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Posts posted by forrest

  1. I would like to see what the people who bash unions at every turn are going to say when they are gone and they get to see what companies unchecked will do to wages and the standard of living in North Amercia.... People obviously don't know the history of capitalism if they really believe unions have no place anymore.


    Yep, if people (workers) knew their history they would be afraid of a land without unions. For those that say my work doesn't have a union and they do fine....in most cases your doing fine because the unions exist.



    PS......not even sure why I am posting...this is just going to end up in an argument :wallbash:

  2. Nice little boat to keep on the water! Looks in good condition (aside from paint) and you can't beat the price! Maybe Rapala will give you enough stickers to cover the hull :lol:




    I did not mean to give the wrong impression about the state of the paint. I agree with the other guys that the looks are of little importance. Iff you saw the dents in my car it would lend weight to that statement :P



  3. Makes me wonder even more about why they go to so much trouble to get the darned things our as soon as they can. My guess is the vehicles aren't salvagable/worth much after getting dunked. So why instead of spending so much time and effort cutting the bloody things outta the ice don't they wait until it's a bit easier ? I'm sure there's good reason for some i.e. too far off shore etc, but others - what the heck - wait till the ice is gone, hook up a cable and drag the darned thing out then ? Maybe I'm not thinking this through enough ?


    My list of reasons would include:


    -Would it be easier to get a car salvage barge out on the lake?

    -dragging trucks out of a lake cant be too good for the bottom.

    -"uh...I can't remember how many trucks went down or where they were"

    -Why procrastinate?

    -"who left their truck in the water right in the way of my lower unit?"

  4. Umm...take mine off...thanks for the nomination, but I have no business being there with solopaddler and moosebunk...LOL.



    I only posted what was sent to me :P, however, if there was a poster that repeated "new PB" more than anyone else I would bet it was CCMT

  5. you forgot snag...


    Ooops...sorry if I missed an email to me. I was not deciding who to include and not include and there are so many posters there will be more that did not make it in the thread.


    I always read Snag's stuff, they are never unentertaining (they are some of the best), I love his stuff too! :thumbsup_anim:


    here are a couple of Snag posts that stuck in my mind:



  6. At the end of 2008 I posted a request for best 2008 posts and wanted to set up some kind of vote. A lot of people referred to great repeat posters but there were not many specifics given. It was agreed that there are a lot of good posts, pics and fish in 2008 and that it would be unfair to say anyone was the best. Maybe next year there will be actual firm categories :P


    I received a few PMs. So if you want to see what others thought were notable in 2008 here is the original thread and links to a few other threads submitted by OFNers:





    Leechman for his "2008 Full Report - Outaouais, From Hard to Soft Water until Now



    MooseBunk for his " The Arctic Expedition., Great Bear Lakers & Tree River Char. Report



    solopaddler for his " Alaskan Odyssey ~ Trout Bum For A Week



    limeyangler for his " 3 DAYS OF FISHING ( lots of pics and vid clips), finally caught a bass on wabigoon...20" !!!



    ccmt for his " My best day Muskie fishing ever! New PB pic...., Bly and I fished with Fishnsled today!



    JWL for his " another day on the bank, "The Slammers" take the lead over !!!!!



    steverowbotham for his " Thanksgiving Weekend Report *PICS "


  7. I think we need a new category for FF.NET USERS


    See Terry is all for it. I do not hear anyone seconding GCDs "My Bleeding Hermorrhoids" ad on.


    GCD I dunno about you. Why would you use your Hermorrhoids for fishing. I think that would hurt.


    I pray you are not thinking of making a sequel to that Bass video: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=27337 because that would hurt all of us :lol:



  8. I think that the message is clear here. Hear?


    People listen here.....but at FF.net?


    I could not imagine that happening here. The site is too well supported and has concern for the people who visit.



    PS: I will still be able to register there, won't I? :whistling:

  9. OFC category? Float fishing.


    That site has been screwed up for weeks and the admins have done nothing to protect their users. Nice. Real nice.


    I guess I am ticked because I wasted 20 minutes trying to register on the site, sent the admin an email and got no response.


    Anyone listening?




  10. Very cool site. I like the recoveries with the stories.

    The billable (?) hours on one of those recovery pages was 295 hours!!! That was for a 4x4 frozen into the surface (is 296 a typo?).


    Insurance covers this?



  11. Wow, seems like I started a big debate regarding flux :whistling:


    "Rosin Core Solder" or "Flux Core Solder" contain flux but the rest do not. Personally I find that a better connection is created by using a tiny amount of flux to clean the wire before applying the heat. I also find that this allows a novice to get a better end result and reduces the chances of them making a mistake such as applying too much heat for too long.


    Tybo's last two points hit the nail on the head!


    Why complicate things? Like the guy at radio shack is going to sell solder without flux. Heck, I never bought solder without flux.


    KISS is the method required here. There is no need for purchasing a Weller or a solder wick, flux or fume removing equipment. If Hirk bought all the stuff he "needs" he would be better of buying a new cable.


    I am starting to like that "connector method" more an more.




  12. If you soldered small gauge wire(18 to 24) like the vid in my shop

    I would make you open the harness and replace the burnt wire.

    On 18 gauge and up. You don't want to use any more then 75 watt soldering iron.

    You will burn the cable making it brittle.If this wire is in a high flex area the wire

    will break just past the solder.

    Also use thinner flux. Acid flux is for other jobs.

    Flux is very inportent. It will help the solder spread without adding heat to the wire.

    Flux will also clean the wire. helping the solder to get a firmer hold.


    I am thinking the above standards are too high for this application and the materials available to the person doing the work.

    Tybo is right about the flex thing, make the area rigid and a bit of slack to reduce stress on it.


    Never had to use extra flux (there is flux in the solder) unless I totally botched the soldering job, in this case forge the flux, cut the wire and start again...... I have cleaned the wire with alcohol if I had too. Work with a cheap iron is OK....if you are careful. Yes, I have done a lot of good soldering work and yes, Good enough to build an stereo amplifier and and a laser based comm system on circuit boards I made myself.


    Using different size of wire can be a potential problem with data transfer wires, I do not know about the 200Khz range). As long as you upsize for a patch it will be OK for the low voltage.


    Its a lousy few wires. Within reason, work with what you have and it will work out.



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