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Everything posted by Radnine

  1. I'm with Leechman. They are still biting tubes (anything crayfish coloured) and Senko type YUM Dingers (watermelon with a chartreuse tip work for me). I glad of it cause I invested heavily in them last year, and it is the easiest fishing since Solopadler caught walleye up north on the key to his hotel room. Jim
  2. What a great trip eh? At the end of it all memories are all you have and you've got some good ones there. Thanks for the post. Jim
  3. I use the little Berkley pencil size one (the one with the vise at one end and the file at the other). It seems to work well. Jim
  4. Is this a great country or what? Jim
  5. I'm a Ticat fan too. Oskee-bloody-weewee. Now where was that lake you flew in to? Jim
  6. Hey Congratulations!! How 'bout I take you fishing Thursday morning on Erie (the weather report looks good for now) for your anniversary, won't cost a penny. PM me if you want to go. Jim
  7. Congratulations on a trip that many of us can only dream about. Nothing short of inspirational. Jim
  8. This is an interesting take Raf, but I don't want legislation to make me feel safe, I take care of that by wearing my PFD. The argument has become about legislation in general. And saying that all legislation is bad is painting with a very wide brush. So is assuming that everyone has common sense, because common sense would tell you to have your life jacket on all the time. I mentioned it earlier and will bring it up again, I don't think it is that much of a stretch to see the insurance companies being the ones to drive through some sort of ruling; Drown while wearing a PFD, Pay - Drown without one, not so much. Jim
  9. Amen to this post. Common sense also should have dictated that people wouldn't light up in an elevator or over a salad bar or in a car or office with others, but it didn't. The only thing common about sense is that people don't use it, so laws have to. Jim
  10. Your analogy is an interesting one, but people don't jump out of aeroplanes without a parachute in the name of self preservation. Why would they not wear a life jacket for the same reason? The reason of course is you have a 100% chance of dying without a parachute and a considerably more favourable chance of surviving a spill without a PFD. Jim
  11. Nice job! And having a girlfriend that will fish with you will make things a lot easier in the future. Thanks for the report. Jim
  12. I think the problem is that the bass don't read the text book. We casted our behinds of in water that looked the same last week and came up with nothing. Jim
  13. I bought an auto-inflatable at the boat show in the winter ($160 for a mustang auto = sweet deal) and wear it all of the time now. It has become as natural as putting on a hat (can't fish without a hat). The gov't perhaps should not mandate it, but if I owned an insurance company I might think about adding a stipulation about it. I would have to think that most drowning deaths could have been avoided with a PFD. Jim
  14. We just returned from a week on Big Doe near Burke's Falls. I rent a cottage there and spent the time with my son and nephew. We also had another nephew come up later in the week. The fishing over all was a little hit and miss. There was all sorts of weather issues and I think the fish didn't know whether to eat or wind their watches. We just never really got into them but there were always enough to keep you interested. Any who, here are some photos: Nephew Jake with a nice little bass Me with a couple of bass. All bass by the way, were caught on Texas rigged YUM Dingers. Here is Jake with a beaut of a walleye (around 4 lbs) She went back to make more babies. This is Jake holding one of Will's walleye. It would have been an eater, but Will had already named it so it had to go back. Me with some walleye. The fish aren't small, I just have huge hands The walleyes were caught on worms, minnows, and grubs ( Gulp chartreuse/silver jig). It is hard to say which produced the most but I would give a slight edge to minnows. And finally, Nephew Dustin with a nice Smallie. Note the clothing. It was one of those weeks, when the sun went behind a cloud you went from tee shirt to hoodie. All in all a great week of hanging about. It is also great to see my son and nephew as they become more proficient at the sport. Jake only fishes one or twice a year (when with me) but is keen and picks things up really quickly. Will still diddles about loads, but is all business when landing a fish and is hell at netting. As the dad/uncle, most of my time is spent sorting out snags (both in and out of the boat) and baiting hooks, but I wouldn't change a thing. Jim
  15. Huh? Sorry but this makes no sense to me. I have never (granted I've not been in the game long) had anyone ever mention charts. In fact, I have been a bit surprised by the lack of good charts that are available locally, since I figured they would be a good seller. Jim
  16. God that's hilarious. How did you find that? Jim
  17. Congrats man!! What an outing. Yes, the guy in the other boat was a tool. Jim
  18. I know that this is the last thing that you want to hear Pure, but owning a car is one expense after another. If renting a car dolly or paying to have it towed is not an option, what are you going to fill the tank with (and no, lurking smart patooties, 'gas" is not the answer!), or pay insurance with, or get it repaired with, etc. etc.? Jim
  19. Will was six when we got the boat and probably five when he caught his first fish in his Uncle Fred's boat (on the life changing trip that got us both into fishing), he is seven now. I think I have posted all of the pictures before, but he is into it in a big way now and I couldn't be happier about it. I think it is important to keep in mind that when he says he's had enough, it is time to go in. Jim
  20. Great pictures, thanks for sharing them! Jim
  21. Great report! I am wondering though what kind of software would be coming out of Beirut? Jim
  22. Even having had my first muskie grabs this summer, I can't imagine what it must be like to actually hook and land one of those monsters. Wow! Is all I can say. Jim
  23. Not sure how this link will work but we stayed here a couple of times. Steve and Lisa run a fantastic little camp. It is just on Front Street in Bobcaygeon, right next to the marina. You are going to have difficulties finding a place for such a small amount of time (anywhere) but I suppose if someone had an opening, especially last minute, they would rather have a couple days rent money rather than none. Good luck! Jim http://www.watersedgecottages.ca/webdev/
  24. A conservation licence....A CONSERVATION LICENCE!!? How does a guy with a cottage on the lake with more fish per acre than any other lake in Ontario survive on a conservation licence? Glad the new motor works well. Hey Diggs, have you tried the hollow body swim baits? I tried them at Cameron and immediately thought that they would be good for Rice (when rigged weedless). Jim
  25. Hi Pete and welcome! My son had rod-in-hand on his ultra-sound (and he's not put it down since). Enjoy your time here. Jim
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