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Everything posted by bushart

  1. That server msg is what I got--I'll try again----nope server returned an error during upload is what it says Thanks
  2. I've tried replying to a thread with a pic last 24 hrs--says server error message on reply board I checked my status--my file is empty in uploads Is it me?
  3. Hey Rick, I feel for you with the gout, I get that baby maybe 2x a year---it hurts like hell and makes it impossible to walk or even sleep. Best of luck Bushart
  4. Too bad Gilles Duceppe does'nt run for a federal party across Canada---He gets right to the point
  5. Sorry to hear this news
  6. My Fav Trout cookin I take a lake trout fillet----marinade in a bowl with Italian salad dressing---little drop or 2 of lemon juice--salt-pepper-garlic powder -- couple hours Get a cedar plank at grocery store---soak in sink all day Put on BBQ with trout on top------There is no better fish anywhere on this earth
  7. Beauty spinner though---those and panther martins---have caught lots for me
  8. Thanks Guys Got some flack for the title---changed it to Prairie Sweeper
  9. Sympatico got my blood pressure risin this morning with a fake story about gas going up 30 cents tonite due to world unrest---ya they got me
  10. Ok boys here's another just finished Size 24 x 36 Title--what the hell----think it stands for Windy Top Field
  11. wonder how much of that is in the ole 1/4 lber Guess beef plasma is still considered 100% beef----mmmm wonder bout hooves and horns??
  12. Good Job Jacques
  13. Hopefully with the onset of a federal election OFC will Ban ANY political talk on this board. I see it rearing here---had them at my door already on day 1 (Yeah I believe the Cons did'nt want an election) Sick of the scare tactics already---Like I understand when you had that Blue chip brain implant it's your duty to go on any public communication forum while facing Alberta and try and convince everyone the world is coming to an end----Funny maybe we're quite capable for thinking for ourselves. Now the original poster asked those that may care even a little what they were going to do to help even a little, even if symbolic. Nice respect for a fellow member Funny how the agenda kicks in.
  14. Did'nt think the sun was that hot yet in the spring that so many necks were turning red---spf 100
  15. Attaboy Cram have a great time. Pretty sure this earth hour thing is going political and will go into lockdown soon. The big blue machine really is afraid of the dark and is trying to convince the rest of us likewise. OK BOOO----Not sure how Ignatieff ends up in an earth hour thread??
  16. Thanks all
  17. Thanks there A-L
  18. Just got finished my latest work Yet untitled---30 x 36 I had wrote somewhere else describing this as...Memories and gestures are acted out in many different ways when someone you know has gone up ahead.
  19. All's I know is I do all I can---bearing buddy wise and greasing....and getting them checked. I pray I never lose a wheel on the road--I've seen a few as I drove by over the years---not pretty
  20. How's about..."Last Day Laker" End of the camping trip and we're down to the cheap beer
  21. That price sounds extremely high----another thing that motor really likes gas
  22. Good success throwing them on shallow gravel bed shorelines--searchin my buddy used to speed troll them over humps
  23. Really cute----sorry to hear the kids are outfishin ya already though---T-shirts don't lie
  24. All great stories----the nicest things are those unexpected
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