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Everything posted by Fishnwire

  1. The marina and lodge are owned by two different families, so what you pay to Art and Brenda at the Bear's Den (which I know is quite a bit) does not go to the marina. The marina makes most of its money by launching boats and charging for parking. My oldest friend owns that marina and I can tell you that he would just smile, shake his head and happily suggest you just "move along" if you told him that having to actually pay for his services amounts to a "surprise". - When you see how busy it is there you'll understand why they are able to charge what you might thinks amounts to a bit of a premium. Their lot is nearly full and that launch is going non-stop...they could charge a lot more and still have line ups.
  2. You'd think he'd figure out all those "low-ball offers" were actually pretty fair, considering what he's got.
  3. The "funnest" way to fish for smallies is anything top-water...but if it's too choppy you're screwed. Then I'd go with a twitch or crank bait. They'll also hammer a lot of different kinds of plastic rigged a lot of different ways. Live bait is very reliable too, but I pretty much gave it up because I find I get more gut-hooked bass on it than I do on artificials. SMB fishing is pretty much my favorite. I love those little pigs.
  4. Does that price include the trailer you're going to haul around? Seriously though, it seems a high. I'd consider paying a professional to do that job, because I'm mechanically inept, and I haul my trailer on some rough "roads"...you want to make sure everything is buttoned up right or the consequences (particularly at highway speeds) could be catastrophic. That said, I wouldn't pay that much.
  5. Your photos are awesome. You clearly know your way around a grill and a camera.
  6. I've had a Humminbird 565 for (I think) four years now and had no problems with it. I've taken it all over and banged it up pretty good...still works as good as the day I bought it.
  7. The bleach seems to have done the trick. It has also whitened up the inside of the cooler quite nicely! Thanks again, folks.
  8. Thanks for the suggestion Mercman...but I detest the taste/smell of coffee. I'd probably rather smell the old cheese odor that's in there now. I poured some bleach in there, put the cover on and shuck it up...I'll let it sit overnight and scrub it out in the morning before I leave for camp.
  9. Wow! A ton of ideas to choose from! Thanks. I'm sure I must have some of the stuff you guys mentioned laying around the house...I'll give something a try and let you guys know how it went. Thanks again.
  10. I left a cooler at camp with some stuff in it on ice because I was planning on being back within a couple of days...plans changed and I didn't get up there for over a week. The cooler had some veggies and some cheese in there and now it stinks a little. It's not over-powering or anything...but there's a definite odor there if you stick your head right in and sniff. It's a big five-day unit and wasn't cheap...I'd like to try to clean it out before I buy a replacement. I tried dish soap and warm water...it helped but it's not perfect. Anyone have any ideas? (Besides not leaving food in there for over a week.) Thanks.
  11. If I came at you with intent to harm you...would I have a better chance of doing so with a candlestick or an AK-47? If you had to have a fight to the death with someone, would you think it would be fair for you to have a candlestick and your opponent an AK-47? Of course not, because you know a candlestick is no where near as deadly as an AK-47. If the difference between a candlestick and an AK-47 is nothing more than "hype"...why not give up the AK and go buy a candlestick and be happy with it? Oh that's right...a candlestick is nowhere near an effective a weapon as an AK...and people who want AKs want effective weapons...not a decorative place to stick a candle. Like I said...you guys think what you want and blame "Hollywood movies" as much as you like...the fact is (and thank God) that the majority of Canadians are not going to get on board with you getting to own an AK-47. Those who have suggested other less infamous weapons are equally dangerous yet legal are certainly right and only point out the need to prohibit those items as well. You want to own an AK-47? Then go to the Rwanda and join up with a gang of warlords...here in the civilized world we don't go in for that.
  12. What an employer is really asking for when they state they want someone who is "fluently bilingual", is someone who has a french background. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that the person in charge of making hiring decisions is French himself, and simply prefers to employ his "own kind". Try getting a job in Ontario in the logging/lumber industry if you're not French...good luck.
  13. So I'm a "total ass" because I'd prefer my neighbor not own an AK-47 and have no sympathy for someone whining about losing one? It seems to me if you can't comprehend how and why the average Canadian feels exactly the way I do...you're the total ass, and a "gun-nut" in the true sense of the word. Nobody needs to own a Kalashnikov or similar assault rifle. Good luck convincing any clear thinking individual otherwise. That's the way it is in this country and it's not going to change anytime soon. You don't have to like it, but since the majority want it that way, you'll have to live with it. If you think more than a small fraction of the country would support your right to own an AK-47...you're out of touch.
