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Everything posted by nancur373

  1. 12 Elan
  2. Good Idea. I appreciate it very much but after looking over these posts I think I have an old duffel bag in the basement. Another good idea. Thanks Folks, Curt
  3. Hey folks. I have a HT Polar Escape Magnum. The mice ate threw the material in spots. I believe the material is 500 denier. Where can I find material or patches to fix this? Biggest hole is about 4"x7". I live in Halton Hills and would like to find some local as I would like to use the hut this weekend. Thanks guys, Curt
  4. Go for it Chris. You were a great captain. I'm sure you'd do great running this.
  5. Will there be a tourney again this year? Is there a thread started yet for signup?
  6. k thanks guys. It warms up my 4x8 tarp pop up just fine. Just don't open the door too much lol
  7. I have one of these heaters that my friend wants to buy as I nor have a Buddy Heater. Anyone know what a fair price would be? It's in great shape. I just want to give him a good deal without giving it away. Thanks, Curt
  8. Winnipeg...the only place in the world that when the wind stops blowing, someone falls over.
  9. right or left hand and how much?
  10. Awesome commute. Couple of bad spots there if someone didn't know the lake eh?
  11. That would be like finding a burger that looks like the ones in the commercials.
  12. I've used it on the shower head, tea kettle, and run through the coffee maker. We have very hard water and it works great.
  13. Pooled my Christmas money together and went and bought this today.
  14. Got a Mr. Heater Hunting Buddy Duck Picker Mallard Drake call Some thermal socks and clothing also got enough money between people to buy a shotgun
  15. Couldn't find a pic anywhere but my first sled I bought myself was a 1986 Polaris LT 440. Fan cooled, extra long articulating track with the big storage rack. Found this picture but the LT was black and blue and longer obviously.
  16. I got a pole saw and chainsaw and ropes. we'll get her. more damage this morning
  17. A.K.A the short track Tundra. Those were great. Tippy but fun and easy to toss around. p.s. great Newfie stitching.
  18. My hot water was fine during about 30 hours of power outage. She's an old girl. 1989 gas fired.
  19. This was this morning. Way more damage now. Will get more pics in the daylight.
  20. Yeah I need to get the clutch done. Can't get over 72 mph. My buddy had one in high school that would do just over the 100 mph mark
  21. Read this post this morning and it inspired me to pull the old girl off the trailer. Been sitting for damned near 4 years. all the gas evaporated in the tank. Dropped some oil in the cylinders and pulled over a few times. Put in some fresh gas. Couldn't get the primer to pick up fuel. Frigged around for half an hour priming and pulling. Then it dawned on me.......fuel shut off valve.... Opened valve and primer picked up right away. First pull and she fired right up. Noticed a whole lot of smoke and oil around the exhaust manifold. seems 4 out of 8 bolts had rattled loose and 3 of the remaining 4 were loose. Guess the mechanic who rebuilt the engine 5 years ago didn't think to tighten them or use thread lock. So off to the hardware store for bolts, lock washers, brake kleen, gasket maker, thread lock, and some prestone to top up. Cleaned up all parts and put back together. Will fire it up tomorrow or sunday and give her a go. Now to find the ownership and get insurance and get on the ice.
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