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Everything posted by bushart

  1. Labour costs are reflective---what did the country's housing cost rise to in May---7% several years ago when oil was $140/bl--gas at the pumps was around $1/L Now what's Oil---107/bl---pumps at $1.40 ish and fuel prices touch everything This does'nt even touch insurance rates...and commodity prices Medical costs---pharmaceuticals----never go down Tough to work for less Solution---pay 3rd world labour more---even the field
  2. OK Bernie...sound opinion and it was delivered without insults---so I can give a few other angles to consider For most Of our history---our natural resources were "REFINED " In this country--be it lumber...pulp and paper etc---creating mfg jobs here this pipeline is shipping bitumen straight to Asia---actually it's a 2 way line---1st Tankers are brought into Kitimat--with Dilution---Benzene, Butane mixture etc to dilute the tar so it will flow---so you now have extra tanker traffic in what is listed as the 4th most treacherous waters on the planet The Queen of The North went down after being unattended at the helm for 12 minutes These local jobs are a fabrication after the line is installed with PLC's montioring after This is key---The remoteness of areas of the pipeline--will make it a logistcal nightmare to get to in emergency---years after they're still cleaning up the Enbridge spill in Kalamazoo Michigan---One Billion and counting These are just a few hitters on this route---there are alternatives but Your dealing with SH----Who Flanigan (Ex of the harper inner circle called him vindictive and leans to revenge)--now when your "Friends say that about you---well?? One supertanker spill in those dangerous waters will change the game forever---and I also know our forefathers did'nt work that hard to blacken the landscape for corporate greed
  3. Funny stuff all round---education via Sun Media and financial news now becomes higher learning---oh and don't forget what The Conservative party mails you to program your thinking Ask what some EU countries think of Harper lecturing them about fiscal restraint---middle fingers are involved And a widely held fact---when personal attacks or insults are thrown----your out of any pertinent information And I know it's easy to default to anyone that disagrees with the like minded as Liberal---but AGAIN...I did'nt vote liberal in this past election But hey I get it Conservatives are afraid of the Liberals so the smear campaign is always on Must keep Harper awake at nights when the Capital Commish polled Canadians for the 150th anniversary for the top ten Canadians---and Pierre Trudeau was #1 So go ahead and continue to insult my intelligence level----even have the last word---don't care Now that Gateway has been approved and lines are being drawn as we speak---History will put Harper somewhere well behind Louis Riel.
  4. FRIG...just rolled thru here ...heads up Roy Sky is doin crazy stuff
  5. I am very well educated FYI And you can put lipstick on a pig---but it's still the reform party an embarrassment worldwide---how's our standing in the UN?----He scolds other countries till they tell him to take a hike That's why Dany Wiliams a PC beloved Newfoundland premier at the time advised Canada in the last election---vote ABC---Anybody But Conservative And the Bay of Fundy is Not Northern Gateway----You may wish to educate yourself---as you are quick to those who challenge your beliefs How about veterans having to sue this Gov't How about Harper continually trying to get around the Constitution with his judge appointments How about First Nations marching in the streets---"Idle No More"---having also to sue this Gov't over breaking Treaty rights How about cutbacks in Meat inspectors till we have recalls and deaths Want More?? So Blarg---save your insults---people have seen this dance long enough
  6. How's my Walkin.?.....dial 1 800 Mor Beer
  7. Ok... I spared no expense to conduct this experiment to finally find The Truth So out side I goes to the Barbee (not Barbie) pork chops in one hand--pop in another Now The audience is all laying down and I assure them I'm cookin Pork Said Audience.... Now what's a cook-off without tunage--4 doors open---cd installed....this is what the Nature of the Beast has shown 1st observation...The tune is by The Cowsills (flower Girl)---they all stand up and come to the gate lookin....Cowsills....Duh 2nd Observation...Tune is James Taylor---"I've seen Fire and I've seen rain"---They turn their tails towards me---think they like Carly Simon?? Last Observation...Tune is The Monkees---"Sometime in the mornin"---they all turn towards me and start to Moo (or sing I'm thinkin) So in Conclusion I can only summarize that if you were a hippy in the 60's and have left us---you may have come back as a cow Now I could be wrong So also ---if your down to the A & P lookin for Condensed milk and see Reincarnation--it could be milk from dead cows (Mad magazine) More experiments to come...
