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Everything posted by waterwolf

  1. congrats!!
  2. went to see a frinds buddy about a boat. didn't like the boat but the seller and i talked about everything hunting.anyway, i got invited out on my 1st turkey hunt. he dropped a bird on wed and passed on a distant bird today . same spot tomorrow. . i can't wait. sleep ,,ya right. thought it just incredible to be given this opportunity by a new aquaintence. doesn't happen often.
  3. but these are the worst,out of season for a reason.. spawning! the most vulnerable time for many species.
  4. all that goin on 7 minutes from your house, amazing. finding sheds is always a blast.great to see sheds of deer you have alredy met and now you know they've survived the hunt ,but also cool to see new antlers on your land. birds are very skiddish where i deer hunt. those great pic's you've taken are fantastic,forget it on my tract. 50 yards , thunder, they,re gone. i took 2 deer with my bow last year but ive been busted more times in my tree stand by grouse, buggers are sharp! great to spend a couple of wonderful days like that with your dad. thanks for sharing and good luck on day 3. look forward to more.
  5. 870 express? for the money? absolutely!! this is a great firearm that won't say quit.has never let me down! more expensive toys may look nice on out-of-the-case-brag day but it's all attitidude, pissin contest.i was closin bow season, passin the torch to the shotgun guys in the same area, when i met a guy was braggin about his over-under ,$4000 benelli.broke the gun to show off the smooth action only to reveal it was still loaded from last year! it's the gunner ,not the gun. be safe guys n gals.
  6. no ice down here! that is cruel and unnecessary great day for you guys. envious.
  7. congrats ecmilley. for whatever reason,friends, family or personal health,,hats off. my 4th year free. my daughter is my commitment to quit. thanks for shariing.
  8. who got the contract to drill all those holes? don't see an auger anywhere. cha ching!
  9. cantire or walmart
  10. not everyone drives, this is a good bus ride
  11. can tire or walmart are the only suppliers left regarding tackle sadly.lucky lou's was the last standing in brampton at steeles and dixie. fishing plus has a good inventory at martingrove and 401, then there's always BPS.bit of a hike though.
  12. last minute opportunity to get out for some lakers tommorow.my job cancelled. shoreline ice ok? looking for a guide. i know its crazy but i'm asking anyway.
  13. sorry thats not helpful to you now ,just a nod to a guy doin' a really good job.
  14. soft water, floyd was awesome.a tough bite but he changed lures ,depths ,speed, you name it. he never stopped.we got bit and had a great time through brutal cold late fall conditions.
  15. honest grit . quite a twist from here in this seat.
  16. sad,but true, even though that oos fish is doomed , it has to be released
  17. at 35 plus an hour and after 60 million assistance in govt funds, drunk \high employees should find a hole to hide in and let guys build cars that my kids might be in ibn the future. it's hard to be polite on this one .
  18. had one a few years back as a pet . a 2 footer. damn thing got aggrevated when i walked by the tank,started thrashing insanely. BANG!!! water started pouring from the side of the tank. 65 gallons were emptying out into my living room.broke the tank with its head.got a fishing net,, bit thru it. grabbed it by hand , wrestled it to the tub . put enough water in to keep it alive 'til i clean ed up the mess .got my biggest cooler ,fired it in and took it to BIG AL'S AQUARIUM gave it to them. they offered me coupons for trade ,,, KEEP IT!! mine was an african snakehead , my buddy had an indian. his jumped the tank thru the nite . it was hard on the top side when we found it,, so dry. put it back in the tank ,, lived for 6 days before a bacteria developed and killed it. these fish are banned in ontario now for good reason . i read up on the species before i bought it but they don't prepare you for what thse things are capable of,unreal.
  19. sorry to hear about all the problems guys are having with the larger trackers , especially the bad customer service that has followed. this is why i'm asking about the jons, ,,i thought they are made from a different ,heavier gauge aluminum and are more rugged. yes the price is quite worth some consideration even though there's some bad history on other boats.
  20. stabilty is the quality i question most.i like fishing where most think it's too much effort to get to so a boat that can take a punch and handle some aukward situations is a definite candidate
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