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Posts posted by forrest

  1. Comparing autoworkers with the Mob, is like comparing Paris hilton to Charlie manson.

    I am on the ladder taking a 10 percent pay cut beginning in Febuary for these pampered workers at gm. Most of my co-workers will be laid off...


    Like I said welcome to the real world. I been in it for awhile, never got handed a job to me because I was born at the right time...


    Well there goes your credibility, do people now have an excuse not to take you seriously?


    I didn't say "the Mob" I said "a mob" as in a collective of people.....how could you get the two mixed up?



  2. Lot of wasted space as well as wasted money. If all these assembly line workers are such genius's why did they let this happen? Can they not vote for a pay cut to equal the foriegn competitors? I'm sure they can, just chose not too. Look at all the things they have went on strike for in the past, seems they always get there way, now there crying cause they might not get there way. Boo-Hoo


    Welcome to the real World!


    No one is saying they are all geniuses and who says they are crying?

    Ever try to change the mentality of a mob? It is a hopeless cause so the talent has to go with the flow.


    Put yourself on the ladder: For the longest time there has been less qualified people higher up the ladder and more qualified people lower on the ladder. It sucks, the world is not fair.


    Wasted money, disfunctional company....it is a sucky part of the real world that some people may have not had the displeasure of visiting/realizing.



  3. I'm an autoworker (as stated before), I have a BSc in Fisheries Biology form U of Guelph, when I choose what to take in University, I didn't intend to "waste" my education, things change and some things don't work out


    I back that up too. It happens all the time, it is an easy ting to fall into. Money is good and the job is there. Some say 'I'll just do it for a year or so to get out of debt'. Next thing they know its 10 years and they no longer have the freedom of a 20 year old.


    There is a lot of wasted talent and education on those assembly lines.



  4. And you all say I need to get out and fish. HAHAHAHAHA


    Nel,best of luck to you. Hope you get what you should.



    Hey! Nothing wrong with giving some good advice. Just hate seeing someone get bullied thats all.


    And yeah, I got cabin fever bad. :wallbash: Chained to the kid, ice fishing and steelhead are not for me and boating is out for me until warm and calm weather hits lake O.

  5. The item was bought, paid for and in the possession of the purchaser. Does this really need to be fought by you? They are trying to bully you.


    DO NOT send a letter to the dealer stating you received the top! By doing so you are stating that you received the item. Leave it up to the dealer to take you to small claims court and prove you received the items, it will be one more hurdle for them to jump.


    I know squat about liens, but, if they dealer does want to take you to court I think it is $100 and 6months time limit for them to do so. go to court and offer to give them the boat back :clapping: and see what they do!


    As said previously it looks like someone looked over the paper work and thinks that a calculation mistake was made on the total when, in fact the bill has a cosmetic error only. This is done all the time on deals. The salesman makes the deal and puts prices even on the N/C items and subtracts them from the main purchase.


    Do you really think the dealer is taking a loss on you? No way, they still profited and are coming back to you for more profit becuase someone thinks they did not make enough!


    A better way they could have handled it is guilt you into doing all your future purchases there, it is better than idle threats.



  6. It is always good to have outs.


    I do not know how bad you want the boat. You may want not to back out of buying the boat and they might use that to squeeze you for more money, Give yourself an out by going to another dealer and asking them to give you the deal you want if the other deal does not go through.


    The Ontario government has a consumer line to call. Ask them about the validity of the bill, it does not sound right that they can hold you to a total that is higher than their calculated amount, its a bill not an estimate.


    If you financed it contact the financing company and tell them what has happened (who wants legal hassles?) and that you would like to go through a different dealer.



  7. When there is any risk of freezing I make sure to let gravity drain it as a few different angles (maybe I will start following JWLs lead). Then store it down.


    If the motor is exposed the lower unit needs be wrapped so as water cannot get in (deep snow, snow, rain...etc)


    As per JWL blowing the water out. The merc manual states not so use a lot of water pressure when flushing the engine via the hose attachment....in case seals get blown......is there a way to use externally compressed air to clear out the water?



    PS: just had a good marketing idea: sell a lower unit sock with electric heating. Has it been done?

  8. Thanks, yeah I still have the ad. I tried emailing Abu Garcia several times and I got no response from them.

    I'll try BPS.


    Keep up the good fight.


    If the rebate said, US only then Abu Garcia is off the hook, if not, they are responsible.


    BPS should back up the advertisement no matter what. If the supplier (Abu) stated you were getting the Reel and PDF in the box and it turned out there was only a reel they need to give you both or your money back.


    Keep a journal with dates, times and names. Before starting a conversation with anyone ask for their name and how they are uniquely identified within the company (if the person on the phone screws up they often hang up). Keep the correspondence. For better negotiations always stick to principles and the topic, keep ABU/BPS on topic. If everything fails report them to the Ministry of Government Services.


    Good Luck!



  9. Bah you're both wrong it's coming from the Lynn River!


    As for the musky. I'd put it back. It's a lot of hassle to claim record status and even after being verified on gov't scales, blah blah you will ALWAYS have jealous naysayers the rest of your life disputing your record. I say let it go and save the trouble.


    Not trying to continue this thread on this off topic any further than this post:


    I am getting tired of hearing the negative implication that naysayers are jealous,


    I was one of the few guys that stated they would have liked to have seen a couple of extra pics to add some credibility and I am not jealous of that recent big fish or any of the others in the least. It is personally unproductive to be jealous of anything, envy is one of the deadly sins.


    So, please, keep the insults to yourself.



