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Posts posted by forrest

  1. Simply box/bag combos hold more tackle and are more flexible:


    I put tackle in smaller boxes and those boxes in bags that can be slung over the shoulder.


    Some of the boxes could count as mini tackle boxes.


    Plastics stay in soft containment.


    I keep a toolbox on the boat with some basic tools and loose tackle like dipsys, gloves etc...



  2. With a decrease in numbers of salmon coming in should we expect the same decrease in numbers or rainbows in next few years seeing how they feast on salmon eggs every fall?

    Its a shame to see them disappear slowly



    Maybe the rainbows only come in after the salmon run to feast on the salmon eggs and stay in the lake to feast on something else.

  3. A buddy of mine who has fished steady for many decades was stating the same thing to me in the summer:


    Its the salmon, they stay in the lakes and are eating machines. Now that there are only alewives to eat they don't taste anywhere near as good as they used to too.


    The lakes have been messed with



  4. I can feel for the ones that have been wise but still been hit hard in the states (ie -8000 DHL jobs= no town), It may happen and there too.


    Maybe you have been diligent in your finances maybe even have your house paid off, and from a percieved lofty position can make the points you made,


    Lofty? That's a 'when did you beat your wife last?' statement:

    I could make those points because they are true and in knowing they are true follow their truth.


    I still have investment/risk/reward and work to make it to a comfortable level or the same level. Others are comfortable with relatively higher risk. Some turned a blind eye to the risk.



    but many people will suffer including yourself once all is said and done


    As long as I and the ones I know and care for do not suffer far more than I planned I will be happy. Others are happy no matter what, it can all be a state of mind. Happiness, spiritual growth and societies ????(fill in the blank here) are the less vocal economy.




  5. That's pretty rude, actually. Did you watch the video?


    Hey stop attacking me in the forum! Thats rude!:


    Like I said "don't need to watch it". (did ya miss that part?). All this trouble would have been avoided if people could have followed those first 3 steps. Simple rules can make a simple life.....its a fishing forum. I bet most here like their life to be simple.


    About 1/4 of it has to do with what you're talking about.....the last 2/3-3/4 goes far beyond that.

    By your own words did in less than a minute what it took them 11.25 minutes to do.....how smart can the guys in the video be? :angel:

  6. Don't need to watch it. The answer is simple:


    1) greed on the part of the loaners

    2) lack of ethics on the part of the loaners

    3) large populations of individuals who don't understand the risks that go with sizable debt. Their eyes were bigger than their stomachs, so to speak.

    4) lack of assertive action by the government on the above 3.


    There....I just saved a bunch of people 44 minutes.



  7. ...must be nice to advertise on this site and not get in poop for it ...next time leave the Banana's on land and you will fill the cooler ...



    I would feel it was like spam if U & me guide service's name showed up in a pic regularly.


    Fisher paid for a guide and as customers thought it was a good pic to post; no spam taste in my mouth.



    PS: Those bananas got some nice fish, bananas made their way onto my boat too.....I should have broken them out :wallbash:

  8. Another tip/info


    It is best not to let a fuel injection engine run out of gas, a mechanic informed me:

    The mechanical fuel pump(lift pump) can be damaged if you run it out of fuel.

    You are also then allowing your High speed fuel pump to run with NO fuel to cool it...for a short period of time.


    He told me the VST should have a screw under it to drain the fuel (whatever/where ever that is).



    I had a gas smell in my garage b4 so i asked about letting the engine run till it was empty...it must have been gas I spilt...now I smell nothing.


    Maybe doing it once a year is OK...I don't know.

  9. Its like I am very sick and every one is coming to help me feel better, it brings a few tears to my eye....I am touched at the tender good advice and stories of misery (skeeter) lol!


    After Skeeter's story I am not banging my head against the wall wonder what was out there...massive waves would have had me scared, wet and hurling chunks.


    If the wife lets me out I will give it another shot wed (calm weather or on the wet weekend with the OFC crowd. :clapping:


    you guys are great. thank you.



  10. Well forrest a few questions first: what lb test line were you running??,also use 70-110 ft back of the in-lines in the morning,for the fish that are active and up top,then when traffic statrs being an issue watch your electronics very closely,then in the late morning go long !!!! i would think that was your problem right there,for a few weeks now i have been running as far back as 280ftback of the boards !!!!,and depending on your line that will seriously comprimise the depths your lures will run !!!! cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:


    Good tips....I was not thinking so much about the other boats.


