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Everything posted by BillM

  1. I definitely wouldn't be going to Wolsley if I was after walleyes.. Kipawa is a good suggestion or anywhere in the chapleau game preserve.
  2. He's definitely not there for the seed lol
  3. Transoms will be ripping off in no time with the instant torque those things produce
  4. All depends on what's in the can. The can makes no difference.
  5. Good assumption. It's still chum no matter how it enters the water.
  6. Got my new card in the mail maybe 2 weeks after ordering online. Painless.
  7. I spend way too much $$$ on gas to use gear like that, lol. That being said that style of reel has really taken off in the icefishing world. I'd probably try to find something similar from a well known manufacturer.
  8. Fireline Crystal over Nanofil all day if you've got ice in your guides, or you're outside in below zero temps.
  9. Good call, just renewed online. We'll see how long it takes the new card to show up.
  10. St.Lawrence produces some big fish!
  11. Great thread man!! I've got T&C on the list.
  12. Some of those units are the same physical size, just have bigger screens. Don't the Helix 7/9 use the same housing? Or is it the 5 and 7? I dunno. I'm going to bring my Helix 12 out on the ice this year, lol.
  13. That guy doesn't sound too bright. Should probably know a thing or two about the sport before talking about it.
  14. I usually use 2/0 Trokar unweighted swimbait hooks with the spring bait keeper removed. Thick wire, super strong and razor sharp. Attach some 40lb flouro as a leader and I'm good to go.
  15. Some of my biggest pike have come on wacky rigged 9in Sluggos.
  16. I'd be fishing smallies right now. Probably the easiest and most plentiful to catch at this time of year.
  17. Nope, just a spotted muskie. Nice fish!!
  18. I've been eating plastic via Pizza Hut cheese for a while. I'm doomed lol.
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