of us in our group received their moose draw tag in mail , called the mnr big game office to find out if we drew a bull tag , the lady their basically called me a liar and wanted me to take a pic and email her the pic , her statement is they are all in a mailing warehouse waited to stuff envelopes and will be put in mail on july 29 this maybe shows that the mnr has some serious problems they don't know when there sending info and the biologists who work don't have a clue on herd numbers
  21. Darren and Lakeland always get us in and out safe Darren is a great pilot and friend over the years the old web page from the diamond lake gang took it down a few years ago
  22. we are staying at an out post cabin with wishinyouwerefishin.com wishin you were fishin they have an outpost cabin in diamond lake and mosquito lake rick and Pauline lockhart awesome hosts been going there for 30 yrs
  23. had same problem with mine water in gas which clogs carbs . carbs need to be cleaned also my small engine guy says always use hightest gas and put a piece of t shirt over portable gas gan to keep dirt out of it. also at end of yr drain all gas and run dry two seasons know no problems at all
  24. 20 days till our annual flyin trip to diamond lake , temagami Ontario. cant wait . menu done shopping list made know have to go out and do the shopping for trip
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