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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Ok I know this so called summer has been cold but this is not the freezing days after December 15th not sure why we want to start winternet threads this time of year lets get out and post musky reports. I have not fished many of these bodies of water that everyone talks of so I can not comment on them.
  2. Very nice report congrats on a killer weekend and thanks for sharing with us who have not been out much
  3. When I first joined I was EH just because I use it a lot and my friends from Ohio always pointed it out. Then the board changed and one time on a newer version of the board you had to use 3 letters so I went to MrEh Then I got tired of it and just went to my name not sure why but maybe a mood swing one day.
  4. That is totally awesome congrats and thanks for taking the time for making and posting the video
  5. Your in great hands with John have a great day
  6. Congrats on a great day out with the boss looks like it was a great day
  7. I was given this same info on Saturday so I did not got for the ride up to it. I just hit bps and got some more split rings and a chunk of fudge for my son.
  8. Dang now that is totally a trip of a life time congrats on another great trip to LOTW. Nice to see you were able to get one on the Barz. That 51" is a tank she sure does look gorgeous. Thanks for taking the time to put together the post
  9. Sunday morning should be ok for the 400 traffic if its brutal I will back road it. Ron maybe Friday and Monday but in know of a great place for BBQ where your going
  10. Well I might be in the Toronto area Sunday so I thought I would take a drive up and see the new store. Is anyone else planning on heading to there on Sunday? What exit is it? I plan on hitting there early maybe when it opens so I don't spend the day there.
  11. Awesome thanks for sharing
  12. Lol that's ok with me George I can be his net man all day long.
  13. It was warm enough for a good swim and I would think that most should have gone in if they were out for the day.
  14. Yeah we had fun messing around there then headed around for a boat ride then started some trolling. If he was not with me I would have been there earlier and stayed on the casting program. But that's what you have to do to keep the kids into fishing. I would hate to make him sick of fishing. Glad to hear you did good how hot did it get out there? I know it was already warm when we left.
  15. If you need some help with the Q I can help with it we will be there helping all day
  16. Always nice to get some more life out of someone's scrap. I had 4 old motors I wanted to rebuild but after taking up floor space for a few years I found a new home for them I always wonder if they we brought back to life
  17. Blast from the past are always great. I joined the winter of 2003 I think as I had my broken ankle and my daughter was 2-3 years old. I was like many just looking and reading then started to post my ice fishing trips and fall creek fishing until June 2005 when I got the musky bug with Wendel and the rest is history. I know you still remember my first follow Lew I will never forget it what a great day even the loss of a HUGE musky after watching it make a great jump, the day was great and I don't mean the one you lost that broke your believer. Like Mike Borger I was encouraged by many here on the board to pursue my passion for making lures and with the help from many it has grown. There are a lot of days I miss the old board the G2G's and members sharing a lot of fishing pics all the time. Even though the new boards have been changing its still the best place for all around fishing its great to see who people are doing all across Canada and the USA this is better then facebook.
  18. I can't say it's better then August October or November they are all great. Brian I was shocked when he was standing up fighting it he usually likes to sit for the battle but then again when jade was 9 she landed a 49 1/4" I wish I had the cameras back then
  19. Thanks everyone we have fun on the water together. September will be a great month to get down here
  20. Well yesterday Mikey and I headed out on LSC for some fishing we started off casting for a couple hours I lost one right away and had two other follows Mikey had a few gar pike follow his line but no takers. We switched up to do some trolling and popped this one about 30 min in after the battle and a nice quick release he was ready to head home. Great day out for about 3 hours with my Boy. http://youtu.be/QxwDYsjRHAE?list=UUcvHTMSDyGr7ABbDFF51nrw
  21. I could not watch past the first fish he dropped but judging the length of this video they have most likely poorly treated more fish. Yes your correct don't follow this guy around unless you want to have your blood boil. I understand that people don't know how bad it is for musky to go through battles like they put them through with light improper tackle. He looks like a good guy just wanting to have fun but come on how can anyone justify going out targeting musky with a net like that? He knows the water as he talks about LSC being one of the best places in Ontario to fish so I would hope he would understand proper tools for targeting them.
  22. That is what they will have to do big time to get a great name out there. That is a big azz perch
  23. Dang I missed the other thread is you posted this. Glad to hear everyone is safe, that is a hard thing for some to do but second nature for others to just jump in and take action. For them it's what they do but for others they are a hero.
  24. Ryan we are very excited to have the whole weekend to relax at times and also but our butts helping out. Usually we only have the one day. Chris I hope you can make it sorry you were sick and it was the end of the day at the fishing show so we did not have much time to chat.
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