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Everything posted by JustinHoffman

  1. Hmmm, now that was a little scary to watch!! I'm heading to Greece come the end of May, and have to fly a Luthansa A330 in Munich. Here's hoping for calm winds and sunny skies!!! Good Fishing, Justin
  2. Hey Stoty, Looks like I posted my message at the same time as you, so you may of missed it. Just look above for what might be a better deal for you... Good Fishing, Justin
  3. Hey Stoty, Check out Bassmaster magazine. Much better mag compared to Bassin', at least in my eyes, and it is one subscription I have never regretted. Even have a deal on right now for Canadian subscribers - $26.95 for 11 issues. Can't beat that! http://proxy.espn.go.com/outdoors/bassmast...pRedirect=index Good Fishing, Justin
  4. Hello All, Here is the full story on this video clip: A Shreveport Lousiana police officer has been fired after an incident in which a female prisoner taken into custody on suspicion of DWI wound up lying on the police station floor in a pool of blood. Much of what happened was recorded on a videotape, but there is a gap ofundetermined length. During that time, the woman was believed to have been injured. She said she was beaten up, the officer said she fell.The woman, Angie Garbarino of Shreveport, was argumentative when she was brought to the DWI unit's office last November. The videotape shows she did not want to listen to Officer Wiley Willis as he read her rights. She was insistent on making a phone call and said so repeatedly. At one point, Garbarino mentioned the names of attorneys and a police officer she wanted to contact. She tried to leave the room but was stopped by the officer and then handcuffed, the videotape shows. The situation escalated, and the videotape shows the officer push the woman against the wall; she fell to the floor crying, telling him not to touch her. Seconds later, the tape is turned off. It is not known what happened while the tape was off, but when it was turned back on Garbarino was lying on the floor on her side in a pool of blood. Willis turns her on her back and tells her, "Lay down; don't move." The officer leaves the room. Another officer came in shortly after that to look at Garbarino and then left. At some point, a Fire Department ambulance crew was called. They took her to the hospital. Garbarino's lawyer, Ron Miciotto, said she suffered a broken nose, a severe cut on her forehead, two broken teeth and bruises on her arms and shoulder. Pictures taken of her later show two severely bruised eyes, as well as other bruises. Willis was fired earlier this month for what officials said was his handling of the incident. No criminal charges were filed accusing him of injuring the woman. Garbarino faces trial on charges of DWI and hit and run driving. She will fight them in court, Miciotto said. Good Fishing, Justin
  5. Hello All, Fishing Mag Subscriptions Ontario Out of Doors - great range of fishing and hunting articles that exclusively feature Ontario...plus I'm on staff and write for them, so probably a bit biased... Bassmaster Magazine - awesome read for those into bass fishing.. Non-Fishing Subscriptions Canadian Geographic - in the same vein as National Geographic, yet with Canadian content. Best Life - a lifestyle magazine for men. Good Fishing (and reading), Justin
  6. Getting a business plan together would be your first step. If their is not enough need or want to buy secondary transducer's, then I would think you have your answer. Much like Bill said, most folk (I would say 90%+) but the whole kit and kaboodle when purchasing a fish finder. When upgrading, I would think most buy a whole new unit. Not sure if you'd have a big enough market buying single transducer's alone...perhaps the hard core guys that want a variety of cone angles, etc., but not the everyday fisherman. Sadly, that's where the most money is to be made in the fishing world... Good luck in your endeavour if you go for it. Just make sure you have all the info, know your market and have a solid business plan before ultimately signing the dotted line. Best of luck, Justin
  7. One thing we probably have to ask ourselves is why a "rant" thread receives 2,371 views and 103 responses? Don't think a fishing report has ever garnered that much interest in this sites existence...hey, I guess we all like to rant. Sadly, the official "Fishing for Tyler" thread has only received 4 responses and 572 views - go figure... Don't worry, Cliff - there will be a new "rant" of some sort posted tomorrow, whether it be about a lousy fishing store, loud music, rod warranties, or the weather. Perhaps we need a "rant" section on this site, so we don't have to wade through them all...(tongue in cheek comment there.) Good Fishing, Justin
  8. Hello All, Been reading through this thread with a smile on my face, because there certainly is a lot of humour in many of these replies. First of all - classing children as "panhandlers" is a wrong choice of words in my opinion. My job working at a Treatment Centre for Youth allows me to see what a true "panhandler" is, and sorry, but the two couldn't be more further apart. If you believe they are, then are the men and women that come to my door for the cancer society, the veteran's requesting my funds for a poppy, or the blind man with dog at his side all "panhandler's" too? I don't think so. I see nothing wrong with a child trying to raise funds for a sports team, for a charity, or for a greater cause. Much better than seeing them loitering in parks, hanging out at the mall, or causing trouble. You have a choice to support them or not. Not sure where many of you live, but it sounds like it is an epidemic in many of your towns. I live in the Nation's Capital, and see very few "panhandler's" holding