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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Most likely not, I was just using an example of a bad way to bring the fish back to the dock for a picture I can't believe anyone would string up a 50incher, it's almost laughable.
  2. I would have gotten a photo to, screw what anyone thinks... At least you didn't drag the damn thing behind the boat on a stringer...
  3. Regardless of the fishing Rich, you just can't beat the North Channel.. Definitely a little bit of heaven.
  4. You mean 38inch Toronto harbour pike aren't 25lbs?
  5. Harden in the river once you milk them from a fish. A stocking or legging is great for this.. Personally, I'd take them out, spread them on a baking sheet and wait until they are tacky. If you can't vacuum seal them, just split them up into individual ziplock bags (one bag per trip is what I do), suck all the air out with a straw and put all the small bags into another large air tight ziplock and put in the freezer.
  6. If they are loose, I'll water harden them, spread them out to dry and vacuum seal them.. Nothing fancy.
  7. BillM

    RIP Sly.

    Never met him, but fished a certain spot out on Lake Simcoe last year that was dubbed 'Slyville' I'm sure that name will be given the the hot spots for years to come.. Nice tribute if you ask me. RIP.
  8. Man, that fight sucked regardless of the ending.
  9. The last pike I gutted had a nice brookie inside it, lol.
  10. Find the upwelling springs and you'll find the brook trout. They should be concentrated fairly thick.
  11. You're blind if you think that's a chinook.
  12. Crap, I just let a dozen of the little buggers go today!!!! lol I'll have to go back with the flyrod and dries tomorrow I guess.
  13. The last thing you want to do to native stream is introduce an inferior strain of fish aka hatchery fish.
  14. It's to bad Ken Block couldn't win a race to save his life, lol.
  15. Freeze them and use them under a float in the spring for monster snakes!!!
  16. I'd like to send off my Calais to get a good cleaning this winter as well. I'm not a fan of taking apart expensive reels, lol.
  17. For the great outdoors? Honestly? Get a hand held Garmin.. I wouldn't trust an iPhone out in the bush....
  18. Vigilante justice would be absolutely perfect in a case like this..
  19. Brandon those pics are absolutely amazing!!! I'm about to pick up a 70-200 f/4L for some landscape and wildlife shots!! Hopefully they are half as good as the pics you take
  20. I've had great luck with Princess Auto specials, lol. I also don't feel bad when I drop them in the lake Cheap to replace.
  21. Better to cut the hook then digging it out of a fishes face. Hooks are cheap.
  22. Sunroof drains get clogged and you end up with a nice puddle on the rear floors or the passenger floor The rust on his fender are caused by foam inserts that are under the wheel well liner that are used to deaden sound. Unfortunately stuff gets behind them, they rub against the metal and the paint ends up bubbling. It's not rust per say, as the fenders are still extremely solid, they just look like crap
  23. 2-3 ounces per full tank is good.
  24. :eek: Gas isn't a very good lubricant, how many miles did the wife drive before the car ended up dead? The problem with the IP and the injectors is that if they have been scored because of a lack of lube, you won't realize it until 10-20k down the road. And for the amount they charged you, I doubt they did a very thorough inspection of the pump or the injectors.. They probably just hooked it up to the computer and checked the flowrate of the #3 injector (The one with the wiring harness on it).. The good thing about the engine in your car is that it's a workhorse and *should* be ok... From time to time when you get home, pop the hood and put your hand on the injection pump.. You should be able to rest your hand on it even after a long highway run.. It will be hot, but not searing hot... That's a good indication if the pump is on it's way out... Some added protection would be to run some PowerService in each tank, or even better 2stroke premix oil... If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.
  25. What year Jetta was it? I know my way around these cars quite a bit and can give you a heads up on what you should look out for in the future because of it.. It's to bad you didn't pump the entire tank full of gas, at least the car would have died 1-2 miles down the road with minimal if any damage.. When it's got enough diesel to run, it can make a mess of some very expensive parts...
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