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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Sounds like you should have slept with the manager, I hope he wasn't too much of a bear!
  2. The only one that seems to be attached here is you... You seem to really care about teams that other people cheer for, you don't think you're going to convince anyone do you? lol. It's a hockey team, they didn't make the playoffs, life goes on.
  3. If you guys haven't seen ESPNs 30 for 30 on Bo Jackson, download it. The guy is unreal.
  4. Going to be nice to have a Cabelas in my backyard.
  5. First week of May is probably a good bet if the temps stay where they are and we get some rain..
  6. I love the guys that just show up at the end of the season praising their teams, lol! Real fans right there!!!
  7. I guess we do things differently. I do all my research beforehand (especially if I'm buying a bigger ticket item) All I'm looking for is the lowest price, my mind is made up well before I even step foot into the store. Make sure you ask around here before venturing into a big box store and start dropping $100's on fishing gear
  8. What are you so angry about? Do you need a hug? Did Kadri beat you up and steal your milk money like he did Stoty? The hate some of you guys have for the Leafs is hilarious!
  9. You should apply for the GM position, as a Leafs fan we'd all be extremely happy some random dude on a fishing forum knows anything and everything about running a National league hockey team.
  10. I usually have my electric down for steering purposes... Set the kicker and control everything with the I-Pilot.
  11. 100mph suit, Pro Guide from Cabelas, lots and lots of good rain gear out there these days.
  12. If you troll, you want a kicker... Trying to troll with a Minn Kota would be hilarious, especially with a bigger boat. I use my Yamah T8 High Thrust for everything, even pulling harnesses at 1mph. Works great.
  13. Not just Burke, pretty much management from the beginning, lol! Although it will be interesting to see what Nonis can do in a few years...
  14. Who cares though? Are you guys actually going into stores like BPS/Sail/whatever and asking for advice from the guys behind the counter? Stoty is upset because he didn't realize he was seasonal staff and got canned, lol. Life in the retail world, it hasn't changed.
  15. Your math might be fine, reading comprehension on the other hand might need some work. I was referring to the mess Burke left Nonis.
  16. Love this show, I wish Krupa would come back as well.
  17. Yeah, saw some of that lastnight while driving home from my parents I don't care though, boat will be out on Lake O this weekend! w00t!
  18. Matt, you won't find me making excuses for this end of season flop. Like Muddler mentioned a 1,000 times in this thread, you can't live without a good D core. Collapsing in your own end, just won't cut it. I hope in the off season they make some additions to the D and toughen up that blue line. We've got scoring figured out...
  19. Should have never been allowed to fish in this country again. 20 over you're limit isn't an 'Oops'
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