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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Joey, awesome pics!!! That muskie is a beaut! Glad the hook didn't do any damage to ya
  2. Yeah man, the rain just wouldn't quit today, then the wind picked up! Tomorrow will be better though
  3. Rain or shine the oldman and I were getting out for bass opener. We usually fair ok and today was no exception. Day started off with a few nice largies and more surfacing gar pike then I've ever seen before! I've made a mental note to bring the flyrod out next time and give these suckers a go.. Frank was the lucky one to land the big bass of the day a nice 3-4lber.. As always we pretty much fish topwater exclusively, today it was definitely the ticket. Overcast, rainy and a bit of wind had the fish turned on for sure. Here's the big big surprise And people have trouble catching topwater pike? Just under 40inches on the tape. A few quick pics and back she went.
  4. Roy, can you imagine cleaning 300 panfish? LOL!!!!!
  5. It's a few days before opener, not a big deal. Now the middle of May or something and it probably would have been a little worse, lol. I've been catching bass out in the middle of weed beds and off the drops for the past 2 weeks or so while fishing for pike. Definitely off the beds and on the feed.
  6. Your possession limit is 8. ie your take home.
  7. I agree on catching OOS fish when fishing for other species, but counting a OOS fish as a PB doesn't make much sense now does it
  8. 'So Dad, what happens if I put my finger in there?'
  9. T-minus 12hrs and counting. I think I am going to take the oldman out tomorrow and top some top waters before the sun comes up. Should be a great day!
  10. Mike, I don't think you can compare transporting fish in a live well on a boat, to you transporting them with your car/truck. Regardless of how many miles the bass boat guys run, they never leave the water.
  11. Wait, wasn't this ENTIRE thing straightened up in Lews thread? I suggest you read it.
  12. I wish I knew about this earlier, I would have loved to volunteer for something like this.
  13. You'll gain a few extra feet with braid over mono, nothing crazy.
  14. I could probably shear the head of one right off with the truck and not even touch the body. Anyone up for a deep fried turkey?
  15. The hottest still water backbay you can find, lol. I dunno why but they LOVE that type of water.
  16. Also, if all you are catching are those little guys, I'd move. Getta let them get a bit bigger before putting hooks into them, lol.
  17. Pick a southern shore Lake E trib that's stocked with brownies.. All kinds of them are in the US. Not so much up here. I'm assuming when the OP stated 'Erie' he meant the town, not the lake
  18. Let me know how you make out, I'll be fishing there for a few days come July (actually a few days after you are there! lol)
  19. Brook trout and a speckled trout are the same fish. Make sure you are fishing barbless!!
  20. Going down those rapids backwards without oars is quite an adventure. I'm sure you boys weren't stupid enough to do that, lol!!! Good job guys!
  21. I think this might be a record for smileys! Good job Jacques! lol
  22. Great fish and even better water! Good job.
  23. As long as the missing eye to bite mark ratio is high, I couldn't care what happens to the lure, lol.
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