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Posts posted by forrest

  1. Disclaimer: I do not work for Hirk and aside from seeing posts on OFC I do not know him.


    Dropped by Hirks for the first time and picked up several things. No screwing around on the 25% I think it was everything except Rapala, Gulp and maybe Powerbait. Mustang suits were 25% off too! There were a few marine items too.


    Prices on the Rapala stuff were good already about on line with Walmart I think and other prices were good too (so -25% is actually a real discount). The store is not completely packed with stuff but what was there was well selected. There were a lot of plastics, some ice fishing wear and the usual fishing stuff.


    Most of this stuff I bought will sit in the tackle box until spring :glare:


    Hirk was good and had a few suggestions on purchases. It was well worth dropping in, I will go again.



  2. speculation: concentrate the ice guys and huts so it is easier to police/regulate in the popular region.


    Scugog is easier to regulate because it is not too far out of the way.

    I only went ice fishing once and it was the only time I was asked for my license.



  3. #Man vs. Wild is not fake. They are very open about how the show is made. There is always a crew and safety people around.

    #Survivorman is nuts...he has a search and rescue crew. But, he could be eaten and turned into bear stool by the time they found him :lol:


    the other thing I notice about Les Stroud is that he is a northern specialist. In places like the Amazon he is out of his element. He does manage to survive though

  4. Well here was my take. When I first saw it I started to weigh the pros and cons of doing this with the first guide. Here is my theory but it is just that.

    When the line comes off the reel it comes off as a wave. IF you place the first guide too far away from the spool the wave width becomes too big and thus causes the line to hit the rod blank which causes friction and thus slowing down the speed of the line and in turn reducing the distance of the cast. At the same time if you put it too close to the spool it will cause friction again due to the fact that the line is being forced to go at an 'unatural' angle. Having a guide too close could also interfere with the blank's natural backbone or optimum bending point and ultimately affect the rods overall performance.

    So here is what I think. Megabass were able to put the guide farther forward on the blank as to not affect the backbone or bending point of the rod and at the same time have the actual location where the line goes through the guide remain in the exact same location if it were attached in a conventional method which would maximize the casting distance.


    Does what I wrote make sense?

    If you look at the crappy drawing I did below I think you will be able to understand what I am talking about. You can keep the actual guide in the exact same location but move the attachment location of that guide forward as to not interfere with the strongest part of the rod.


    Now all the rod companies have to do is base a bogus study based on this theory. One more bogus study to make noise...thanks :lol:

  5. I realize this thread was a joke about the bailout...but....is anyone else SICK of hearing about the dang BAILOUT?

    Just like ANY other job....if something happens and you lose your job, go FIND ANOTHER.

    Quit crying about it. Oh wait.....maybe they are crying because they might actually have to WORK to earn money, in the future?



    The threads on the other bailout got locked for a reason.


    This thread is about those silly guys who somehow managed to end up sinking their boat, possibly due to a lack of basic work.


    Is there a back story to that pic?



  6. wow I can't believe I've never found this site before... thanks a lot for the link, I'll be glued to my monitor watching those videos!


    Yep, its a good interface with good quality video.


    I saw a few of these already....often it was the local guys that were killing it in run of the mill boats, some of them were salmon guys :clapping: . Not a lot of flash like the bass tourneys.



  7. I know i sold a ton of them to guys fishing the Grand for Walleye and they sure didn't come back and buy more if they didn't work.. Rapala are worth $10.99 to $14.99 Live Targets are $10.99 to 12.99 so there is not much of a difference in price


    Rapalas at $10.99? In many stores they are $7.99 all day, everyday so, yes there is a difference in price.

    But, right besides a Rapala are popular Lucky Crafts at $20 each!


    Would I trade 100 crankbaits for 10 that I knew were THE crank bait for just about every condition? Yep. I don't know if they work, but, I am pretty sure Kopper will get a few of my dollars if they are flashed infront of my face :P



  8. Sure. We've learned from the master:


    Go buy a fresh looking fish at the supermarket, take off yer shirt, pose for camera et voila - fishing report. :whistling:




    hahahaha project chaos. Sounds like a dare!

    There has got to be an OFC hat available for a stunt like that!



  9. Ya i made this account in august, cause I knew this thread was coming. Let me guess you work in the Auto Industry Forest.


    Life is like a box of Chocolate....


    That comment of yours is as informed at your confusion between "The Mob" a criminal organization and "a mob" a common collective (and your other spoutings)


    I do not work in the auto industry or at line worker job. If the big 3 sink it is not likely to affect me in a big way.


    Where is the game ward en? Someone is trolling in a troll free zone!



  10. When does GSP fight again?


    What did you think about dude getting his arm broken the other night? All the sudden that fight is hard to find on any of the UFC post fight info...


    It was a bit strange as he was running around the ring yelling " I broke it, I broke it..." Not a real pro.



    I think GSP fights late january or feb


    Yeah....it was a little uncool to take pride in bending the guys arm like that....btw it ended up being a dislocation.


    did you see Corey Hill snap his shin in 2? He looked like Stretch Armstrong.......owwwww



  11. I get my facts first hand, i have to go to these plants to fix there mistakes. As for st. kitts having the highest quality thats the biggest joke I ever heard. I would hate to see the quality from the other plants. I only deal with parts from St. kitts and there all the ones with problems. You guys make nothing just put the crap together and your bragging about quality... What kinda quality? You guys are good at putting another companies parts on your vehicle and taking all the credit and the pay. Very high quality in pay, is only quality I see...


    I will be out of work for a second, but it aint hard to find another job for the same pay I was making, I can work. 8 1/2 hrs a day is nothing, thats a short day! Heck maybe even get educated like you assembly workers. I can only see good coming outta this for my side. Im only 28 and I feel this will help ppl my age... Time to cut some dead weight.


    Basically, you are saying screw everyone over X years of age...oh well.


    Zebco, you sound like a guy who likes a good fight. Go to the after work watering hole, repeat what you said here and have fun!

  12. I have a personal pontoon boat and want to take a fishing trip down a river. One of the requirements is few shallow running sections, The hard shell pontoons do not stand up well to rocky bottoms.


    I am very familiar with the rouge and it is good below hwy 2. I have seen several sections of the grand river that run super thin/shallow but there has to be ong runs of it that are good.


    What rivers within 1 hour of Oshawa will work?

    What is the best section of the Grand river for this?




  13. Last time I checked We paid for our own education...so.... why would we be wasting taxpayers $$$$


    Universities are subsidized by tax payers dollars. But, that is a moot point because a lot of people do not use the skills they learned in school....life just worked out different than they planned.



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