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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. lol we have a phantom shoe thief around here i guess.....lol
  2. Thankyou ccmt and rich lol @ you yu never left them at that house u wally you said u left them here when you stole steves boots the day we went out on the boat. Mind you i aint seen em not in the van either.......You sure you did not put em in erics truck?
  3. lol u aint kiddin ccmt...one of my sons was actually working at that time he works for a landscapeing company here and was out clearing snow and thats how the cop found out where i had moved too.....I was just releived my boy's were okay and no one was hurt.
  4. Man it's hard to say no to a puppy hehe! You'll be wishing you had though in six months time....lol She is adorable......
  5. Well at 3.00am this morning i was woke up my by dog princess barking like a crazy dog....... Walk down stairs look to see what looks like a person standing on my doorstep with a flashlight........Open the door and its a cop......Well let me tell you I have two older boy's who are now out on their own i think i about had a heart attack right their because i for sure thought something had happened to one of them for a cop to be knocking on my door at 3.00am......As it happens my old house was on fire and they were trying to find the name of the new owner which is why they woke me up...While the cop was here local she said the fire crew were their making sure no one was in the house. I had no idea at what extent this fire was......I was kinda schocked actually HAD alot of fun and good memories in that house......Well anyway 20 minutes go by finally find the womans full name on some of my paper work and she leaves.......Myself and my youngest decided to take a drive down and see what was happening.....Man i don't know what it is about the last few day's but man has it ever been a crazy four day's.....WHAT NEXT?......LOL..... Only stayed for about 10 minutes i could not see any flames but there was alot of smoke coming out the top of the roof when we 1st got there. It looked to be coming from the attic but not sure.....Anyway no one was home the house was empty thankgoodness. Here is the short clip....... http://www.zippyvideos.com/914630836637481...497/*amolicious
  6. Rich u can come shovel my drive way if you like......lol & Carp i hear ya about the winds i am the same way....Our high today is -16 with the wind chill.......Bring on spring allready thats what i say.
  7. Yup the weather has for sure played a big factor in the lesser amounts of fishing reports but i doubt it will be for long...... &^ did i hear someone say PERCH? MMMMmmm
  8. Just curious if anyone has ever brought a boat from ebay? If you have what was your experience? I have been browseing ebay the last week at boats looking to see whats on there and for what price. I noticed alot are south . Not sure what all the paper work would entail.....But is it really worth while to try and buy a boat from the states as aspose to here in canada? I am looking at getting a bigger boat in the spring.....Nothing to huge as i just sold my larger boat last spring. Right now i have a 14ft tinny but it is narrow and does not have a deep hull..But i still love her to peieces........ What!!!....I would really like to find is something around the 14 - 16 ft range but with a much deeper hull.........& all geared up for fishing. Not looking for a crusier boat i want a fishing boat!
  9. Well from feeling like early summer a week ago to a crazy wild storm three days ago and i got to come home to this from work tonight......... Snow snow snow and my poor baby sat covered in snow.....
  10. Well i finally managed to find the time to get the last video done, Had to edit it into two parts as it was to large to download in one. aM STILL HAVIN PROBS WITH ONE PART. Will try and work on it later in the week when i have more time,Sorry about that boy's & grl's. My appoligise on the sound yet again but the wind was so strong that night thats all you can basically here. On the last part of this video i was allmost blown away by the wind....lol http://www.zippyvideos.com/3954881296373146/storm_part_3/ amolicious
  11. We do not call them arbour dogs in dover Atleast not us locals.......We like to call them death missiles.... & yes not only is dover growing to fast for my likeing, The main street alone looks totally different than it did just 18 months ago...Alot of changes have been mad. But i will admit i do love the new look of the arbour & the palm trees that were added to the beach this yr...That was a really nice touch.
  12. LOL Sorry not posted the second part yet. File is way way to big so i am going to have to put it togeather in two parts and add them seperate which i will do tonight after work. & Perch There is allways perch at my house.
  13. LOL Carp No demand for ark builder's thank goodness. I imagine the emergency crews were crazy busy though. I had a cop car sat in my drive way plus two hydro trucks and a few other trucks which were the guys waiting to start removing the tree. And they were their till around 5-6am the next morning.... XWRAP CCMT Thankyou, Glad you enjoyed the video but i hardely find my self worthy of a CNN Reporter. Cookslave i have seen a few storms over the last four yrs here in dover but nothing compared to friday night.......The wind was so strong could hardly stand and when trying to talk, the wind would just take ur breath away. I am downloading the second lot of video footage i took friday night....So hope to get it posted before i retire for the night.
