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Everything posted by nancur373

  1. Hey GCD. Is it easy to get a non-residence license there. Would you take me out fishing if I came down during the winter? What's the name of your town? Curt
  2. thanks man Curt
  3. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Curt
  4. Been my handle for years. Was my first email handle. nan - Nancy was my girlfriend at the time cur - My name is Curt 373 - Was my parents P.O. Box number when I was a kid
  5. Just from the picture she looks a lot taller than the fish is long. Curt
  6. Thinking of heading out to the BOG on Sat or Sun for a day. Pending on ice and weather of course. Anyone here frequently check ice conditions there? What baits or lures do you have the most success with there in winter. If anyone else is planning on heading out there I'll be the guy in blaze orange. Curt
  7. I work in the business for a municipality. We do only municipal repairs but we investigate every call. If I have one piece of solid advice I have to give, it is to not call any company with the word ROOTER in it. Seen way too many botched jobs and people been taken advantaged of. If you have a septic tank make sure the chemical is safe for it. You can rent longer snakes at Home Depot for cheaper than buying. If you can't get it cleared call a plumber who has done fair work for someone you know. Curt
  8. What is the name of the one you had for XP?
  9. I second this statement.
  10. My cousin in northern Labrador filmed that. It was his business partner. My cousin is rich now...lol.
  11. thanks guys. Jose, maybe we'll have to try to get out next weekend. Curt
  12. Raining like hell here. How's the BOG?
  13. Nice report. Some great camera work there while landing the fish. Only this I didn't like about it was the towing of the sled by the one ski. You should always put a small piece of tree or a stick through both ski handles and tie the rope to the center. Curt
  14. Congrats Rob. Better get her out on Lake O this summer. Curt
  15. Wow. And I thought my wife had me on a tight leash...All kidding aside it looks like a good job man and a good use for the space. Curt
  16. I saw that Mythbusters episode too...lol
  17. Hope you're not in too bad of shape today bud. Have a Merry Christmas. Curt
  18. That's cause they give you a Focus for a buck when you buy a F150...lol
  19. I second that coulvert pic. Curt
  20. Canyon/Colorado is a great truck. I have 2 cousins who own one. No problems yet. A very close friend of mine is a mechanic at a Chev dealership. He says don't buy a first year model. Still a few bugs even today. Newer ones he says have very low in-shop hours. Curt
  21. Must have missed tihs post. Nice fish.
  22. Anyone been ice fishing in this area yet?
  23. Hey everyone. My wife will be giving birth to our second son @ approx. Jan 19, 2009 @ Mt. Saini. The baby will be at Sick Kids for a week to Lord knows how long depending on if he needs surgery right away. He has some very serious heart problems. We were referred to the Ronald McDonald House by the staff at Sick Kids. We would like any advise or even just stories of the Ronald McDonald House and Sick Kids for that matter. Anything would be very much appriecated. Thnaks in advance, Curt and Yolanda McDonald
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