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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Happy B-day guys hope ya have a great one
  2. I am sorry to here of the trouble your having I have been using the Okuma line counters for the last few years for musky and have not had any problems (knock on wood) I also bought a avenger 15 spinning reel it has been great since may and I just ordered 2 more last week. I have also bought two other line counters for rainbow fishing they look and feel great I will see. I know if you were to go to Angling outtfitter in woodstock they will give you over the counter replacement as this is what I was told when at teh London show by the owner when I bought one from him he sais Okuma stands behind there stuff. I also have another friend who uses just Okuma and loves them. Hope you look into it more as it sounds like crap that you got so far I would put $$$ on the fact that they will help you out.
  3. Well good luck Joey hope it works out for ya and thanks to everyone for getting OFC into the top 10 great job I would say
  4. not shure what the heck is going on but this number 8 is getting to me hope we can get this train moving again
  5. thanks for the kind words these events are where the future lies if kids events did not take place then there would not be alot of seeds planted to keep them interested we get alot of people that come up and thank all of the people who run these events and let us know this is the only chance they get to fish???????? I dont understand because the fish are in the same place every weekend and the place is open to the public but either way its great to have them out and if we get one new kid hooked on fishing each time then it was well worth it. I cant wait for the next event
  6. Dang Old 8 is gonna haunt us
  7. nice to see the bucket mouth we have been getting spoiled with big Smalies here looks like a great time out there nice report
  8. Well the kids fishing derby came and went again it was a blast for all the kids the weather man was great to us with just a hint of rain around 9am but not enough to get the road wet. there was about 180 kids that were entered I did not get the final count but that was the number I was told from the BIA person in charge of registration. My favorite picture as you enter Belle River Well the day starts out early for our guys getting cups of bait ready for the kids thanks Marty Cody and John I guess George was looking for new bait colors LOL I got to have the honers of measuring alot of the fish and watch the kids come with ther ecatch and the huge smiles. Marty and Terry were also getting slimmed but it was not the good kind sheep head and rock bass were in huge numbers. Here is Marty measuring the 20" sheep head that was the big fish for the day. we had teens out who were fishing for the first time and had a blast here is one of them wit hhis first fish ever. the kids were everywhere fishing any where the water was you could fins some one at one point or another this dock was not bare for long this was first thing in the am. the measuring table was also a big hit. yes I would have had the same look on my face if some one like that asked to take my picture LOL :mrgreen: this was a blast no mom or daughter wanted to hold the big fish. Well now for the meat of the day all the kids were done fishing and ready for some prizes we had alot to hand out so I will only post a few pics. Not bad first fish of your life and you get a new rod all the kids now need to get there sugar rush so we gave out the grab bags and candy The belle River Chapter of Muskies Canda also donated two prize packs for both boys and girls here is a picture of the young guy but the girl must have left before we had time to get a picture with her.. Last but not least this could not happen with out all the help from the members of the Belle River chapter of Muskies Canada and the Belle river BIA helpers thanks to all here are the Belle river members that made it out.
  9. I just want Joey to get to the point where she can get to talk to them and then let them make the choice I know Joey will do us right by OFC standerds and I would be proud of knowing that she made it through I also like the idea that they will not take #1 as it looks liek some one else might be that person top 10 is great 3 would be better. Facebook I guess I should send out to some contacts about this for JOEY now if we all sent this to our facebook friends here we go.
  10. nice vid again TJ I just love how real the sound effects are the birds in the background sound like they were there wit hya.
  11. tried for my daily vote but nothing was working not shure if they went through
  12. Yep and it was bought back in the 80's and still works great I love it even thought I did just buy two new one in the last week or so they are them Twitching ones and they are awesome for fishing two rods for pickeral on the lake you can set the line out and twitch it back in one hand it is amazing how far these have come.
  13. were good to go again but still 8th
  14. I will not count just stay safe with over 20 the wife is all good wit hthe rods we have I think she gets a little worked up when we go musky hunting and also bait fish fishing (pickerl perch bass) in the same trip out she knows that the boat is going to be loaded down with troling musky rods casting musky rods and all the other little rods and bait casters. I must say that for all the extra rods that head out on them trips I do keep them up front with me so that the family does not have to trip over them. As for my favorite rod for bait caster it would still have to be.
  15. Dang I would think that we should have no problem getting Joey into the top 5. so lets see if we can and for everyone that votes and posts here if we get her into the top 5 I will draw one name from them all and take them and one other out for a day on LSC my treat musky or perch pickeral bass???
  16. I guess the top 7 must have been in here for a long time to stay ahead or they have a nice group of friends also
  17. Lew that is great news glad everything went well hope you have a peaceful time at the trailer.
  18. good for another day
  19. nice I love the reports where the big guys get to head line them great pics
  20. maybe if some one were here a little more they would have a clue what was going on Dang long time glad to see ya here Cup... I mean TEP http://www.wfn.tv/adopt/v2l2138d-2 Hope that helps
  21. Thanks boss now I gots a woodie and need to get rid of it. I just love the reprots from the north that place is amazing I hope you can get some help on the specks I am sorry I could not be of any help LOL. Please keep them reports coming they are great
  22. HI fellow OFNCers I just wanted to let everyone know about the Belle River Kids Fishing derby this weekend it is held on Sunday July 20th in Belle River at the marina registration is at 7:30 and fishing starts at 8am for more info please check out http://www.belleriverbia.com/ Here are some pics from last year all the winners holding there NEW fishing rods that were Donated from the Belle River Chapter of Muskies Canada The money was raised from our Can-Am and also through our loyal members at our meetings. Once again thanks to all the Loyal members who keep this chapter going forward through the good times with the kids events and getting out with our other local events. It is times like this that we can really see what this chapter is all about Family and good times. We welcome everyone to bring you kids out this weekend it will be a great time as always. Our members will be out helping the BIA with this event as we have since we were asked years ago it is a great time for the kids. now the pics from last year. This your guy caught this cat just after the derby ended he was about 10-20 min late and all the prizes were already getting handed out I hope he comes again this year there is always a great turn out Nothing but a positive good time is what this event is all about.
  23. nice picture I like the way he holds her I guess he is hooked now congratz to ya guys
  24. Sorry my bad I cound not vote till late yesterday so I missed it but got ya for today.
  25. all fixed up for another day Good Luck in the finals Joey
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