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Everything posted by mbac31

  1. Hey Lew, how have you been. Beleive it or not. My Dad was here that summer and took a whole pile of V Rods back home that he still fishes with. That rod from you has been in the ocean and freshwater and still has tons of fish catching life into it. I had the entire collection still that he uses. I probally have more gear there then here
  2. I have been compiling a list of stuff and in the next couple of days there is going to be a ton of stuff unloaded on here. Takes a while to compile such a list, thats for sure. I have narrowed my rod list down to just 20 combos. May seem like alot but from what i had its nothing. Trust me. I come from a group called Tackleholics anonymous, Im haveing a few days off so Im able to do it now.
  3. Thats only the right rod locker. The other one was loaded allready.
  4. I use these Rod Gloves with Lure Gloves as well as the reel gloves. Ive never had damage and can carry tons of rods without any problems
  5. Just the other day Harrison, while on a construction site I came around the corner and there in his bare feet was a little no older than 2 years old. I grabbed him, gave him some of my water in my truck. Called the cops and almost 1 hour later an Idiot of a parent comes to the builders trailer looking for him. Are you kidding me, 1 hour almost passed till she decided to look for him. Crazy!!!! Gentlemen I did this Construction site where this little guy drowned Yesterday. Not just 2 years ago another boy drowned on the stormwater pond right there in the same subdivision, no fence around that pond also. Go figure, the city does not have to put a fence around its ponds but the homeowner gets charged. The city here pays guys to open your garbage to look for un recycleable stuff to charge you but they cant get their inspectors to notice from their Air conditioned cars, a missing gate. Ive had a hole in my driveway that the city caused and its still not fixed. My daughter has fallen into it allready Sad!!!! Like I stated before. This is something that can easily be avoided. This is not like an accident in a car or something along those lines, that is truely an accident, this is purely sad. You cant fix stupid I guess. Harrison, this is a sad sad world when I defend my 3 year old daughter against some drug crazed vagrent and I get stepped on. I was told that because of my size I should have had more common sense then to hurt him so bad. Not my fault Im 280 and drink my milk instead of smoing crack and drinking aftershave. Even the police officer told me he would have done the same. I will do it again if need be. Next time I wont be so nice. Those Live Target frogs catch everything. Lol. Ask one of my Beagles how he likes them.
  6. This thread is a complete joke. Yes someone will lose their kids in a shopping mall or where ever for a few brief seconds but will find them real quick. Thats not losing sight but just something that happens. But this is all on the parents. Im sorry but if your Toddler goes outside, wanders around and is found lifeless in a frogpond that you know is there you freekin idiots. Why the hell is this kid allowed to wander outside like that. No excuse. We are not talking about seconds here folks but alot of minutes for him to drown like that and people being unable to revive. Trust me, I had to do CPR to drown victims twice in my life and its not fun but people can be brought back very quick from water in the lungs. The neighbour did in fact break the law with the fence regulation. I own a Railing and Fence company so this law Im very familiar with. But I could care less what the news states, this is solely on the parents or guardian watching the child. What should be done, you dont have to do anything. The loss of a child will be all that family needs right now. This is not a thread bashing parents for losong their kids for a few seconds. Hell Ive lost my daughter in a grocery store for less than 60 seconds but trust me she got found real quick and got taught a leson of running and hiding like that. I was aso charged in April of this year for pursuading a Local Scarborough idiot from hurting my kids, charges have been dropped but this province is a funny place. I protect my Daughter and I get charged for using excessive force. Screw that, moron wants to touch my kids he is gonna get some broken bones to prove that he failed. I will be honest that if this man didnt stop he was going home in a bag that day. I will watch my kids and protect them as long as Im able to without hovering or being a freak. There comes a time I guess when you have to let go but Jeebus, its not at 2 freekin years old. Laws are so screwed up here its not even funny anymore. This was the deciding factor why me and my family are moving my Businesses and moving out east. Ontario is becoming a freekin joke for these laws. Police have no idea who should be charged sometimes. As you can see these topics get me so frustrated sometimes. Always the other persons fault. Parents dont want to take responseability for anything anymore. Make no dam wonder kids are the way they are now. My daughter is Three and she nows the difference allready. Hearing this yesterday brought a tear to my eye for the parents as well. I could not imagine losing one of my Children to something like this that could have been prevented. I almost disowned my own sister last year when she had her kids in the bathtub and was not watching them. People let thigs pass as "It wont happen to me kida attitude floats in their heads" Sorry but this should not happen. Trust me, Im sure the charge for the neighbour is in no comparison to the guilt he/she feels this morning knowing that they were a contributing factore to a little innocent child losing their life. If there are any K's missing in this post, sorry. I have to press very hard as I vaccumed my K off the Laptop. Dont vaccum the dust off your Keyboard , not one of my finer moments.
  7. Stoty, I went out for dinner in Detroit last year with Gerald and a couple of guys from the Northern tourney in Woodhaven and its true. That guy has those things stashed everywhere. Boat, Tacle, Hunting gear etc. Its funny to watch him in person talk about them.
  8. Regular Bandages, elastoplast ones(Stretchy), Tweezers, Cold/Heat activated compress. Small stainless pliers/Cutters, Small bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide, also doubles as liquid oxygen if your livewell pumps fail to. After Burn lotion and sunscreen.
