Read this post this morning and it inspired me to pull the old girl off the trailer. Been sitting for damned near 4 years. all the gas evaporated in the tank. Dropped some oil in the cylinders and pulled over a few times. Put in some fresh gas. Couldn't get the primer to pick up fuel. Frigged around for half an hour priming and pulling. Then it dawned on me.......fuel shut off valve.... Opened valve and primer picked up right away. First pull and she fired right up. Noticed a whole lot of smoke and oil around the exhaust manifold. seems 4 out of 8 bolts had rattled loose and 3 of the remaining 4 were loose. Guess the mechanic who rebuilt the engine 5 years ago didn't think to tighten them or use thread lock. So off to the hardware store for bolts, lock washers, brake kleen, gasket maker, thread lock, and some prestone to top up. Cleaned up all parts and put back together. Will fire it up tomorrow or sunday and give her a go. Now to find the ownership and get insurance and get on the ice.