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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. Keep lookin, if you think you want a 4 stroke, you won't be happy with that noisy, smelly 2 stroke!
  2. Nice Smallies Steve! They have some great colouration to them!
  3. Might of had something to do with hitting that pole!
  4. Yup, that first fish looks bigger than 36" to me. Good job Erik!
  5. Since our time here is finite,there is nothing more important in Life than spending time with family and friends!
  6. Whats a trophy? More of a term from days gone by when we all took a big fish to the Taxidermist! Girth is as much a contributing factor as length in my opinion, whats a more impressive Muskie a 50"x18" from Scugog, or a 47"x 24" from the French? I'm not even giving an opinion. One of my biggest fish hardly fought at all and was caught Trolling in a blizzard on the French...Not a very exciting fish but great surroundings! To this day my most memorable fish was from Pigeon, first Muskie on a topwater lure! Only 43" but think from head to tail, probably heavier than most high 40s Pigeon fish... My biggest wasn't 50" but had a pretty good girth...And it came from a water body I'd put alot of hours into... All big Muskie are exciting, defining whats a trophy is up to the individual I guess, I agree with Lew, I get more satisfaction out of Multiple fish days then one big one, depending on how big...I've spent enough days not catching any to appreciate how special they are...
  7. Very nice! I like working the wood myself, no room for a shop though, a 16 foot boat and fishing gear fills my garage...
  8. Next time just get the camera out! Start recording or snapping, maybe even ask them to smile! Then tell 'em you're sending them to the MNR!!!
  9. Canadian Tire sells a Mini-bolt cutter(one handed) Same size as the Knipex. You're using the smallest 'bolt cutter' they sell, I bought one when I started Muskie fishing...Two hands, no good!
  10. Advance(CDN), Fittante, or Lax... Rizzo, did you catch a monster you're not telling us about?
  11. Eventually, every Muskie Angler will have to cut a hook thats in yourself! After you've landed(Netted, Large Muskie net, fish remains in the water) a few Muskies and had the option of cutting hooks you'll see why you should have them! Sometimes its quicker,safer(for you and the fish) and easier to cut hooks...
  12. Nice to see someone really enjoying a new hobby!
  13. Bay City Marine, Hestor Street, Hamilton.
  14. You launch at Port Dalhousie, or Jordan. Lake Ontario fishing for staging Salmon is iffy...If the Lake is flat you could head out to deeper water and try for immature Kings or Rainbows. The Lower and Upper Niagara River has good Bass fishing, both are within 1/2 drive from St.Catharines. PM me if you require more info.
  15. Condolences...You were lucky to have him around so long...
  16. The best way to charge deep cycles is with a proper 120v charger. Onboard is easiest. Get the most thrust you can fit/afford, you won't be sorry. AND get more shaft length than you need, 48" will do the job but 60" will be better! I would suggest 55# 12v 60"shaft minimum. But I'd recomend 80# 24v 60" shaft.
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