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Everything posted by BillM

  1. I've been fishing this line for a few weeks (3+ days a weeks since pike opener) here are a couple of my impressions for anyone that is thinking of taking the plunge. 1. Line casts pretty good, I don't know how much better it is then the Suffix High Performance braid I had on my Calais before. If it's an improvement, it's nothing crazy. 2. I've NEVER had a line that likes to wrap around the guides like this before. Set the hook, miss a fish, get out of a snag and you'll be unwrapped line from your guides. Drives me insane (Never had this issue with PPro, the old Suffix or even Fireline) 3. Colour bleed.. Not really a big deal to me, all braid likes to bleed. Is about as bad as PPro is... 4. Random line breakage. Have had this a few times, this line isn't as tough as PPro for sure... I've had 4 line snaps in the past 3 weeks, weird. Worth the hype? I don't think so.
  2. I used my AVC70MHF AVID for monster Attawapiskat pike along with a Calais 200 and had zero problems. I wouldn't be tossing monster muskie baits with it, but 6inch Jakes and Grandmas will be fine.. That's pretty much my go to rod for anything.. Cranks/spinnerbaits/topwaters/whatever. Definitely my fav rod out of all of them. Can't beat the lifetime warranty either.
  3. Had a similar bite on the French the past few days.. In the morning they were slamming spinnerbaits, once that died off, it was a topwater frenzy!!! Can't complain though.
  4. Yup. If I can go out in the evening for 2-3 hours, boat a couple, miss a couple I'm a happy camper.
  5. Where the hell is the power forward we need?
  6. Dan, I'll try and take care of all those pike up there for you
  7. Smaller ones with a big twister tail attached don't sink as fast and are easier to bring through the weeds. If I only had one bait to bring up there, that's what it would be.
  8. Just bring a thermometer with you and take the temp before you start fishing. If well under 70, you're good to go!
  9. Nice brookies! By very weary of the water temps though.. 70 degrees and up and there is a very good chance those fish will be belly even if they released ok. I love catching brookies more then anything, but late June/July is pretty much my limit when stream fishing.
  10. When they are on, they are on!! Great job man.
  11. They don't care if you are in a boat, they don't want you fishing from shore.
  12. Good job Brian (You should take the Mrs out with you more often, she takes better pics )
  13. Brian, here are some coupons to help you out. http://www.attractionsontario.ca/index.cfm?DSP=Chapter&ID=11&ACT=Coupon-Info&Coupon_ID=53&Member_ID=1138
  14. Yup, but the water temps are getting up there. I'd hate to land a monster only to have it floating belly up a few mins later. I think I'll put the trout on the back burner for this season until the fall. I've got lots of bass/pike pics to take
  15. Toss that on a livebait rig and tow it behind the bot for muskie!
  16. Water is getting warm, they definitely won't be in the shallow stuff like a few weeks ago(If you are talking smallmouth). Gotta change up your tactics... Early morning/late evening fishing might be a good idea. I've been slamming the largemouth in 5-10ft of water with decent green weed growth in the evenings on Gloucester this year fishing topwater.
  17. All you need is a medium sized Johnson Silver minnow and a 5inch white twister tail on the back.. That's how I put 6 in the boat over 40 the last time I was there Don't over think it, pike aren't very smart.
  18. I use that all the time, never on steak though! It rocks on the top of burgers. Milo, those ribs look gooooood!
  19. I need to get out there for some topwater action before the sun comes up!!!
  20. Should have seen it yesterday I get to commute from Barrie > Toronto daily so I know all about that stupid highway. Luckily, I have a few backroads that usually gets me around the bad stuff when the 400 is packed solid.
  21. That thing is an absolute tank!!!!
  22. Thanks Chris, nothing you can do about the browns, just a return trip next year for a rematch!
  23. Went on a drift earlier this week with Graham Bristow in search for some brownies. Unfortunately I think we were a little to late in the season for browns (although we had a few swipes) but the resident bows were willingly taking dries.. I decided to strap on the 10-22mm for pretty much the entire day. Not really a portrait lens, but I think it turned out pretty good. Only editing that was done was highpass overlay to clean things up a bit. Other then that it's untouched. Saugeen River Resident by billmarz, on Flickr
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