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Everything posted by BillM

  1. You're not watching Komarov rocks guys in the corners or along the boards? That 3rd line is a great checking line, they annoy the hell out of the opposition. Did you miss the game against Boston last week? This team has it in them, it's the consistency that's lacking. We all know how they can play, they've proven that (Along with how badly they can suck, lol!).. People tend to focus on one game, then throw in the towel, as of right now they're still playing above 500 hockey. As for another team in Toronto? Let's hope that never happens, what will we call them? The Woodbridge Ginos? :)
  2. What's different about this roster compared to the one that got them into the first round and almost past Boston? Or do you consider that a 'failed' season as well?
  3. So the fish wins that round. That's why it's called 'fishing'
  4. Fish the southern shore of Lake O instead
  5. Blaque, be safe out there bud! I'd stay home and watch Youtube videos all day if I were you :)
  6. Yeah, clear when I got up this morning, although lastnight I saw so many cars try to get up a hill by my house, it was almost comical, lol!!!
  7. Not much Matt, that was a sad sad performance. I wish Nashville would have put another few in the net to be honest. After it was 3-0, I switched it off, lol.
  8. Bernier should have had that one, and Holland oh so close! At least they've picked it up a bit.
  9. I have a feeling I'll be using the snowblower tomorrow for the first time... Then apparently this weekend we are going to see like 7 degrees, lol. Ah well, steelhead weather!
  10. Whiteout here for the past 2 hrs or so, no signs of it letting up anytime soon.
  11. If there was anyone I would have liked to see them keep around it would have been Gary Roberts. I also liked the team more when they had the big boys out there (Orr, Mclaren) and they punished you.. To me, the team that lost against Boston in that awful game 7 has been my fav so far. I loved their toughness and style of play back then.
  12. Who cares about Dion, he's a D man and does a good job playing against the best lines in the league. I'm all for replacing him, but at what cost and who are you going to get that's going to take those minutes? And then, who's even an available FA to take that spot? I would love to see the Leafs actually get a leader out on the ice, because that's what they need. Even if the C is slapped on Dions jersey, he's not doing that job. Hell, I'd rather see it on Komarov, at least he gets the entire team going. Also, it's been 18 games, I wouldn't toss in the towel just yet. If it wasn't for a complete end of the season slump they would have easily made it into the playoffs last year, easily. So many people want a fire sale, trying to replace the entire team at once. Give Shannie and the new kid from the Sault a chance.
  13. Wow!!! Lake Erie is up to her old tricks again! I guess this means I'm not fishing the Catt anytime soon.
  14. Of course not, that would be a silly assumption by anyone.
  15. Oh if I caught a 70lb, 70in musky, you can bet your ass it wouldn't be going back.. That fish is worth a lot of $$$$.
  16. If it were only that easy. You just don't go buy players and win Stanley Cups. What players don't you like on the current team and who would you replace them with?
  17. Be safe Tyler, sounds nasty up there!
  18. It doesn't matter how rich they are, there's still the cap they've gotta deal with just like every other team out there.
  19. My Antares AR box is almost as cool looking as the reel!
  20. I THINK I SEE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............................dammit! False alarm.
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