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Everything posted by EC1

  1. AHH ! There you are Anton! Congratulations! hehe, that last picture on the right, I AM PROUD that i took it! Thanks for all of the tips again today! Hope to see you again before pike closes in march 31!
  2. Which Canadian Tire? Or is it a sale for all stores?
  3. addikted, you will LOVE it! Make sure you try it once at least in the summer or when the water is warm! They fight like 10X harder when the water is not freeezing cold!
  4. ahh dirk, i was just there before you. I left about 2 hours before you got there! by the way, NICE STUFF.
  5. Since I don't Ice Fish, I caught on to all this hype about catching pike in the GTA while everyone was still icefishing. After a couple of times failing, I finally catch my first! Sorry for the really bad pic, I was stupid to have been fishing for pike 2m above the water with no net, it looks like a fingerling doesn't it? Thanks to one of the guys that were fishing there, he helped me release it without me having to swim with the pike! No closeups, But my guess would be that fish was ~20" and weighed 3-4 pounds. Casted for approx. 2 Hours, and it was well worth it. Glad to have also met another OFC'er - Anton! Thanks Anton, for giving me some tips and pointers about pike fishing. Sorry for making you stop at the gas station though, I really did fill up 83.3 for Premium gas at like 10 this morning at that gas station!
  6. The one thing rogers can do is that they say that there is "Something" from your computer / router that is eating up their server bandwidth. As a result, they cut your internet - 1st time = 1 week 2nd time = 1 month ..and so on.
  7. e21 is carrot stix. I am telling you from reading that people love the gold carrot stix, which is supposedly very light. Lifetime warranty, and their head office is in downtown Toronto, you probably should look into them.
  8. I've read good reviews of this on another site --> the Daiwa Zillion. Price is considerably lower than the Steez, and has the fastest retrieve ratio out there. 7.3 : 1 I'm not positive to how much it costs in CDN, but good luck in choosing your reels! Here's the link to the reel: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...0001000_100-1-1
  9. being a failure in early season Lake Ontario pike fishing, I shouldn't be giving much opinions, but if the crankbaits arent working, I would even try a slip float + plastic / live bait. And for that approach, try do almost the same as you would crappie fishing, but probably with even longer pauses. Crappie fishing = cast, pause, jerk, pause, reel in slack, jerk, pause, reel in slack. Continue until it reaches shore. and in 9 days, looks like the weather might be pretty nice and you won't be too cold.
  10. Thanks a lot everyone, Very informative opinions, and thanks for all the options! Will definitely think it through, and go for my purchases in the coming week!
  11. oh yup sorry. I am trying to get a new spinning setup that is ML for all around Bass / walleye fishing. I just wanted a bit more casting distance than normal, and I was wondering which would of the reel or rod is more important to making those casts. And thanks for all the replies everyone!
  12. Hi everyone, I think I've got another question I need some advice on. Being on a student budget, I'm very limited to the amount of cash I have to spend on gear this year, and I'm in the market for a new rod + reel. I want to use everything for quite a few years, but I'm pretty much limited to one or the other right now. My main goal of this setup would be to have long casts w/ some smoothness in the reel. If I were to get one of those items expensive (Around $100 - $130) and one cheap (around $50 - $70), which budget would you spend on the rod and which on the reel? By the way, what is more important in making long casts, Rod or Reel? Thanks in Advance !
  13. I think the fluoro leader is mainly for when you're fishing in clear waters where you're afriad that the fish can see your line. I wouldn't add a leader if I was fishing in thick weeds though.
  14. 0 for 2 here. I gave up on this already. Might as well save the money and buy myself a few more crankbaits this coming season
  15. SCORE! Thanks a lot for the info Jchau53!!!
  16. From what I've read on that flyer, Canada's reel trade in is offered even for Shimano's? They didnt state anywhere that Shimano was going to get excluded. If it is, I would be so happy about it
  17. Is it embarassing for you to buy HOT PINK / BUBBLEGUM coloured lures? LOL just kidding with you But anyways, mix those colours to your heart's content! Maybe you'll invent a mixture of colours that beats all the colours that are on the market!
  18. I watched this too, and supposedly this knot is the best for all lines - Braid, Fluoro, and Mono! Garry is probably right about it being tested dry instead of wet though. Tried out this knot the other day, but then I didn't catch fish, so I can't tell you whether the knot was any good. It was really hard to tie this knot at first though. This knot needs quite a bit of practice
  19. kemper, you're probably right. And same here, OFC is browsed whenever I'm doing homework too. which is kinda bad. and Holdfast, theres this love hate relationship between me and gas. It's such a huge rip-off, but it's SOOO useful: especially when you need to travel to go fishing. The only thing I can say now is that at least it doesn't cost like what it did last July.
  20. ok Canada's dollar isn't going up anytime soon because of this, but WHY ON EARTH is the USD staying so high up? Aren't they the ones deepest in the recession?
  21. i agree with you its a bad movie. If you want to watch those movies that are like taken by a camcorder, cloverfield is MUCH better. And yes, UFC would have been a good choice tonight, except their main event kinda sucked.
  22. i like the new colours! thanks
  23. on that note, does anyone know whether Shimano will be participating in this event this year?
  24. The reason probably for the small show is because the "numbers" that are interested in fishing is becoming smaller and smaller. I'm not making this up as I remember reading an article *I believe from the newspapers - The average age of people into fishing is getting higher --> meaning that the people that stay interested into fishing are the same people, just growing older by the year. AND my buddy that works at a local tackle store is saying how business has been slowing down in the recent years. BUT, I wanted to ask you guys, if you guys actually found any good deals there, or anything that's interesting and really worth checking out?
  25. had it not been a 1 piece rod, I would be all over them by now. Im liking the design, and the weight probably is really good. Only thing is, does anyone know the weights to the new Quantum superlight or something rods with the MSRP of like $2xx?
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