  14. Then it seems to me that the problem is that a bunch of weapons as dangerous (or more dangerous) as AKs should also be made illegal...not that we should make AKs legal, as you seem to be suggesting. I clearly don't know as much about firearms as you do. The thing is...I don't have to know very much to know that an AK-47 is something that should be prohibited. It is an AK-47, right? Like most Canadians...AK-47 is all I need to hear to make up my mind.
  15. No different than having a starter's pistol? Really? If someone points a starter's pistol at me...I'm not going to get too worried because most starter's pistols look like starter's pistols. On the other hand, if someone points an AK at me...I have no way of knowing whether or not it's operable so I'll assume it is. So would you. I sincerely hope (and am confident that) everyone who wants to responsibly enjoy hunting and target shooting in this country will always be free to do so. However, when I hear people get bent out of shape over loosing and item such as an AK-47...you'll understand if I (and most people) are not overly sympathetic.
  16. So you had your AK-47 taken away? Gee, that's too bad. How unreasonable.
  17. Go for it. If your older battery was borderline (ready or nearly ready to be replaced) then I would buy two new ones...but if there's nothing wrong with it...there's nothing wrong with it.
  18. Here is something to keep in mind... If you've got a couple of days or more in without having a smoke, and you are tempted to have "just one"...that cigarette is going to taste like crap and you'll feel a little woozy after it. Basically, it's totally not worth it. Afterwards (trust me) you'll just be sitting there thinking, "What a waste. I ruined my streak and didn't even enjoy the cigarette."
  19. Who's becoming senile? The show (and Howard) is better than it's ever been. Granted...it's not for everyone, but I'm highly addicted and would pay the subscription just for his two channels alone. I could (and often do) download entire shows for free to listen on my MP3 player but I'll still happily pay for that content.
  20. Thanks for your responses. I can see how if you keep an eye out for really good deals and take your time selling it off, you could break even or maybe even do slightly better. I never meant to imply that any of the sellers here on the OFC classifieds are doing anything they shouldn't. I don't suspect any of the merchandise featured there is stolen or in some way ill-gotten. Definitely (as some posters have said) when deals are struck it is a "win-win" for both parties. I just know that when I buy fishing equipment...I don't plan on getting rid of it until I lose or break it. Different strokes though, right? Too be honest I'm a little jealous I don't still live down south so I could get in on some of the deals I see posted here. There is almost never quality used gear for sale up here in Sudbury. I guess a lot of Northerners have the same attitude as me when it comes to selling off their stuff. I'm going to camp for 6 days...see you folks when I get back.
  21. I notice in the classifieds section here, there will often be posts made by people selling many new or nearly new rods and reels, or unopened lures. These items will usually be top of the line merchandise. What I don't understand is this...when I buy expensive gear, I agonize over each purchase made. I make a half decent living...even so, when I do finally pick something up, I'm certain I want it and will use it for some time. I have bought a few items that I've been disappointed with, but I usually just hold on to them for use as spares, loaners, or whatever. Why would someone buy a dozen or so expensive combos or bags full of cranks that they never/rarely use? I can see doing so if money is not an issue, but if that's the case...why bother selling them off? If there is anyone who "just needs the space"...I'll pay the shipping to Sudbury on any decent piece you want rid of. Also, I wonder if a guy has an ad with 10-20 rods for sale...how many does he actually own? I understand it's really none of my business how many rods anyone chooses to purchase/sell...I'm just curious how people accumulate a lot of quality gear which they don't even want.
  22. I can't seem to find any morels at my camp which is north of Sudbury. I will admit I haven't looked too hard and don't even know where to concentrate my efforts. There are a ton of fiddleheads though. Last week when I was there I only found one little group of chutes that were very hairy and not ready. When I go up on Tuesday there will probably be some. I'm going to try them for the first time. I heard I should just fry them in a pan with butter...is there anything else I should know or try?
  23. I love top water baits for SMB...that surface smash always gets my heart racing like nothing else. My "go to" is a Zara spook or a similar walking style bait by Excalibur that I believe is called a "Sammy"...most walkers are good so I'm eager to try out the Live Target frogs I just got. Bring on the last week end in June!!!!!
  24. Amazing. Thanks a ton for this. I've seen my lake appear on a non-satellite image based map only a couple of times and seen it named only one other time...this is awesome!
  25. I have a little microscope that I got from the high school my Dad worked at. Every now and then I tie some knots and look at them under the scope to make sure I'm doing them right and the line isn't cutting into itself in some way that it shouldn't. I also sharpen a few hooks and check those out to make sure my sharpening technique is still good.
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