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Posts posted by forrest

  1. why do you care so much?


    ...no one is asking you to "buy" anything. If the fish is that big, so be it, if not, oh well. The guy isn't asking for anything from you. Just showing off a big (huge, monstrous) fish.


    Just appreciate it for what it is...


    See the the thread on the fish....I did appreciate( more than once) it is a huge fish.

    I can't understand why a few negative muskie guys can't see that.



    PS: I don't think this thread is about the fish

  2. If someone hands you a few thousand dollars of cash and you decide to count it....are you being negative?

    If someone told me..."stop counting your being negative"....I would think the guy was trying to pull a fast one in this or some other transaction.


    If someone wants me to buy 57 x 33 then I want to count. If they don't want me asking for a count then don't throw 57" x 33" out there.

    people were posting "world record muskie"....I say "not so fast".


    How much time and money are those muskie guys (especially guides) spending on equipment? A lot.

    A few hundred dollars or more on a camera setup might make them money.....hey you get a video of the muskie you caught too....fish with me!

    They could spend a bit of time on a proper muskie C&R station.....they live for muskie.


    Credibility requires accounting within reason.

    Credible statement on such a huge fish: The fish was over 50" and had a huge gut over 25".....time was short so accurate measurements were not possible.


    There are several negative guys who are being negative by stating....there is no way to reach that level of credibility without killing the fish. (BTW: if your businesses inventory guy says something similar about your business assets you should fire him). The level of credibility is doable, stop being so negative.




  3. Yep that aint no shirtless fishing there GCD I thought you would not stop to that level but you sure got my blood boiling on this stay in the sunny flat water and dont comment on these threads if you have nothing good to say click the next warm water thread and move on.


    As for Forest you have got to be joking that you need all them pics give your head a shake and think about it this is a huge fish and if they are in clam water it is still alot of work to get the measurements. Its comments from you guys that keep alot of people from posting big fish here and other boards I love this board and it sucks to read crap like what you two had to say, but just close your mouth if you have nothing good to say move over to another board where they act that way this place was not like this years ago and it was getting better so why not just keep the crap in your mouth or move to the next post.


    And a people are reffering to me as negative? :blink:


    I did say it was a big fish....bigger fresh water fish than I would ever hope to catch.....I think GCD is saying the same thing....its huge! Why can't the muskie guys accept that?


    Whaaa! Whaaa! You muskie guys who are crying over people not taking a strangers word on a 57" x 33" fish need to get real. It is not my fault that people who catch muskie have a history/reputation for exaggerating even the big fish. It is not my fault that people who dedicate themselves to muskie have not figured out a way to quickly take measurements that establish measurement crediibility. Take blame with your other Muskie :worthy: co-anglers for the failure.


    If I say I need proof to believe its size then that an opinion that a lot of people share. I don't need a group of jerks (one even PMed me) trying to bully me into changing my opinion or shutting up about it. Count how many people here are still saying its a 57" x 33" Muskie on this board.


    So save your whining/crying for the Muskie G2Gs.



  4. Hey, im looking to get my dad the reel hes been asking for all year for christmas. Im going to get him what he wants the reel is the Team Daiwa TD-Pro Spinning Reel, and im just wondering what Dawia's reels are like(performance wise). Thanks for any feedback :)


    Its been along time since I owned a Diawa. But, I have given a gift or 2. If thats the reel he wants thats the reel to get him. Don't get him something "better"



  5. Again, why do you think the angler needs to explain anything to you ??


    He's not looking for a world record or he would have killed that fish, he just put up a photo of the monster and that's all there should be to the story, but people like you seem to think that everything needs to be explained or proven to you.


    And exactly how many pictures do you want him to take for you ??


    He posted a couple in the boat plus the release shot. You've obviously never caught or held onto a large musky or you'd realise your not exactly holding onto a 4 pound pickeral when they start thrashing around in your arms.


    Muskies 1/2 that size can be tough to hang onto, yet you think he should just hang onto it while his friends take picture after picture just to prove their story to people like you.


    I never said he should have killed the fish (would have been better to submit it). Just provided the acceptable set of pictures, if the guy is really a Muskie fisherman like you said....different angles and measurements, its so hard to turn to the side? Do you think it was so hard to hold that maybe he did not get the right measurements? A picture is easier then an accurate measurement.


    I am not sure what your problem is Lew. I guess you believe everything people say, that make you gullible. Why do you have to comment on the doubt of others? (rhetorical).


    Maybe there should be another thread for this. The points are made well enough for this thread Lew....enough said.



  6. I'm just curious as to why anyone would want to see a photograph of the tape measurements after the angler has already said what the size of this fish was ?? :dunno:


    Sorry Lew, this isn't a story of the one that got away or a 40" Musky.


    A person posts/boasts a picture of a fish that big and gives dimensions that would put it as bigger than the world record without other photos that could have easily been taken....why didn't they just post a picture and say it was huge? They had it out for enough pictures too...aa few more wouldn't hurt or be hard, there were 3 on the boat (Glen posted the link :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim: ).


    Not singling out anyone here but Muskie fisherman have a tendency to exaggerate the specs to world record breaking sizes. Google it: "musky world record controversy".


    If I post here that I caught sasquatch and show you a picture of something that looks what a sasquatch crammed into a freezer how many eyes will roll?