me up at malls, liquor stores or the neighbourhood Canadian Tire's. Lucky if I see one every few weeks. But here is the part I don't get - is it that hard to say a simple "no thank you" and walk on? The way many of you are talking, it's like 8 year old Johnny is pulling out a switchblade and demanding your wallet. The words "no thank you" takes less than 2 seconds to say. It's the easiest thing to do, and involves no stress. If you want to give, then do so. If not, then don't. But what I don't get is the uproar in regards to this whole issue. When I was a youngster we would collect money at Halloween with our Unicef boxes. I still remember how excited I was getting that box filled. Our schools would do Jump Rope for Heart and we would collect pledges. I did a yearly skate-a-thon at the local rink to raise money for charity. And yes, I would bring home chocolate bars to sell. Never was an issue back then. I guess to me, it seems far too easy is this day and age to "rant" about something. This fishing board usually produces a daily rant of some sort. Perhaps it would be best to take the negative energy it takes to rant or get stressed out about something, and turn it into a positive. Or perhaps some folk just need to get out on the ice and wet a line, because cabin fever seems to be setting in pretty hard these days. (Yes, Ottawa has plenty of ice for fishing!) Let's be honest - there's far more serious issues in the world, and in day to day living, than Johnny asking you to buy a chocolate bar. Just my 2-cents... Justin
  9. This happened today in Ottawa... Ice Slams Into Car Window, Narrowly Misses Driver A driver got a scare after a chunk of ice flew off the top of a transport truck and smashed through a car's windshield on Hwy. 417 near the Nicholas off-ramp today during the lunch hour. Provincial police said the driver was not hurt, but was shaken up after the large piece of ice came free off the truck and hit the car that was travelling behind. The chunk slammed through the windshield and wound up inside the car, said police. The driver managed to pull off to the side and was awaiting a tow truck. Safe Driving, Justin
  10. Hello All, I had the honour of having Lawrence around to my apartment the other week. It was my first time meeting him in person, and his seeing-eye dog, and I must say, this man is an inspiration. The knowledge, articulation and genuine caring nature that Lawrence holds is something few of us will ever attain. I have an invite to join him out in the boat this season, and am hoping to do a feature piece on him for one of the magazines...his story is one worth telling. Good Fishing, Justin
  11. Yeah, the red price fooled me at first - guess it's there for a reason! Good Fishing, Justin
  12. Hmmm, good to know, Lostchild. Strange, as I believed all Tracker Boats (Nitro) had "no-hassle" set pricing.. Thanks for pointing it out. Justin
  13. Good point, Tony! I'll look into that. Thanks, Justin
  14. Hello All, I'm with Rogers for all my services - internet, cable, home phone and cell. Overall the prices are not bad, and I lucked in to a 1000 min/ $5 long distance deal when I signed up, that unfortunately they no longer offer. Got to like a deal like that, so I kind of covet it... I did get some info from Primus last week that seemed like a very good deal. It was a bundle for home phone and internet. Here are the details: Primus Local Home Phone Service: * Includes 9 FREE features: Call Display, Voice Mail, Call Waiting, 3 Way Calling, Call Forwarding, Call Screening, Call Display Blocking, Call Hold, and Call Trace * Keep your existing home phone number and phone book listing * Enjoy a worry free switch, with no connection or installation fees, and no contract to sign * Telemarketing Guard: NEW! Gives you additional screening and blocking capabilities for your incoming calls. DSL High Speed Internet * Unlimited Internet access * Up to 5 Mbps speed * Anti Virus/Spam * 4 Email accounts and 20 MB of Personal Web Space * 24/7 support * Add a DSL Wireless Home Solution from only $3 more per month! Primus Unlimited Longdistance * Unlimited calling within Canada and to the U.S., anytime, any day * No caps or time restrictions * No monthly network fee All of the above for $69.95!! Now that's not bad. If you commit for 1 year, they drop that price down to $59.95/month...even better! Have been thinking about switching, but realized one thing: my email account is with Rogers. If I switch, I will no longer have my Roger's email account, but I assume a Primus one. Unfortunately, all of my work and personal contacts have my Roger's email address. Yes, I could try to give notice to them all of the change, but I'm sure I would miss many. So, although it would be nice to save some decent cash per month, I wonder if the possible complications are worth it? Will have to give this one some more though... Oh, and if you're a Roger's customer, I just received a letter detailing all of their rate increases, that go into effect March 1. A sample of the gouge: Home Phone System Access Fee - Was $4.50, Now $5.95 Hi-Speed Ultralight - Was 21.95, Now $23.95 Super Sports Pak - Was $26.95, Now $29.95 Basic Cable - Was $27.49, Now $28.49 And sadly, that's just a small sampling... Justin
  15. $24,397. If you scroll down the left side of the link you provided, they have a spot you can convert over to the CND. price for comparison...that's for my postal code, but I am fairly certain the price is the same across the board. Sweet looking boat! Good Fishing, Justin
