I make mine on the spot. Made with locally grown, biodegradable materials.
Two forked sticks. One taller than the other. Placed at precise intervals.
I'm working on a non-forked model for those times when I just can't find a forked one.
I don't care what people want to believe in (for the most part) but I draw the line at knocking at my door to tell me that my believes are wrong. And then tell me they are sad for me.
But......that has nothing to do with Al. Tho' I don't think I would want to be stuck in a boat with him
A couple years ago my rental water heater sprung a leak. I called up Reliance and the guys were here in an hour and two hours later I had a new one installed and working. The only thing I didn't like was they had to put in a steel chimney liner (about $600.00) that they said was required by law but that was just tacked on to my rental bill. No immediate cash outlay.
I have no problem with low-ballers. Because i am always giving stuff away for free.
Old junky freezer, old stereo equipment etc. Always gone the same day.