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Everything posted by richyb

  1. Any broadhead, expandible or fixed , cheap or expensive will do a great job with a well placed shot . I have some expandibles but dont have the confidence that they will open perfect every time so i shoot fixed blade for now .. So instead of me bragging up a specific type of head i practice making good shots. Heck the first deer i got with the bow was with the cheapest head available, I think it was 12 bucks for a pack of 3 at walmart .. so basically dont get caught up in the hype over a certain brand of head because they all work with a good shot..
  2. coyotes ,,,, coydogs ,,,, same thing 90% are coydogs and they are covered under your small game license so blast away .. when you said a pack of wild dogs i was thinking a german sheppard ,,, a pitbull ,,, and a jack russel haha g/l with the deer .. when i was setting up a ground blind yesterday i seen 2 does at noon in a field .. they are travelling all day now looking for food wit hthe dirty weather ..
  3. where abouts are you hunting ? I was out in oro tonight and seen 5 deer ... there have been alot of coyotes around the area .. are you sure it wasnt a pack of coyotes? well actually coydogs because of all the coyote / dog breeding.
  4. would 1300 pounds be a decent guess?
  5. was it with a rifle ? id love to get a moose with my bow ..
  6. I use a 30-06 and i have seen plenty of moose fall to a 308 .. I read somewhere that there as been more moose shot with a 30-30 than any other caliber.... Its all about shot placement.
  7. I always use one while ice fishing .. quick to change hooks and also you dont get the mssive line twist you would get from jigging a spoon tied direct.
  8. I got out lastnight and seen a squirrel too !!!! Yesterday morning one of my buddies seen the biggest deer he has ever seen out of one of my stands so we are hoping to arrow that bad boy... I just got in from setting up a ground blind that im hoping to sit in tomorow night if this darn head cold decides to leave me alone .
  9. WOW great muskie .. its easily double the size of my best !!!!! I can only dream of getting one that size congrats on the fish .
  10. http://www.bassresource.com/bassfishing/fishcalculator.html this says over 6
  11. Nice bow .... i picked up my new Bowtech 101st airborne last weekend .... i also got a drop away rest for it but i cant get the stupid thing to get out of the way fast enough and my fletchings are hitting the rest bad .... maybe its a faulty rest so im gettin it replaced ...
  12. PIKE !!! thats my number 1 pick ... then perch,,,walleye,,,crappie,,, I like fresh whitefish and lakers but i find it too fishy tasting after its been frozen
  13. I mainly use my med heavy casting rod for crankbaits,jerkbaits,topwater,heavy cover,spinnerbaits,, then i use my spinning rods for the soft plastics ... and i use that same spinning rod for having fun with a worm and bobber ( maybe a few bubblies are involved off the dock the odd time ) ... The only time i use my med casting rod is when theres no chance of any big fish and defnitly no muskie .
  14. I have an ul spinning ,,,, 2 med spinning ,,, med heavy spinning ,,,,, med baitcasting ,, med heavy baitcasting,,, I have looked at so many more ,.... and today I almost got another but figured the downpayment on my house was a better option haha .. Normally in the boat ill always have 2 rods ... a casting and a spinning, action depending on the fish that i might get ahold of .. My rod stand does have a few extra spots open tho .... maybe a house warming present?
  15. Here is a site with different knots used while fishing ... http://www.animatedknots.com/indexfishing.php I like the palomar knot.
  16. Oh man and i was thinking of having pancakes thismorning ... Im pretty sure that guy resembles one pretty good !@!!!
  17. The best i know is Jeff Brain on hwy 11 just south of orillia... Ive got a deer head done by him and ive seen his fish mounts.. I know that he has won alot of awards for his mounts.
  18. Now if i could only get her to take the hook out herself or touch the fish lol
  19. So i decied to take my g/f out on the boat fishing for her first time since she got her first fish off the dock a few weeks back. I rigged her up with an old rod and a push button reel I bought for her ( she didnt like using my spinning reel a few weeks back) So off we went, dad, my g/f and I to see what we could get ahold of ... I put on a downsized spinner for her to use and told her to reel like crazy to keep it up out of the weeds ... Next thing I know shes screaming IM STUCK !!! I looked over to see her rod jolting with a fish on the other end so with some words of encouragement she pulled in this nice bass, her first fish from a boat and definitly alot bigger than her tiny perch off the dock... I landed this pike soon after .. I managed to get 2 pike , Dad got the big SKUNK and samantha was the grand champ with 3 yep 3!!!! bass.. man she wont let me live that one down !
  20. Nice report ... i was also out on sat ... we must be at different ends of the lake because i never seen the pontoon boat .. My g/f got her first fish casting and it was also a bass .. we got a few pike but it was a pretty slow day for us.
  21. I know the dates i need to know and i also have high speed internet so i cant get what ever reg i want within seconds ..... I havent bought "BAIT" to fish with since i was 10 catching perch ( if i want worms i can get them myself ) .... i see nothing wrong with people asking for regs on this site. Its not lazyness, its just closer to ask on here than drive and get some regs... If i can get an answer within 5 mins id rather do that than drive 15 mins to get a copy of the regs. you people need to lighten up and help people out ... Theres also books on how to catch pike but people still ask the questions on here and nobody freaks out saying they should go buy a book... a question is a question and there is always another resource than this site to find the answer ..... Thats what makes this site great is that you can ask people that you see posts from every day some info just like you were talking to a good friend...
  22. Oh man that must have been quite the rush for her .... congrats on the great outing ..
  23. Some people ( myself included) dont have a copy of the newest regs ... The regulations site may take forever for some people with dial up to get opened ... Anyone knows that if you post a question on here its going to get answered right away... So instead of wasting precious gas to drive and get the regs maybe the questions are asked on here ?
  24. Ill take forest by submission .,.... Rampage is a machine but i have a feeling about forest on this one !
  25. Hey ... I havent had much luck in the bay itself ... I have got lots of nice smallmouth along the shore from the mouth of the bay to the 12th line. If you go around the point in the bay from there to orillia is always decent for bass also .. I havent fished lakers or whities in that area durring the summer tho so i cant help with that ... Good luck
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