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Everything posted by richyb

  1. OH BOY HERE WE GO AGAIN !!!! ... personaly i wouldnt buy a jitterbug when theres so many options out there like the skitter pop . chug bug ,,, or other top water lures that in my opinion work better . I think the jitterbug will catch fish but its outdated and i think there are better options.
  2. Oh so Pretty !!! who knew those lures would be models for a photo shoot " WORK IT WORK IT !!!!!!!!! " Nice looking collection going on there..... One thing i could suggest is a getting some spinner baits wih the loop to tie to like your big guy at the bottom ... When fishing for pike and I have a leader on I always find that with those open loop ones my leader runs up the shaft 1/2 of the time and its a waste of a cast . SO now that you have a good collection of lures ,, whats your rod collection like?
  3. Thats a nice collection you have got started .... What does the rest of your riggin look like ? might be time to start workin on a spinnerbait collection if you havent got a huge one already ... every bass fisherman needs like 100 right? ( hoping the g/f reads this so she will let me buy more ) haha
  4. cajun 3 nights ago .... italian lastnight ... for my back up plan if i run out i go to the flour and seasoning salt mixture ... or dads old mixture of dip in egg and then into crushed crackers ....
  5. Hey nice lures . I got a couple x raps yesterday ... i chose the ones without the sure set hook.. to me it looks more like a snagger haha also i bet they catch the weeds alot more ... I also got the same worm hooks ... great minds think alike !!!!!!
  6. I have to admit i was very impressed by Frank Mir .. Man did he look fast for a HW ... I hope hes fast enough for lesnar !!!!!
  7. I have found most of the people in there dont know anything about hunting or fishing ... I asked for some 3 1/2 inch turkey loads in a number 4 and i was asked if i wanted steel . Then was handed a box of number 4 reg lead sporting load. and then they started looking at the buckshot trying to find it ... Most times i go in they are out of stock on anything im looking for. Last fall went in looking for 308 shells in 180 grain .. ( likely most common rifle ammo in the world) and they said oh no we have been out for a while.. my question is why not load up with lots of them since they know they are going to sell ? I like place just because i feel like a kid in a candy store and always manage to spend a few bucks but i dont make the trip very often !!!!
  8. if you know how to use a knife at all a 3 pounder has plenty of meat ... but i have been known to fillet a shinner minnow !!!! and to the people who say pike are too hard to clean .... they are pretty much the same as every fish i have ever done
  9. well i sucked the hind end tonight !!!!!! i think i only picked 3 fights right... lost 9 bucks but got my drink on ..... so not a bad night .. so now im sippin on a nice strong rye watching some hunting shows on wild tv .... man i thought griffin was doin good untill he doesnt remember getting hurt but he remembers waking up !!!!!!!!
  11. good luck with the deer in the am !!!! have you seen many this year ? i was on a bit of a streak 10 days and seen 21 deer... the 21st sure does taste good
  12. yeah i know i know kongo is a machine ... but i just dont like the guy .. he seems too stiff like a robot and he seems lost on the ground .... Only time ive seen al turk is for the weigh ins and hes a short stocky guy... likely knock kongo out with a flying uppercut because thats theonly way hes gonna reach kongos face.
  13. BOY OH BOY is this going to be a fun one ... First off is a bit of a fish fry ... Then my 2 favourite hockey teams are going to do battle in the Habs vs Pens game ..... Then later on is the MAIN EVENT... UFC 92.... My predictions are .... Griffin vs Evans ------ GRIFFIN Nogueira Vs Mir ------ Nogueira Jackson vs silva ----- silva by a big a$$ knockout Dalloway vs Massenzio ----- WHO CARES Kongo vs Al turk ----- Al turk Okami vs Lister ---- Okami ( this should be on the main card what were they thinking? ) Hardonk vs Wessel ----- Hardonk Hamill vs Andy ----- Hamill Chonan vs Blackburn --- Chonan Evensen vs Barry ----- Evensen Should be a great night and some wicked fights....
  14. yep they seem to suck just enough to miss the playoffs but not enough to get a great draft pick ... Im also a habs fan but i can atleast cheer for the leafs to make the playoffs one year !!!! I like the new leafs team , they look faster and playing with tons of heart. I cant wait for the game tongiht HABS vs PENS my 2 fav teams
  15. today i picked up my 2 first x raps in colour olive green and hot steel.... figured after hearing everyone talk so much about them id get a couple.
  16. You have to get tanning formula and tan the hide... borax just keeps the bugs off and dries it a bit faster but is not needed. First you have to scrape all the fat off then soak it over night in salt water .. Then apply the tanning formula and let it dry. depends on what animal you are tanning for how long it takes to dry... a muskrat will take maybe 2 days while a beaver ,,,, raccoon ,,,, maybe a deer or bear will take 4 days or more.. once it is dried you have to " break" the fibers in the hide so that it is soft ( if you are wanting a soft floppy hide) for that you take a 90 deg edge of a table and get to work pulling the hide back and forth ( skin to the table) feel free to pm me if you have anymore questions near the end of this video is what i mean by " breaking the hide" heres a link to the tanning formula http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...d=0180101070502
  17. With the jerkshads i like using a big worm hook and just rig them weightless ,,, texas rig style but no weight... slowley swim them just under the surface and wait for the explosion!!!!
  18. i like the ripplin redfin. a white one with a pink line down the side always manages to find its way onto my rod by the end of a day on the water
  19. Those jerk shads will be deadly on the bass.
  20. Heres my attempt
  21. If you dont plan on cutting many holes the hand auger is the way to go ... ... I have seen lots of lakers in the 15-20 pound mark come through an 8 inch auger hole . as long as the head can come through, the body will follow with a nice big SLURP ! Hey bassasin you must be a machine or else my new power auger blows because i think it would take longer than 45 seconds to go through 3 feet of ice ..
  22. The low end jiffy 2hp has 49cc http://www.bobbershopfishing.com/ice_auger...elightning.html
  23. Is it just me or is it a trend with all seelhead fishermen that they take the pic at the head lookin down its body Either laying on the ground or the angler holding its face in the camera? .. Im not trying to start anything by this , i think its a cool shot but it seems only steelhead i see like that ..
  24. not a monster but the only decent pic of this ugly mug!
  25. do they work for lakers and whities on simcoe ?
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