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Posts posted by forrest

  1. Thanks for the heads up!


    They need to do the responsible thing and replace it with a basic HTML page stating: "site down for repairs".

    It is irresponsible for them to leave it up in the state it is in.



  2. caused by the wind fluctuating the air pressure in your plumbing vent/stack. When the wind blows hard pressure builds up inside the stack and actually will push water back up into the plumbing system.


    My wife calls me a wealth of useless information!



    Now thats some serious potty knowledge!

  3. Maybe It's cuz I'm only 14 and they didn't think That I was inclined to spend as much money as an adult? :o


    Its just some dumb kid might have gone through some minds. Youth has its benefits and problems.....many people would trade being taken seriously as a 40 year old for being 14 and a "just a kid". Go with the flow.



  4. I was thinking that you only buy Rapala crankbaits. I make a decent living and and can't afford all the "missing" lures.....I must have a few hundred at this point. 90%+ have not touched the water.....a bit of a waste. It is an arms race gone bad.


    Whenever I shop I find I do not have enough lures. Whenever I fish I find I have too many lures. If you must get more I think you need some moldy oldies in there to go with that new plastic.




  5. I am a contractor who uses Peacock Lumber in Oshawa quite frequently. I asked about marine plywood a while back and they told me that marine plywood is constructed differently then regular plywood. It's all in the the way they construct the core of the sheet. All plywood is made up of a series thin layers that are laminated together to reach the specified thickness. In regular plywood these layers are made up of smaller pieces that are placed beside each other during laminating, this causes voids in the sides where water can get in and do it's damage. On marine plywoods the core is made up of pieces of laminate that stretch the whole length of the sheet, eliminating the voids from the melding of the layers side by side. They also use an exterior grade glue. When you hear of it being a mahogany sheet this only refers to what the exterior layer of laminate is made of. I hope this clears up the confusion.


    Yes a bit. thank you.

    What about Full Marine vs Marine Sub



    is this OT?

  6. Something that a lot of people fail to realize, is that retail sales employees aren't high income earners, so sometimes their input may be less than desireable.



    huh? Wage paid has little to do with good work attitude or brains.

    Respect and good work attitude go a lot further than money when it comes to people doing their job well.


    I am guessing you are trying to be offensive.





    Have you ever known me to be any other way???


    ... but actually I'm not tryin' to be offensive. I've lived in a household with a retail sales income and it's tough!!! I'm not talking about the "part-timers", I'm talking about the 40 hr. week employees.


    No offense to retail sales employees intended!... but they have a high turn over ratio and will hire just about anyone, and the training is usually minimal.


    Does Marcus' shopping experience sound like he was dealing with well trained employees to you forrest?


    Training as in being obedient to what the store wants them to do or training as in knowledge? From Marcus's story I can't tell either way.


    1) It was during the busy Christmas season, employees get borrowed from other departments or hired new for Christmas help.


    2) The first employee did the right thing by sending the person over to the 2nd. Maybe it would have been better to walk them over; I was not there. What he did was much better than faking it or guessing.


    3) The second employee was going on break. A break they are entitled too. Who knows how long they were on the floor. In my retail experience a lot of guys stayed on the floor way too long and often took breaks hours after they were scheduled. Management started enforcing people leaving the floor for breaks.


    4) This last guy may have had less of a clue about the department (cashier, christmas help?) and unknowningly sent them back to the first guy. He assumed that all BPS employees are experts in the departments they stand in.


    Maybe the blame lies with the management, Christmas or a busy store. There is not enough info to reach a conclusion on what happened.



  7. Something that a lot of people fail to realize, is that retail sales employees aren't high income earners, so sometimes their input may be less than desireable.



    huh? Wage paid has little to do with good work attitude or brains.

    Respect and good work attitude go a lot further than money when it comes to people doing their job well.


    I am guessing you are trying to be offensive.



  8. Hard to comment because it is unkown who gave it to you.

    Some people buy gift X just for the sake of buying a gift. Sometimes they do the best they can. Fishing is hard to buy for unless you leave lots of clues.


    My mom bought me a fly fishng rod once. It was not cheap, she paid too much and I used it only a few times because it did not suit my application.

    Last year she got me something for several hundred dollars....its sitting in the closet unopened...what a waste. I think she would feel better if I was able to exchange it for something else.


    Exchange it for something that will work for you fishing related.....most people could appreciate that.



  9. Anyone have a link to where I can download a pic resizer for windows vista?


    I used to have one for my old notebook with windows xp and it was as simple as a right click and resize,but I cant seem to find one that works that easy with vista.

    Any help would be great.


    Try Irfanview.....its a viewer that has resizing capabilities. or a full blown graphics program Gimp: http://www.gimp.org/windows/ I don't know if it works with vista.

    There is a computer section under "extra resources".


    for rest

  10. It is not to wonder why....call MNR and they might give you the reason. Fish population could be hurting and you don't know it.


    A lot of meat is a relative term. I have done well with smaller pike. If I caught a fat 36 inch pike I would not know what to do with it so back it would go.



  11. Yep they have forrest. All the ones on the east coast.


    You are talking about over harvesting, correct?


    I have read about attempted eradication of Carp and Pike in water systems. Things like poisoning the whole system and then restocking have taken place only to have the unwanted fish return in big numbers.


    I guess people keep quite when things go as planned.



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