  10. Well, what did Paul Henderson's goal do for Canadian Hockey?


    I am not saying that a WR Muskie is on the same scale. Pride in the fishery and environment, investment in the fishery, tourism. Then again there are those with the monkey paw theory.


    These guys would certainly love it: http://www.worldrecordmuskiealliance.com/


    If the individual was a good angler they would get to be on a few fishing shows for sure! The guy who made the lure would do OK too.



  11. " The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."

    -Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, 1991



    Yep, we are our own worst enemy. People screw others over and we screw ourselves over. Someone needs to control us :P :, it would be benefitical.


    -in the mean time teach the kids well.

    stop drinking out of chemical filled plastic (that includes lined pop cans) unless of course you are so manly that nothing will effect you.



  12. forrest


    you have some poor info on mri's there is no radiation in mri's at all my friend so haow can it be like 1 mri = 50 x-rays

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a form of medical imaging. Whereas X-rays look at hard tissue like bone, MRI actually images the water in your body. This allows it to image pretty much every single organ in your body. It also manages to do this in 3D, or even over time, tracking changes and metabolism.


    X-rays use what is known as ionising radiation and thus too much of them can be bad for you, just like too much time in the sun. MRI uses a very powerful magnetic field and radio waves, and thus is harmless to humans.




    The Magnet


    The magnetic field is created by a huge coil of super-conducting wire surrounded by liquid helium. The field is fine-tuned, and altered for imaging by coils of 'regular' wire. The patient area looks like a cylindrical, hollow space about two feet across within the magnet. The strength of the field means that it is very dangerous to take any ferromagnetic objects into the scanner room. Any non-magnetic metals will also affect the scans as they will conduct a current in the changing field.


    The loud noises made by MRIs are caused by vibrations in these regular-wire coils as the current through them changes. Being inside the magnet can be uncomfortable as you have to remain very, very still for the duration of the scan, and you are placed in a fairly confined space, which is no good if you are claustrophobic.


    How It Works


    MRI works by aligning all of the protons which are in hydrogen (H2) atoms in the H2O in your body (any magnetic species would do but H2 outnumbers the others by millions to one). In a very, very strong field (about 1.5 Tesla for most clinical magnets, which is 30,000 times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field) slightly more than half of the protons will have their magnetic fields aligned with the external field, and slightly less than half will be aligned against it. The reason for this has a lot to do with quantum mechanics. The number of 'extra' protons aligned with the field is much less than 1% at 1.5T, which is why the field needs to be so large.


    Once they are lined up, they precess1 around the direction of the field, much like a spinning top does as it begins to fall over. The rate at which they precess is dependent on the field strength and the situation of the proton. If a radio-frequency pulse is emitted at the same frequency as this precession, the proton will absorb the energy and then re-emit it. A receiver antenna picks up these emissions and based on the strength and location obtains information about the protons.


    Do this a few million times with a big computer and some fancy code, and you can build up a detailed picture of the whole body. By looking at oxygen usage in the brain over time (deoxyhaemoglobin is paramagnetic 2 and thus messes up some of the signal), you can even see which parts of the brain are being used at any time. This is called functional MRI. Tap your fingers during one of these scans and the motor cortex of the brain will light up. Watch a film and the visual cortex will be active.


    MRI is a very safe way of viewing the inside of the human body. It is a very powerful medical tool that is helping to improve the health and quality of life of millions of people by improving the level of the diagnosis.



    umm....yeah. They are different, but, the effect of their energy is equivilant in the amount of disruption they cause to cells.....or maybe it was another imaging techniques.....oen o those ones they stick you into and leave you in for a bit. CT scan...thats the one....


    No need for the copy/paste info on MRIs. Yeah...I mispoke




  13. I injured a neck muscle a while back and my hand was experiencing numbness and pain. The doc said I was find and to keep using it until I could not stand the pain any more, it will repair itself. That doctors brain was numb. I did not take that advice and eventually worked it out. I experience a slew of pain in various parts of my arm at different times: shoulder, neck, elbow, tricept and hand. The point is the problem might not be in your hand or your brain; take care of all your parts.


    Greater than 85% of carpel tunnel cases are solved with simple stretching....did the doctor give you any of those?


    Help out the neurologist and yourself buy doing some mild yoga type exercises and the carpel stretches. Neither are radical and feel / are gentle on the body.


    If you are unlucky you will get misdiagnosed and get unrequired surgery etc...so do the exercises, get lucky/better and avoid the doc.



  14. I already posted a link to a CBC expose/documentary on this issue two weeks ago and you all laughed. This is serious stuff everyone, it's actually much worse than the article starting this thread details.


    All you have to do to know it's true is look at your friend's, neighbour's, stranger's on the street and relative's kid's, and count how many are girls. Very few have boys.


    Here's the link to the OFC thread:





    It is a problem with cache Lundboy. Fewer words and topics are often better.

    There were a few that joked, you just need to get to a few that have a chance to change thing at some point.


    Having topics of important things every once in a while is good.......here is one for you....is there BPA in plastic milk bags? That is a hormone mimic issue that most of us can ride the current change inertia that has built up on that one item.

    Where else is BPA?



  15. This has been known to happen in other parts of the food chain and highly suspected in humans....more than 15 years ago!


    I remember this on 60 minutes and other sources. The everglades reptiles were exhibiting the sex change mutations.


    Like many other things society ignores something until major, possibly permanent, damage is done.


    How much hope is there to fix this if we can't fix other basic problems: smoking, lead in products, toxic plastics. Heck we still mine asbestos!




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