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Everything posted by Ronzo

  1. When discussing topics like this, I always like to keep in mind that I was just "luck of the universe" not born into a war-torn country. I could've very easily been born in Afghanistan, escaped in desperation with my family, and ended up in Canada, rather than being lucky enough to be born here. Nothing more than luck that I was born to my parents and not another set of parents. Many of the people immigrating have experienced war firsthand, and live with the memories every day. I'm not going to fault someone coming from a situation I know nothing about for either not being aware of the meaning of a poppy, or choosing not to wear it because they just came from war and choose not to relive it. I was born here, I'm certainly aware of how pivotal our veterans were in Canada BEING such a great country, so I'll wear a poppy every year and make sure I donate a reasonable sum to the poppy box when I purchase one. I mean, if you want to get mad about something, get mad at people who pull into a store in a high end Range Rover and drop a quarter into the box. Personally, not something that I let bother me, but if I was going to get mad about something around poppies, that'd be what would grind my gears.
  2. Bayview is the rational driver's best friend!
  3. Did you make it through the roundabout without nearly being sideswiped by incoming, non-yielding traffic? Barrie has some special ones!
  4. Yeah, but someone on Facebook probably posted a very believable (lol) conspiracy theory about how the scientists are all making it up. You can imagine how convincing that must've been!!
  5. Indeed, it was referenced as a 'pontoon-style boat', and it also does not take much speed to cause a fatality. One of my distant relatives was killed when a baseball hit him in the temple while playing catch. A perfect storm kind of thing.
  6. They seem to have taken their time to (hopefully) make sure they got things right. That's life, isn't it? One wrong choice and it can all be gone in a split second.
  7. If you are a fan of the team, you probably should care, because the price of Marner directly impacts the $ left to round out a cup contending team.
  8. It's a great way to get people talking and drum up the drama, isn't it? Matthews plays C and scores more goals. Wingers have really never been considered to be more valuable than comparable centers, but when it's the Leafs, and there's drama to be created, YOU BET the winger is suddenly more valuable.
  9. And instead everyone would be screaming "WE JUST OVERPAID". Marner needs to slot in below Matthews in the food chain.
  10. My brother works up in that area, he said the water's been too rough and it's been too windy for accident reconstruction and full investigation (as of a couple days ago).
  11. Any idea what the statistics are? I can't really recall the last time I heard of someone drowning and read the words "they were wearing a PFD" in the same story. The occasional "had PFD in vessel but not on body" comes up. This, unfortunately, is the safest bet in unsafe boating practices.
  12. I was in Gooderham last weekend. Lots of ice around there still.
  13. You would not catch me out there on an ATV now, not a chance. IMO you're moving way too fast to react to bad ice on any kind of machine at this point on Simcoe. Quite annoying to see the shoreline being bashed up by machines.
  14. No. I live close to Lockhart Rd, lots of good ice still if you know your area.
  15. I heard Mike on the radio last night. Mike, you did nothing wrong. It's unfortunate that society sucks. Hope you get to keep your spot a well-deserved secret.
  16. Lack of respect for the situation IMO. You're taking a young child out in early spring in a canoe, maybe a good time to stay away from the booze. Same with ice fishing with young kids - fun, but again, a good time to stay away from the booze. Can't imagine taking my kids, let alone someone else's kids, out in a canoe in cold water after drinking. Guy also apparently said he didn't know where the child was, which I still can't get my head around.
  17. I always take mine off. Years ago we were on a family trip to Florida. My sister came running around the back of the family minivan and ran right into the trailer hitch. Cue the ass-over-teakettle effect and the road rashy result. Always pull it out so I or my kids don't do the same. I still chuckle when I think about it, but don't think she was chuckling so much.
  18. Oof, Simcoe ice is bad further south than I had thought: http://www.simcoe.com/news-story/7161408-innisfil-ice-huts-sinking-as-warmer-weather-melts-lake-simcoe-ice/
  19. Yeah! I picked the wrong area to live - should've bought a house on the east side!
  20. Be careful out there folks. I access the lake from Lockhart Road, and someone went through when walking yesterday. Ice is very weak near shore up here. I'm 160lb, and the ice was flexing under my feet on the way back in. 6" of good ice where I was fishing, but sketchy on the way out and sketchy on the way in. Don't assume anything right now, because there are huge differences between various access points around Simcoe.
  21. I walked out from Lockhart today in Innisfil (north of IBP). There's still a good 6" of black ice in the perch grounds. I walked out about 300M from shore, didn't find anything less than 5". Shore will be the tough part - there is a ton of melt running toward the lake, putting the shoreline ice in harms way. There was 10" last weekend, but all of the white ice is gone. If anyone is traveling from out of town to fish at IBP, I'd be happy to give you my 2016 Innisfil parking pass, which would get you free parking in the resident lot. My wife picked up our 2017 passes, but AFAIK you'd still be fine using the 2016 for now. PM me if anyone wants it - I live a few minutes north of IBP.
  22. I'm a walker and have a popup hut. Takes me all of 5-10 minutes to have it up and anchored at 2 points. It's a Costco FishInn, and it's been worth every penny. It comes in the house after every trip and gets dried out, believe that's helped with longevity. Only weighs 20lbs or so.
  23. I'll take a walk on Thursday or Friday and let you know how Simcoe's holding up in my area.
  24. Attitude is so important in fighting the fight, and sounds like you've got a great one. Sending positive thoughts your way.
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