    Traffic jams....yep at times there were a lot of boats in quarters that were too tight to run 200ft back (for me) and some other boat would have been over top of the line I think. I have time of during the weekdays and want to try again when most people are at work.


    I was using 30 lb braid with a 17lb, 7ft mono leader. Lighter or different leader required?




  11. Went the BOQ on Saturday 6am - 3pm and there were many of boats, rain and wind, 1-2 foot chop:


    -it rained for the first few hours and winds were pretty strong from the west. 52 degree water and 1-2ft chop.


    -45-30ft depths and marking lots of fish at different levels but not much bait fish. Where we saw bait balls there were few fish (hint?).


    -3 rods trolled just NW from the ferry for 4 hours(1.2-1.7mph)...30, 20, 15ft Taildancers and others, chartruese, rainbow, minnow.. 5hours....nothing (1 hit?). we had planer boards with 80-100ft of line behind them.


    -switched up to jigs and tried the bottom and middle for a couple hours....only got one on....it got away.


    I think the biggest problem was the cold front moving in after the weather was so good lastweek.

    BOQ is a long drive and I don't get to go out too often so I want a few good tips to make the next trip better on the fishing side.


    Spare a few tips for a rookie?


    Theres a poll too!: there was a poll but for what every reason I cant figure out why the "poll" feature is not working.

  12. If you want to keep the kid happy bring a a wack of cash to Burd's trout farm.


    Its not very sporting but with kids+cold weather usually = uncomfortable kids; especially if your not catching much.




    if it is open the opposite bank of the campground is a short walk from the parkinglot. I don't know if it is open in that area though. There should be a couple of spots.......I never liked fishing the rouge in fall, it is in a valley and gets dark and cold really fast.



  13. If you do decide to take a chance and tresspass for the purpose of hunting in there, be warned that there is a baited area in there. If your caught hunting waterfowl within 400m of the bait, its a federal charge under the Migratory Bird act......they're watching all the time for people in there.


    It is all private.





    I wondered what that sign was for! Pretty smart to bait an area that they do not want people hunting around.


    Its not the hunting thing that gets me its the use of lake water to create private canals that open to the lake......those things look great for fishing! No one is saying that they have been shooed off for fishing in the lake area so it sounds like the owners are friendly/sympathetic enough. There are lots of other areas to fish too.


    BTW...there are some nasty stumps with roots sitting on the bottom over in that area (my boat got stuck on top of one) so anyone over the shallow areas in that direction should take it real easy.



  14. A buddy of mine wants to head down to BOQ.....seein all those fish fishindevil caught makes me want to go out too! But, we know nothing about planar boards (not much about walleye either :P). I think from the posts here we should be able to hook a few.....so planar boards.


    We have planar boards that the main line slides through. http://www.swboards.com/ (not trying to spam here)

    Are these good enough?



  15. I found this on the web: http://www.scugogheritage.com/misc/scugogmarsh.htm



    It started out as a bit of a shady deal and then got a whole lot more screwed up after Scugog's water level was raised. A long time ago some judge stated that the navigatable water act did not apply to fishing and hunting in the area.


    Then the owners dreged canals...I guess this sucks more fish from the lake......that no one else can fish.


    So it is not a matter of trespassing it is a matter of hunting/fishing around there.


    I guess since the water is navigatable and if someone hits one of those posts in the night or day there will be a bit of a kerfuful.


    That Scugog deal is messed up.


    had to add this: not that I am able to do anything about it:

    -The owners had land that the government flooded. Why wasn't the land purchased? what about hte others who had land flooded, can they block fishing?


    -the land owners then dredged channels going into the lake. If a marina can't block people from fishing how can the channels on scugog be off limits?



  16. I have never been fishing apon a lake in fall before, water was 42 deg in 8 ft of water: got skunked but I did figure a copule of things out (on the way home :wallbash::wallbash: )



    No tresspassing signs in the lake at the south end, in the swampy area by Ceserea:

    They were in the lake about 100 feet from the reed edges and enclosed a huge area. Posts were placed in the water and the signs said "no tresspassing". What is the deal with that?



  17. "Handsfree Phone" .... ya still have to dial the number!! And that's the most dangerous part...unless you have Onstar and can talk to your dash...and don't have to look up the number somewhere to tell the "voice" where to dial.



    "Hands Free" phones are almost as dangerous because the conversation part of a phone is every bit as bad for conversation. Proven in studies (too tired to look them up) and according to critics "hands free" should have been banned too.



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