  14. Yes it was amazing DSN......But we made sure to stay away from any drop offs...I know dover well......My son wanted to take a walk up to the light house on the pier....lol...Now that would have been stupid and crazy.....considering it was covered in water.
  15. spiel that is another awesome photograph. They really do make a big difference. Being able to sit out on the patio having a drink or something to eat here in dover over looking the lake and to boot palm trees in the scenery too..... Lunker not quiet sure what u mean by ur post? not that most residents of dover care all that much about them right now... You mean the floods last night? The palm trees have been removed now till late spring.
  16. LOL YOU aint kiddin....lol
  17. Yup we were with out power last night too and this morning. Heard chain saws going most of the night clearing the tree. I was in Europe when that big freezing storm hit here in 98 but it was all over the news their. Glad to hear no one was hurt with the tree fall.
  18. lol No he has only lived in dover all his life......lol So who knows...... All i know is it was freaking crazy....... I am imagining that downtown is quiet a mess this morning....Their was debris and all kinds of crap down their last night..... A couple told me they saw a whole tree floating in the channel down by the lift bridge last night. I never thought to go over to the marina side to see what it was doing over their.....I wish i had....
  19. Funny a local i saw at timmies said he has not seen anything like that down their for about 15 yrs not that extreme he said... Which i think would of made you what five yrs old rich? Did anyone recognise the Arbour on the last clip?
  20. Good morning everyone. Well what a night last night WOW! Not long after i had posted the video we lost power on our street. As i said a huge tree had fallen a few doors down and taken down some power lines down right out front of my house. My drive way was all blocked off with trucks and more trucks lol.........So was with out power till late ,late hrs of this morning. Last night was just totally wild......lol...... Rick i am sure it does......But its been a long time since dover has seen anything like last night. We have had the lake swell waves coming up over the pier. But last night the water was up past the peir downtown flooded and for a while it looked like some of them big boats were gonna be sailing down george street.....lol...... That really did scare me actually see them boats sitting up as high as the road. When myself and my son got back down their we had all on trying to stand in one place with out getting blown away.....lol..... I do have more video footage coming. I did get back down there and i got myself better attired.....lol.... Gotta love mother nature she is pretty bloody amazing. Tracker.....I have been asked that before and no i have not. I just want my own tv fishing show. lol LOL whooper at the hustle.....Gotta love the 70's & 80's My 17 yr old was not to impressed i was playing that while he was in the van with me......lol.... Green i went down there with sandles on my feet .....I was talking to my other boy on the internet who lives over by the marina and he was telling me that downtown was flooded.....Well as soon as he told me that i grabbed my cam my youngest wanted to come with me and we left. A hat was the last thing on my mind......lol
  21. Well its hard to believe that the last few days have been in the double digits as far as temps and here we are this evening getting hammered by high winds in dover. The lake is absolutley crazy right now the beach has gone and is covered in water as is most of down town...People. are down their in the store's shoveling water out of the stores and restaraunts.Myself and my youngest son took a trip down and took this video for you all to watch.....Am heading back down there again to get some more video footage just need to get better dressed....lol The pier has totally dissapeared and is covered by water and the boats are allmost up on the pier which i have to say scared the bejeebers out of me....Anyway check out the vid and stay tuned because their is more to come. My adrenilin is like crazy right now this stuff is so crazy especially for here in port dover....lol...... http://www.zippyvideos.com/183497020635982...006/*amolicious
  22. well its been cray weather here since last night. I just got home from work and their is a huge tree and i mean huge right across the whole street a few doors down from me...Thankgawd the bloody thing never fell as i was coming home from work...Man what a scarey thought. We got power lines down all over the road and i have broken oranaments all over the front porch from the winds....
  23. Would look alot better in mine though,,,,,,,My family roon is all done out in fishing decor and i have just the place for that print.....
  24. I was going to say the exact same thing. lol
  25. Well i do not know much about hunting deer at all...Infact i know sweet....F.A when it comes to deer hunting to be totally honest... Would like to give it a shot one time..No pun intended..... But glad to hear u boy's had a good time and congrats to the 18 yr old on the buck.
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