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Posts posted by forrest

  1. That really sucks. It is hard for a small new business to take a loss like that, even if they do have insurance. Who is desperate enough to steel fishing stuff? Maybe they were after the laptop?



    Don't think so, it was a Dell from the looks of it...


    All crooks see is "laptop". They know laptop. They want laptop. They break window to get laptop and its surrounding friends.

    Or maybe they saw fish fishfinder. The best policy with tempting things is to keep them out of eyesight just like a person would in a car.


    Not the store owners fault, burglars are often impulsive.



  2. Forrest,


    Here is the ones I pic:


    1. Andrew aka MooseBunk for his " The Arctic Expedition., Great Bear Lakers & Tree River Char. Report"




    2. Mike aka solopaddler for his " Alaskan Odyssey ~ Trout Bum For A Week "




    3. Simon aka limeyangler for his " 3 DAYS OF FISHING ( lots of pics and vid clips), finally caught a bass on wabigoon...20" !!! "




    4. Cliff aka ccmt for his " My best day Muskie fishing ever! New PB pic...., Bly and I fished with Fishnsled today! "




    5. Jack aka JWL for his " another day on the bank, "The Slammers" take the lead over !!!!! "




    6. Steve aka steverowbotham for his " Thanksgiving Weekend Report *PICS "




    There are others but this is what I can recall thus far.

    Jacques aka Leechman


    All the postings have been good so far. Yep, there are a lot of great posts.

    Thanks Leechman, specific threads are great. It is kind of like nominating "best actor", people have to know what move the actor is being nominated for.

    Bringing attention to those specific threads will also save people quickly narrow down jewels they may have not seen yet.


    This coming week I put something together. Keep the input and help on direction going, this is bigger than I thought.





  3. ive got a garmin for in the car but want to give it to my wife so she doesnt call me asking which way to turn :rolleyes: and want the handheld cause it will do everything. so how much is all this going to cost? the water, land and road maps are all separate? and how big of an area are the maps, north america, canada, ontario or just a smaller area?


    they come with road maps....maybe not the ones you want. check the garmin site and then check out radioworld online site.


    about $300 with tax is my guess.

  4. 1) Depending on your location in Ontario they may have detailed maps for you.

    2) They do not come with water maps, but, for certain models those can be purchased afterwards.


    1- are they loaded with road maps and do they talk you to your destination like the ones for your car?

    Depending on your location in Ontario they may have detailed maps for you. I do not know of any that talk to you...even the high end Garmin Colorado


    2- do the topo maps have all the water depths or just land elevations?

    For many models water maps can be purchased ($150?). My Bluechart maps are great.


    3- any make and models you guys suggest?

    I have a Garmin Etrex Legend....you can get them dirt cheap now...$80 I think.

    I wish I had a bigger screen, but, it gets the job done for me....it was useless until I used it for the water.

    It sometime does not work so good in the woods.


    Get a road one for the road, they are way better.

    this store is good: http://www.radioworld.ca/

    The garmin site is good to.

    Do your research....but I think a quality store is a good place to finalize your purchase.



  5. http://www.jsonline.com/news/32468089.html


    -Barge operators are sqwuaking: 'what happens if someone falls into the one mile long canal'

    -the field may or may not incapacitate or kill someone said the $100 000, 1 year study

    -the experimental barrier often fails

    -Asian carp are within 2 days swim of Lake Michigan (45miles)

    -It is unknown if the barrier will repel smaller carp



    Yep....its been going on for years and it sounds like the politicians are too late. I hope they are not.



  6. How about making a top 20 list? with the above criteria?


    Yes, there are a lot of great posts from many people. Solopaddler, Moosebunk and Leechman are certainly dominant quality posters. There are others though like those bass pics (best amateur) and a wack of others....a thread of best threads (top 20) would be a good read.


    This needs some collective thought....or maybe people can just start posting links to what they though was the best thread of the year, no commenting just "post/thread of the year" too keep it simple.


    free for alls often work. Let the threads and suggestions fly....lets try to make it so amateurs and best pic posts ect have their say.



  7. Please post an individual links if you can. I can think of a few kick butt posters Solopaddler and Moosebunk included.....and that CCMT guy keeps posting big fish.



    One more category.....best overall poster.....sounds like solopaddler is nominated a few times.




  8. After the fist dozen posts it became clear that the simple below categories were not the best way to do a vote that includes a wide range of great posts and posters. The board owners will want an option to give guidance (it is their baby).


    so post away great threads and the ideas. There will be a later thread to setup a final poll:









    old post taste funny, but I don't remember seeing that big bass before, it was a good set of pics.

    That old post being bumped gave me an idea. How about Nominations for best fish post?

    Post or PM me with your favorites and I will narrow down a voting list. Maybe someone will put up some OFC stuff for winners? :whistling: (or take this over)



    Best single fish

    Best fishing day where the catching was not so hot

    Best fishing day where it was the best due to the fish caught

    Best overall poster




    PS...was this done last year too, therefore, making this a lame copycat?

  9. Well, it has to be fresh, small for the species and caught by myself or a friend.


    Bass, perch pike, walleye, crappie. If I can eat them without too much fear of bones I do not discriminate. I love em all.

    fried with butter or bread crumbs


    sunfish are certainly on my list for 2009.



  10. That's the main reason I try never to buy anything used from family or friends. No better way to spoil a relationship/friendship - even if the rip-off isn't intentional


    Hopefully you bought it at a decent enough price that after the fix up it's a reasonably priced unit (?)


    Yep, when it comes to family and friends be prepared to accept the loss of the item blowing up the next day.

    Not that they would knowingly sell something bad to you, but, stuff happens. It is worth it to see what they say. No matter what keep a happy attitude about it.

    It did work great for the previous guy...he just did not take care of it like the sled guy said.


    Same goes for lending it to them....I can't remember anything that I loaned to a brother or sister that they did not come back broken.



  11. Thanks for posting. If I get someone calling me grandpa while driving the boat I have something different to tell them.



    PS On another bright side: at least the end of the boat sharing was amicable and you have a story to tell. In your case, since, you hit it twice you can tel lhte story 2 times a night :P

  12. ... but how do they go from a blue shirt and khaki pants before the commercial and green shirt and blue jeans after the commercial... do they change in the boat??? :dunno:


    I guess I have not seen as many different shows or maybe those are the olde tyme shows where the camera was not on for the full 12 hours of the day. From the few I have seen most are shot over a 1 day period or they explain that they are shooting over X number of days.


    Speaking of Olde Tyme shows...just how old are you GCD?...are you refferring to Red Fisher?



  13. I did not set lofty fish goals this year. It was my first back to fishing year in a while.


    1) Keep sane and everybody healthy with the new baby: accomplished.

    2) Get the new boat on the water at least 10 times: accomplished

    3) Ttroll in Lake O for salmon: Accomplished and caught a few!

    4) Fish BOQ: Accomplished but got skunked.

    5) Put decent avatar pic beside my name: accomplished


    I remember having doubts along with others on the board about MikeTheBassFisher catching anything on those snake lures. He stuck with it and proved us all wrong, wrong, wrong. :clapping:




  14. It will get warm one day, warm enough for stinky mold. Short of drying it out make sure there is decent venting and as soon as decent weather hits open it up and dry it out. CTC and Home Depot sell concrobium for mold control (it is cheap).


    Look on the bright side. At least your boat is seeing water :P


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