  7. GCD and Forrest -- i don't believe the guy claimed (at least on the othe boards) that its a world record. From what i can tell he's not exactly claiming anything other than caught a giant fish of a lifetime that he set free to swim another day.

    so?: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll





    It is a fish of a lifetime. :thumbsup_anim:

    A fish of 57" x 33" would be almost a sure bet for the world record.


    So, if anyone does catch a world record muskie then please submit it for the record ......forget about mercy for the Musky....think about mercy for all of those that waste time debating the current record. type into google "world muskie record controversy" to see what I mean.



  8. umm.....yeah I would like to have seen the pics with the measurements/weight too (I am with GCD on this....he knows its a kick butt fish too)


    Nothing to say that it is a world record, just an uncommonly huge honking once in a lifetime fish!



  9. Sorry to disagree - but there are no terrestrial 1080P signals anywhere, not even OTA, Blu-Ray is the only place to get them currently. An OTA signal can be "upconverted" to 1080P using the TV's built-in scaler, but there probably won't be any appreciable increase in picture quality. All upconverting does is guess at the pixels that aren't there and displays a pixel it thinks should go in that spot.


    Kind of like an upconverting DVD player that displays 480P DVD's as either 720P, 1080i or 1080P - still no where near the quality of a "real" Blu-Ray in 720P, 1080i or 1080P.


    Also - take Consumer Reports reccomendations with a grain of salt - too many useless (for most buyers) variables included, like price, remote control ease of use, on-screen display/memu ease of use etc. The only reason that Vizio was anywhere near the top is that it is cheap! The only rating that should have anything to do with buying a TV is picture Quality. Like I said earlier - do the reasearch and you will find the right TV for you.


    NO need to be sorry....forgive my error, its 1080i (brain is fried)...my info is about 2 years old....aged and faulty :blahblah1:


    Discussing HDTV tech specs in a fishing forum is like discussing tournament fishing tactics in the avs forums.



  10. just went through this myself ended up with a Samsung 50 inch plasma. Like someone said earlier Plasma is the better picture over LCD.If you are putting it in a light controlled room go for for plasma. D o not pay an extra 4-500 dollars for a 1080 p unless you have a blu-ray player or plan on buying one. All HD signals for satelite or rogers is in 720 p and will be for many more years.


    OTA signals are 1080P right now and I think that most everyone will have a Blue-Ray player within 5 years....it will take off like DVD now that the format war is over.


    I still have a CRT so I can't say how much nicer 1080P looks over 720P. Someone here said to check out avsforums and another forum, that was good advice.



  11. I guess we`ll see, won`t we.


    And yes, your brain should be able to sort which threads you want to read, which ones don`t interest you, and direct your fingers to click on those ones.


    Yes, Cram, my brain does that. I am usually conscience of the process though. Like I said. I take in what I read. I guess its absolute stupidity of this thread that gets me going.


    I am not sure what your waiting to see At this point this thread is fiction and it sounds like you agree or maybe not. Maybe theses topics of similar stature should be posted on a regular basis?:


    -world record sasquatch caught in Quebec!

    -Elvis Presley seen shopping at Bass Pro!

    -Jesus resurected, seen shopping at Cabelas!

    -Alien base found at the deepest parts of Lake Ontario!

    -Mermaid caught in Lake Simcoe!



  12. This thread was started yesterday about a fish from friday (or was it yesterday?). What "few months later" are you talking about?


    Besides, the beauty of a messageboard is that you can choose what you read and what you don't. There are no magic hands in your computer reaching out, grabbing your head, and forcing you to read this.


    Anyway, if there is a new record fish (verified for the igfa or not) i am very interested in reading more about it.


    Inner thought: Then again, if the insults start flying then this thread will get locked!


    Cram, playing (or being) ignorant is not helping you: search for "record Muskie" and you will find the same thread over and over again.

    If there is a record muskie then I would like to read about it too. Despite your belief this is not a thread about an actual record muskie. It is fiction, I will say it again....this thread is fiction.


    Besides, the beauty of a messageboard is that you can choose what you read and what you don't. There are no magic hands in your computer reaching out, grabbing your head, and forcing you to read this.


    Maybe your brain idles along like that but I take in what I read.....the message headers appear in the forum list, I read those headers to find posts.



  13. I for one am very excited to see the pics. Why is it a "rookie mistake" to post about a record (if it is genuine and legit)?



    I think you answered your own question: There is no reference to show it is genuine and legit.


    This thread is like a smoking addiction....it just doesn't die. Even when you think it is dead it rears its ugly head a few months later.




    PS: where are the exterminators?

  14. Don't do trout fishing but the frequency of the Kemper reports get me thinking trout can be caught anywhere at anytime. Is that all Grandriver or is the area full of tributaries?


    The best way to retain information, sorry I don't have the reference: Study for a period of time 1-2hours, some people can do more. Then go and do something routine, something your used to that lets you reflect on the knowledge, like fishing.


    It works for me.



  15. World record Musky threads without fact rate right up there :dunno: :


    -Threads that misrepresent that picture of the 43lb pike caught in Holland a year or 2 ago (I ain't gonna post it).

    - Nigerian scam emails

    - "get large fast" emails

    - Elvis is still alive!


    Its a rookie mistake to post one....something else to let it go on and on and on and on and on........every time I look the thread gets bumped back up to the top.


    Do bass, trout or salmon guys carry on like this?

    How about a category to list all these looser threads so I don't have to see them anymore?




    PS...GCD you had a good point about examining the fish contents...but can't we just let it die?

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