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Everything posted by fishinfool

  1. I always enjoy hearing all the comments whether they be negative or positive, we have all had different experiences in regards to these things and it's a way of getting an idea of what to expect. So, thanks for all the comments so far folks. Please keep them coming!! Stan
  2. Gee thanx BillyBob, now I'm really bummed. On a good note though, this car absolutely flies. 265 Horsepower and puts a lot of cars that were meant to be quick to shame.
  3. Welcome to the board drop shot, you will love it here. We like lots of pictures and movies!!! SS
  4. GeorgeJ I got them down pretty far on the price and they also gave me a fair buck for my trade. They wouldn't stop trying to sell me a new Impala and I seriously considered it. I have never really owned anything but North American and with all the rumblings going on with them, I decided to try an import this time.
  5. With gas prices the way they have been, I have been finding it hard to justify my truck. I don't do much work with it anymore so I figured it was time... She was the best truck I ever owned, didn't spend a dime on her for repairs but the 6.) litre was killing me. It was an HD Crew Cab and I was getting about 10 miles to the gallon in the city. I didn't even know the big trailer or boat was back there when towing. I will miss her sniff dude~~~!!! Here is the link to the new vehicle. http://listings.boostmotorgroup.com/Detail...p;IsWholesale=0
  6. Got out again yesterday with Newfieman and got into some decent fish. Come on Crappie opener. http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y175/stan...outMar22001.flv
  7. Correct me if I am wrong but aren't electronic calls illegal for hunting? I took the turkey course last year and I seem to recall them saying that.
  8. Thanks for all the comments. I have now posted the little movie of the catch. It's not very long, the guy on the camera had to turn it off to net the fish. LOL GCD - Glad we don't have those discharges in Ajax where I live!! lol
  9. I got out this morning with a bud (Newfieman) and we had a bit of luck at the warm water outlet. This would be my Personal Best Brownie to date, I put him at about 9 or 10 lbs. Got him on a grey and white Tail Dancer bouncing off the bottom with a real quick retrieve. Boy they hit hard and fight like hell, lot's of aerobatics too. We had 3 or 4 good solid hits each but this was the only one to end up in the boat. Of course he went right back in to be caught again! Gotta love it!! Hope to get out and nail a few more in the next couple of weeks. Stan I also got a small movie on the camera of me catching it but I still don't know how to post it here. The file is about 7 and a half megs. http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y175/stan...outMar09001.flv
  10. Can't wait, I'll be on Balsam on the opener of Crappie. There are numerous real hot spots and lots of big slabs to be had.
  11. Look at the buttons at the top of the flyer on the first page just above the catalog's front page , the one second from the right is to request print catalog.
  12. Unbelievable, I just got rid of my Chevy Silverado HD and decided to go with a Nissan Maxima. I miss the truck but I'm guessing that I will save in the long run.
  13. Wassup wit dat??
  14. I got out with a bud yesterday on Simcoe, a friend showed us where all the Whities are. Got there at 11:30 and by 5:00 we had caught about 30 Whities and I got my first Laker ever. Of course we only kept 2 each and the rest went back to be caught next time. Around 3:00 pm about six carloads of people that knew our guide showed up, kids everywhere. James and I started handing our lines over to the little ones when we got them on and the little ones brought in some good sized Whities. They all had a great time and I think all of them got at least one fish each. It was fun watching their faces while they were bringing up the fish, they were in their glory. My first Laker gave me quite a tussle with 4 lb line on, it went about 12 pounds and fought hard all the way up. All in all, the day was awesome sunny and no wind until around 2:00 and even then it was pretty nice. I have a couple of movies but I am not sure how to post them here, I will try and figure it out but until then this is the only pic I got.
  15. Oh oh, I know, I know. 1 pm Facts of Fishing Booth SS
  16. Millwright/Gasfitter presently working doing mechanical rooms for a large high school in Oshawa. Spiel, I used to run the overhead at Pitt Steel in Markham when I was about 20 and that sucker had two 30 ton magnets mounted for lifting sheets of steel 15' x 30' by 6" thick for the flame cutters, really enjoyed doing it as you do.
  17. Been here a few times, great place to buy some cheap toys. http://www.repodepo.ca/
  18. It's great to be able to tap into such a wealth of information. Thanks guys/gals for the info. Stan
  19. Thanks again John, I'll check it out. A friend of mine's son (11) got a nice 11 pound Walleye up at Lake Nipissing this past weekend and dad wants to get it done for him.
  20. By far the best http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=8O3Plt8DyMk
  21. Thanks John Any idea how competitive their pricing is or is this the only place you have dealt with? Stan
  22. We have a cottage on Balsam Lake and every year my sister gets all mushy about feeding the ducks that have had babies. There are usually two or three groups of families with ten or more little ducklings following mom and dad. We would go up every weekend and each weekend the duckling count has gone down until there are only 3 or 4 left. I just don't have the heart to tell her where they are going to. Two summers ago I was fishing a back bay full of stumps one morning with my wife and I saw a small duck trying to take off from the water in the back of the bay, it was trying for all it had to get off the water but was a little too young or perhaps it was sick, directly behind it was a huge wake of a very large Musky that followed it about 30 yards around a bend and then I heard nothing. I told the wife but she just laughed and said "No Way" Wish I could have got that fish to bite. LOL
  23. Hi All. I am looking for a reasonably priced and good taxidermist in the Ajax area. I used to go to a lady in Oshawa named Linda Moneray who did fantastic work but she is not taking on any more work as of Jan 1 due to arthritis that is bothering her. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks Stan
  24. Gotta say the Rusty Nail is an all time fav at Christmas and New Years. Couldn't drink them all year though, I'd be a prime candidate for AA. lol http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-make-a...y-nail-cocktail Stan
  25. I would probably try the heart but of all the deer I have shot in the last 6 years, they were heart shots. Not a whole lot left in the area for eatin...lol I always eat the backstraps or tenderloins as soon as the deer is hung though and love it. Stan
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