  16. Hello All, Yep, another ridiculous rule to add to the lengthy list we already have.. I understand the reasoning if a hut is being left out overnight, or if it is one of the "home-made" plastic/tarp jobbies that are many times left on the ice to melt away. Will be interesting to see what the backlash of this new "law" is, and how much enforcement will be used. On a brighter note, my HT Polar Escape X-Press hut comes in with a base of 90" x 33", or 20.625 feet. So it appears that I just squeak in under the limit. I will be taking the catalog page with me on each trip, as it states the base size in black and white, just in case they want to push me on the issue... I can't be that hard on the Ministry this year - they are finally allowing us folk in Ottawa to fish bass on inland lakes beyond Oct. 15! (Another ridiculous law that finally got amended...) Good Fishing, Justin
  17. I'm just jealous, Irish... (plus I'm used to the gas consumption my 20 HP provides me...) Never knew the gas reached that high at the marina's that year! I always fill the boat up at road-side gas stations, so I was left in the dark about that gouge... She's definitley a beauty ride...if only I had the money.. Good Fishing, Justin
  18. Gorgeous looking boat, Minnow! Can't go wrong with a Ranger.. Now, let's just hope the forecasted $1.50/litre doesn't come true this summer, or you might want to start putting the pennies aside now... Enjoy the ride.. Justin
  19. Plenty of safe ice up here, Tracker... (just not fishing it at 10pm!) lol Good Fishing, Justin
  20. Hello All, Fishing for dogs? Who would of thought... This one still makes me chuckle.. Good Fishing, Justin
  21. Good one, Squid...and very original. Off to better things...shop wherever you choose, fellas. Has no bearing on my life. Justin
  22. I order a lot from BPS, and since I do live 5 hours away from the store, 99% of the time it is from the website. With the dollar as it, as well as the great sales BPS has online, it makes the most sense to me. They will give you a quote on the phone at the time of ordering, that includes all taxes, duty and shipping charges. I have yet to receive any hidden charges, nor have I had to pay the delivery guy once it arrived here. Definitely worth a comparison shop for those in the market for stuff. And as one poster mentioned, they will use the exchange rate at the time of ordering on your credit card. Check out the clearence section online - some good deals to be had from time to time.. Good Fishing, Justin
  23. Gerritt, "Seems to me as of late Justin all you do is reply to threads that have a complaint in them... I have seen little from you otherwise... Perhaps you were the one that PM'd Blake that I had an issue with his employer?" You're right, Gerritt. I replied to your rant thread, and just 10 minutes ago replied to another in regards to BPS. That's two in total. The BPS one I just replied to was to simply state how it is mentioned on the BPS site that funds are quoted in U.S. funds. Please feel free to enlighten me to all of the other "complaint" threads I have responded to. Seems to me it may of bothered you that someone from Fishing World responded to your rant. With Blake being a member of this board, and FW a supporter, I'm sure it wasn't too hard for them to come across your thread. "it had nothing to do with a vendetta... as I NEVER mentioned the reels... this just topped it off.." You might want to check back to your original post on this thread. Your P.S. to Blake in regards to the reels seems like mentioning to me. Maybe I'm just reading it wrong. "But whatever Justin do what you do.. and that is be fuel to fire." You might want to re-read through this thread again. Many posters did not take your side, and felt you were unnescessarily bashing a retailer. I still stand by my feelings that you felt it necessary to make a very public complaint all on the pretense that a store would not match a price. Sorry - I still feel that was wrong of you. Being a member of a public message board, I am entitled to respond to threads I choose. I felt strongly about this one, and that's why I did. Call it adding fuel to the fire, but I'd say you lit the match in the first place. Blake had a right to stand up for the store he works for, and I found his comments insightful. Other posters that chimed in here also have that right. "I have seen little from you otherwise..." I am a member of many boards. I do threads when I can, as well as post reports. Since my work is in the fishing field, I am extremely busy right now. Since I have only been on the ice once this season, the opportunity to post a fishing report hasn't come up. When it does, you'll see a report. By the way, Gerritt. Feel free to pick up on my comments, but many of the other posters are saying the exact same thing. Feel free to call me out on it and not the others....perhaps you just don't want to ruffle any feathers with those that "post all the time.." Good week to you also.. Justin
  24. Mistaredone, There is no Bass Pro Shops Canada on the internet. There is one web site for BPS, that originates from the States. The web site clearly states on the first page : "Prices shown are in U.S. funds." If you look up the Toronto Store circular on basspro.com, it is stated in Canadian Dollars, but that is it. The rest of the site is in U.S. Dollars. Sorry you had to find out the hard way. Since there is only one Canadian store, and everything you order online comes from the States, the chances of BPS ever advertising their prices in CND. funds is zero to nil. Hope your next experience is better.. Good Fishing, Justin
  25. Two sides to every story, and I applaud Blake for making his say. Starting to wonder if this wasn't more of a vendetta on your part against Fishing World, Gerritt. Blake's recollection of the "reel issue" certainly makes me question your reasoning for starting all of this... Well, if we've learnt one thing, it's that you can't please everyone in the world.. Good Fishing, Justin
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