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Everything posted by forrest

  1. snorkel and mask $15.
  2. Yep it is certainly something one needs to be made aware of. A detector that runs on batteries might be a good idea if your an ice fishing fiend....low levels can have a long term effect on the lungs (and more?) make sure it does not go BEEP BEEP BEEP when run on battery power. I bought 1 CO detector and 1 CO meter. -The detector detects levels at about 70ppm.....if it goes off you get out fast! A match that burns under a coffee cup generates about 30ppm.....70 is high. 170ppm and you drop dead. -The meter detects down to 2ppm...its is a Fluke and cost me $100, they last about 3 years then require the sensor to be replaced. I use the meter to check periodically check the furnace, gas fireplace and stove. Yes, some would say I am overly cautious. forrest
  3. With CO etc...Are those things safe without outside venting?
  4. Bow hunting....gotta respect that!
  5. The connection that you have is probably a mini-USB connection. Old USB chargers can't hurt, they can only undercharge (I have never looked at one). All of the new chargers (last 5 years or so) with this end will work because they follow the same USB standard. It probably can charge right off your computer too. Miracles of miracles, the futureshop guy was likely right maybe you can return it and buy another lure. forrest
  6. Yep. It hurt. A lot
  7. It has always been that after 3 years the card must be replaced. Even if there is only 1 sticker on it. The extra spots for stickers are for hunting. forrest
  8. By themselves licenses do not but when combined with education, testing and certification they do. Ontario fishing licenses are an example of a license that does not require qualification, education or certification, it does not represent competency. An electricians license requires certification, that requires experience, that requires testing, that requires education. It represents a level of competency. An industry wide implementation of testing, certification and licensing increases the average competency and knowledge. Of course just like the existence of poor drivers there will still be poor trades people. How much worse would the roads be if there was no official driving education, testing, licensing and let anyone who applied drive? Can we all agree that education combined with licensing and certification increases a professional groups average qualifications? forrest
  9. Are these the new G17s that Dr Evil is modelling?
  10. Yes, he has acted as an advocate for the consumer and has the spirit of an advocate. The way he is doing things is the most effective way he knows how (its more than just the show).. forrest
  11. What were not talking about pharma, tobacco and such being a requirement for advocates anymore? Merriam-Webster definition of ADVOCATE: 1: one that pleads the cause of another ; specifically : one that pleads the cause of another before a tribunal or judicial court 2: one that defends or maintains a cause or proposal 3: one that supports or promotes the interests of another He has done all three at one point or another. He is making noise, has a pro-consumer effect on things and has a career. Who is going to give him time and/or money to do it full-time? What do you want, David Horowitz? forrest
  12. It is a luxury item and with todays economy things change from sale to sale. Here is a site for used prices: http://www.nadaguides.com/ forrest
  13. That is complete nonsense. You torpedoed the credibility of your own argument with that one line. forrest
  14. If Armpit of Ontario refers to Oshawa (I always thought it was a different body part). Gagnon's sells them too.
  15. Shimano sells travel rods. The longest is 13' 6", it is a European model. Maybe they have a longer one, but, I doubt it. They have 2 lines: Exage and Beastmaster. BPS sells them, but, I do not know which versions.
  16. adding a bit more: Fishing licenses are issued by the provinces, each province has their own rules and fees. So if you are fishing in multiple provinces you will need more than one license. Several provinces have great fishing including Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia. If you are coming from the US you may need a passport to get back in check with US border services too. Forrest
  17. I recall a few shows few shows where is blaming the builder for the bad workmanship. I also recall that MH had interest in being a builder, I don't know what happened to those plans. Anyone else?
  18. Wow, I did not think this would end up as don't like MH theme. I was just thinking that even something under the MH banner can run into trouble. I like the show, the web forum and MH; they are a positive influence. It is too bad that some end up feeling negative aspects like people showing up all the time in an unhandled way and interfering with the labour, but, there are ways to handle such things in a positive way that has minimal interference and increases consumer confidence. The option to that is keeping the consumer in the dark, the bad guys like to hide in the dark. Yes, he does go to extremes when redoing things, but, that is what is required in order to demonstrate how something should have been done. It also shows what a total pain taking shortcuts can end up being. As for all the bad guys being driven out? They are still around and more are ready to jump right back in. Marketplace did a bit on a home builder (and a city) that is still causing homeowners huge misery: http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/2009/new_hom...mares/main.html and I have come across some bad work that I fixed myself after paying someone to do it. I agree that most tradesmen are honest and competent and it is always a good feeling in having confidence the job was done right. I am glad MH does what he does. forrest
  19. "quick! Grab my rod before it goes in! hurry! Grab it!"
  20. I saw that product at a local fishing shop and made one of those faces and skipped it. thanks for posting the review. How about Walleye and panfish? Those stores out west must be selling them for a reason. forrest
  21. For those that kept getting the down for repairs webpage the site is back up now. Its server crashed on December 28th and came back up today. Seems that the guys being paid to do the back up jobs were not doing them as they were supposed to. Let the "build it right" jabs begin fprrest
  22. Can anyone second the lakers thing? How about whitefish and Pike? When people ice fish with 4 ft of ice are they dropping fish back in? forrest
  23. So I will be trying my hand at ice fishing and would like to release fish if they stand a good chance of survival. Lake Trout, whitefish, walleye, perch, bass all have different tolerances for being caught at various depths. Unless I intend to keep the fish I do not want to fish too deep. It being winter must help. So how deep is too deep for these fish? forrest
  24. Are those augers a good deal?
  25. A buddy o fmine told me that he has caught a zillion fish. How much is that?
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