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wee scot

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Everything posted by wee scot

  1. Thanks for another great video Simon
  2. Fantastic report
  3. nice haul of crappie Simon
  4. They were 5hp motors Doug which we found to be perfect for the lake as there are a lot of sandbars which are hard to see until you are upon them .We were able to cover the entire lake with the boats no problem as we had nothing but time.
  5. This summers fly in trip with air Ivanhoe . We spent a week at lemoine lake ,fishing was steady but nothing huge was caught . It was a great trip with great friends .
  6. A few pics of our trip from 2023 it was a good opener hopefully this year will be a repeat
  7. We are booked again this year for walleye opener .
  8. Another great video Simon
  9. Awsome videos as always Simon .
  10. Beautiful fish Simon well played .
  11. We are heading back up to Ritchies end of trail again this year for walleye opener after a very enjoyable and successful trip last year .Our host Brian was fantastic and the fishing was all that we had hoped for and more. I would love to hear some feedback from others who have visited this great camp .
  12. Good day lady's and gents ,we are heading up to Ritchie's end of trail this spring and were wondering if anyone could give us there personal reviews not to mention advice as to extras to bring etc. All reply's will be appreciated .
  13. Fantastic pictures Simon as always .
  14. We stayed with Tony and his wife in one of there cabins about seven years ago, best pike fishing on top water baits i have ever experienced and fantastic service. We shall return when time permits. P.s the complimentary bottle of lost lake red was also excellent.
  15. Haha to funny yes we are Simon I always think of Dryden as part of Manitoba , I guess I am just another Brit lost in Canada .P.s always enjoy your posts .
  16. I am extremely jealous ,I think I emigrated to the wrong province
  17. Another awesome video Simon
  18. That looks like an awesome way to spend a day outdoors Chris .
  19. Bring on the ice , snow machines are ready to roll
  20. Another great post
  21. My wife and I both use the MEC bug shirt they are awesome ,I do not find them to be to restricting as they stay away from your face quite a bit due to the hat design built in .During high bug season it is a lot nicer than covering yourself in deet .
  22. The back country remains closed until May 14 if we are lucky, could this be the year they break the record ice out date.
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