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Everything posted by Radnine

  1. Oh sorry, I thought you were holding the minnows in your pictures Come further west where we keep the good ones. Jim
  2. Don't forget to use the services of your local MP (or the one for the area in question). That is what they are there for. Jim
  3. Alright get the locks out mods cause this one is going to go bad about now. I admittedly don't know a thing about float fishing, but it sounds like it uses a disproportionate amount of water (you throw the line out and it floats down stream through the desired strike zone then you pull it in and do it again. Am I close?). So it requires a coordinated effort to have it work for everybody involved. But if buddy drives in from Upper Suburbia and wants to cast his Five-of-Diamonds out there 'cause that is how he thinks he can catch fish, he can't because the float types have staked a large claim in the river. I realize that the original post was not about float fishing, but is the whole thing not about just how much of the river do you own at that moment? I think that with so many people and so few spots, conflict is inevitable. Jim
  4. Patience eh? You have to wait before setting the hook. How did you train yourself not to yank it too early? Jim
  5. I kind of have a bit of a dream of having a smallish class "C" (that's the one with the cab-over bunk and built on a van chassis) motor home. The idea being Will and I could tow the boat up to a lake and fish all day then snooze for the night then fish in the morning, pull the boat out and head home. Before I look into it too much farther I have a couple of questions: Does anyone have any experience with them? Would camping for the night at some boat ramps be allowed? Do I have a prayer of launching a boat behind one of these? Does anyone do this sort of thing now? Where is a good place to look for one of these units? Thanks! Jim
  6. Float fishing has been officially recognized as not....like, real fishing. So the site has been blowed up eh. Jim
  7. It's funny that you bring this up Albert ,my wife is in the process of spending my son's inheritance on a newly diabetic cat as we speak. It is essentially paying to stave off inevitable emotional turmoil. You can't talk them out of it though. Jim
  8. Diabetes perhaps? Is he walking strangely because his sugar is low? Jim
  9. Sounds like you brought that girl up right Albert. I am sure your father will be well remembered at her wedding. And by the looks of your father's write up you have lots of people to share his great memories with. Best wishes, tight lines, and warm thoughts. Jim
  10. That's clever thinking right there. Jim
  11. This might seem like sacrilege but has anyone checked out the Canadian Tire on Upper James in Hamilton? They have things there that I can't find in fishing speciality shops. An example being the a certain type of Northland jig head that my local can't seem to find and BPS never seems to have. At CT they have them in three different weights! I love the little guys, but sometimes have hard time doing without in the name of patronizing them. Jim
  12. I am not sure where you live, but if you are near Hamilton you might try popping by the HMCS Haida. They could have rooms full of them and might lend one out. They are fantastic people down there, real enthusiasts that could perhaps get into your project. Short of them are there any other marine museums you can think of (there is a fishing museum in Port Dover)? Good Luck! Jim
  13. Congratulations!! They must make a helluva boat that Starcraft. I see more mature Starcrafts for sale around than anything else (anecdotally, no data on that). Looks like a great platform. Jim
  14. Thank you John, for restoring my faith in mankind. I wonder if fees like this aren't another by-product of a lack of funding these days, another form of user fee. I don't want to start another rant and I am not sure, but I wonder if in the good old days in the land of milk and honey this sort of fee would not have been applicable. Jim
  15. I second what Danbo said. LeBaron is an excellent place to buy tackle. Fantastic prices and the whole process is pretty slick. If there is a problem it is the website which is essentially a PDF catalogue that you look through. It is not nearly as user friendly or packed with helpful stuff as Cabelas or BPS, but it is Canadian and in the end works very well. Jim
  16. Holy doodle man, talk about going off half cocked. What follows is an excerpt from an email that I received after talking with my excellent dealer, about a week or so ago. This is an example of excellent service by the way, from a great dealer and a great boat company. "I talked with Bruce Anderson, Crestliner warranty manager this morning about your questions regarding the flotation recall. On the 1600 Fish Hawk, the extra foam occupies the bottom 3" of your port rod locker. The new foam block is hidden below a false floor. Some of the space in your stern port and starboard battery storage compartments is also used for additional flotation. Bruce says that the loss of storage in these areas is quite minimal. There will be a affidavit available for you to sign off allowing you to "opt out" of this recall if you choose to. We have a 2009 1600 Super Hawk in stock. We have ordered the foam kit for this boat. I would expect that we will be doing this job in about a month. I will let you know and/or take some pictures. If you aren't in a hurry about this, why not wait until the off season? I expect that we will have completed some of these refits on 1600 Fish Hawks by then and will have better answers to your concerns." Jim
  17. Try not to shoot the messenger. Like most by-laws (or laws in general) is was probably put there for a good reason (like keeping your idiot neighbour from paving his whole lawn and filling it with the cars that he has put in the demolition derby for the past 10 years). If you've got a legal out then good on you. I should also think that you should not have to incur any cost to defend your driveway. Good luck. Jim
  18. I use mostly the ones that YUM makes. In any colour that emulates a crayfish or minnow (crayfish mostly) so that is your greens/browns or watermelon. I also recently bought a "bleeding tube" from Strike King and liked it. Jim
  19. You use a five of diamonds for smallies? (really?) Is this deception at its best? I wouldn't have thought of even trying a spoon for bass. Jim
  20. Wow what a fish. Nice to see that you are wearing your PFD at all times as well!! The fishing gods know, that's why they send you the big bass. Nice job. Jim
  21. Talk about a detailed report!! Nice job. Get yourself one of these hat lights. They are priceless at night. Jim PS. This is me holding a 7 pounder. Just kidding. I don't think yours was quite 5, but it was a beaut!
  22. I just found this article Wendel. I think it covers it for the most part. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...1&langId=-1 Jim (hope I am not breaking any copy right, spam, or board rules)
  23. I like both of these responses. I have caught them both ways mentioned above. It is also fun to anchor off a rock point and cast onto shore then pull it in and do the cray fish thing. Watch how a tube reacts when you twitch it different ways and you will quickly see why they are so effective. You've got it rigged correctly, yes? Tube jig hooks are specific and need to be rigged by putting the weighted end of the hook (weight at the eye) into the body of the tube, then popping the eye of the tube through the body, then tied on. The hook comes around through the skirt and back toward the head of the jig. (lots of video on the net). Jacques is correct about the structure and the covering of water. If there is no drift, use the electric to slowly cover water. It has to work, there is bugger all to stop it. Jim
  24. The perch are gorgeous, the smallie, not so much. Great report! Jim
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