  9. Youve come a long way Mr Brian. At least your not seein visions in roots anymore.
  10. Bring it back to the point of purchase I beleive is how they are doing it now with receipt.
  11. Brian, Depends on what you want to fish. I currently have 21 Fly combos from 3 wt to 12wt. I have more Fly Gear then you can imagine. Be very carefull, fly fishing is an addiction like no other. I have exact combos home in Newfoundland and Here now. For what you want I would go with a 8'6" or 9' rod. 7 wt Mid arbour reel with a nice Wf-fl line. This will give you the ability to use both Wet and Dry flies. High quality line will allow you to have the best of both worlds. The smaller streams you will have to perfect the roll cast somewhat. Its not that hard. Even with a strike indicator that type of setup will also allow you to go into some nice Steelie rivers, Brooies even. 5 wt would be ideal for Brookies and resident Bows but wont be a nice combo for bigger fish. This combo will allow you to fish, Bass, Walleye, Browns, Brookies, etc.
  12. Mike, I dont usually post pictures anymore. To much grief. The move is due to my Sons breathing problems so its a no brainer for me. Im working on getting my guides licence and setting up my Construction business as well as a Fishing and Hunting outfitter store which I will run the guiding through. I will be able to offer everything that great Province has to offer. Cotyote, Bear, Moose, Rabbits, Grouse, Geese, Inland Ducks, Sea Ducks, Murrs, Caribou, Sea Trout, Real Atlantic Salmon trips, Depending on the season, trips with commercial fisherman for the experience, Camping, Ocean trips and Cod, Halibut etc. I cant wait to get it all done. Gonna take a while though. Float and Fly fish there with me Mike and you will be blown away. Case in point. I hooked an Atlantic last summer and withing 60 seconds the bugger had me into the last 2 ft of my backing on a Large Arbour reel. Then broke off. I didnt even get a chance to get my footing. That happens often there. When it gets done your welcome to bring the family. Warning though you may end up moving there.
  13. Nice little Football.
  14. Im way south Sinker. 100 km from St Johns. These are a Sea Running version of a Brown Trout. We have also Sea Running Brookies which I have pics of also. We have the German Browns that stay in fresh water all year and these that stay in the salt water most of their lives. We caught a ton of Brookies, a few Sea Rainbows, Sea Trout, Hookbills and a Ton of Atlantics this trip also. There is still snow in spots where Im from.
  15. My yearly trip out East for them eleusive Sea Trouts ( The real ones) was a blast this season with very high numbers. Glad to see them still thriving. Had used a ton of different hardbaits, Grass Shrimp, Grubs, Dry and Wet Flies etc. I never got a chance to take a ton of pics as I was to busy catching and landing Trout. In all we hit 17 different rivers in just under 2 weeks. Each one was different with the tidal waters so juggeling them was a ton of fun. Catching Sea Worms and Grass Shrimp 3 times a darn day was a little difficult especially with a nip tide but what is a guy to do. I have more but have to go through them. This is the spot that we will be building our family home this summer so we can move there permanantly. The trees to the right will be removed soon to allow for a unobstructed view of the Bays. The second one is of our backyard, no worries of nosy neighbours here. Then these 2 are just for my sure enjoyment. Lol. If you ever get the chance you should take a trip and enjoy what is a absolutely amazing Province. Newfoundland. Again Im sorry for the last two.
  16. Simms, Frabill and Gill. Gill being the best out there so far now hands down.
  17. Thats close to where the boat needs to be Jackie. Call me later this evening muk muk. I will try and come by to set it up for you.
  18. I have this dilema solved for her now. Gonna go with a Fly reel conversion.
  19. Whats this 3.5" ABI reel
  20. Ive witnesses an accident while travelling back home a few winters ago as me and my wife were involved in it. Wrote off my Chevy as a result with other cars. Till this day I try to avoid driving in that stuff. Im not afraid of much but it changed my life as a driver. Nothing worse then seeing a driver of another vehicle pinned and die in front of you all the while being helpless. Worse feeling ever.
  21. She does not fillet them herself but she helps. Last June she was helping me catch Sea Smelts and cooking them on the beach.
  22. Brian, just to add insult to injury. I will be home in 2 weeks and I will think of you when I eat my Fiddle Heads with Salt fish and Drawn butter. Sorry man I know thats cruel.
  23. She can use a spinning reel better then me allready. I had her using a Core 51 last summer in Newfoundland catching Conners and Makerel and Sculpins. She is Three but 40" tall allready. She is coming out with me next week when I go back home for Sea Trout. I may just convert a Fly reel for now incase she does not like it. I have taken her along with me hunting allready and teaching her to respect nature. She will be scouting with me for Turkey again soon and this will be her second year doing so. I dont kill the animal in front of her but she helps in the cleaning of it and allready fully understands its for food and not for sport. Some may think this is wrong but I dont. She is asking me allready when can we cook the shorelunch fish again. Last Summer we spent in Newfoundland and she had a blast catching and eating seafood. To many kids are not doing this and it soon will fall to the wayside if we as hunters and fishers are not carefull. I take her to the creeks, rivers. I show her sea lice, crabs, oysters and all marine life freshwater and salt. She and my son will be kicking my before they are 5 years old hopefully. I dont see anything wrong with it as my Dad and Grandpa starting taking me at the age of 2
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