I have a small car and keep the snows on all year. They don't wear much as I only drive less than 10 K a year mostly around town. The snows give me better braking traction in wet conditions as it has drum brakes on the back that don't brake well even after having them serviced. I also have a van with a set of snows that are put on each winter for long distance driving and towing.
I only drive the 400 and 401 when there is no other way. The 401 is a bit less crazy on Sundays when I use it to visit my sister. I usually stay in the right lane at 100 to 110 km and let the speeders go by on the left.
I have a 25 Merc 2 stroke on my boat. Should I be using blue marine stabilizer in the gas or is red ok, what is the difference? It seems the blue stabilizer is only for marine engine gas and the red is for all other small engine gas, 2 and 4 stroke.
The only day I can visit my sister in Scarborough is Sunday using the 401. It moves but you have to keep your eye out for the crazy drivers. On the week days it is a constant stop wait and slow go across the city. I can't afford the 407, why did Harris give it away?
My 2 fishing buddies and I are looking for a Lodge for a week in September that has good walleye fishing within an 8hr drive from the GTA. The Lodge should have reasonably priced housekeeping cabins or cottages that have a BBQ on the deck. Any recommendations you could give us would be appreciated. Thanks
Putting a boat on a trailer in and out of a cargo trailer will be awkward. Then you have no camping comforts inside the cargo trailer. Also towing that big cargo trailer will be another problem. If you don't want another truck camper or small RV then get a good quality tent that does not leak in the rain.
There is a portage trail from Stormy lake to Bass lake that you can try. I have not been there for many years so can't say how good the fishing is today.
I went to the fishing show Friday. It was busy but not big show as in the past. Some big exhibitors like Mercury were missing. Found some deals on tackle but not great. I did met Bob Izumi after his talk.