  8. And maybe attach the tethered kill switch I admittedly am negligent in using it---and PFD a lot of times And I'm the 1st to admit it's wrong
  9. OK I'm done beating this dead horse---you'll get 4 more years the same way I got 5 years after 2011 with who I consider to be the very worst thing to ever happen to Canada I went as far to consider if Quebec "Had" separated--I would move there---Because I believe even a separate Quebec would have more true Canadian Values than what Harper brings to us. And my family has served this country since 1812--right up to the end of this thread. This guy makes Mulroney look like a socialist---and he cleared the mfg house with his free trade deal So maybe start a club where everyone thinks the same--and everyone can complain in unison But at the end of the day nothing changes
  10. I guess the unions just knew a bad idea when they seen it I don't have to put my hand on a hot stove to know I'll get burned
  11. http://www.forbes.com/sites/randalllane/2012/10/05/go-north-young-man-this-city-will-find-you-a-six-figure-job-no-questions-asked/ Guess I should have said bus driver---proof wise
  12. Just as long as a Leafs flag was'nt higher
  13. C'mon Art---If I told ya once.. I told ya million times When raisin a flag...half hitch man...half hitch....jeeez
  14. Yup and floor sweepers are earning 6 figures in Fort Mac- Non Union----pretty sure they're not laying their hides on the line to protect me Tying police wages to partisan politics is a stretch
  15. Tells me that beer and flag raisin don't mix
  16. With the rich rocketing to richer---nobody questions it-----but if you have a job where there's a better than average chance your facing confrontation every shift--and facing the Big sacrifice (See Moncton last week)----may look at this in a different light
  17. Ok I get it---politics is now more than ever a contentious issue----And everybody wants their team to win So why not look beyond the provincial level and see what that vote you made (whoever you are) for the Federal Conservatives may bring you this week So that favorite son of an Imperial Oil Accountant has truly kept in step with the the marching orders given by Exxon Mobile---to turn Canada into an oil storage company So to summarize.....Anything in place to impede getting that bitumen (aka dirty oil) To China--has been addressed save BC So those pesky laws like The Fisheries Act...The Navigable Waters Act...even the Humpback Whale protected status---has been changed---First Nation treaties in Northern Alta spend more time in court---cuz They'll take the $$$ now---You fight over the mess when They're gone Hey lets even bring in cheaper labour from around the world---to help those bottom lines Now come Tuesday----(and I hope I'm really wrong)---This Gov't will push thru (even though it's not wanted) Northern Gateway Pipeline Now the Natives have promised several court actions and up to civil disobedience (along with non-native BC'ers) So when we keep ourselves awake at night over political mis-spending---remember one thing Money comes and goes and can be replaced This mess that's happening and could happen to "OUR" coast---will be gone FOREVER if that accident occurs (that Enbridge acknowledges will happen--with any pipeline) Old sayings so very often ring true and 2 come to mind....."Money is the root of all evil" ....and "You don't miss the water till the well's gone dry" Ask that quaint little bankrupt village in Cordova Alaska (Exxon Valdez) Yesterday Enbridge says that this pipeline benefits all Canadians------How?--the shareholders get their dividends maximized---but how is this making your life better in Ontario--- east....Lower prices at the pumps?? Your taking all the risk------tell me again for what reward??---maybe we should buy shares in Dawn dish detergent---they use that alot on oil soaked birds don't they?
  18. After I sell my 4x4 We're looking at the escape We have a utility trailer --so that takes the box of a truck outta the picture---and even tho my f150 is reasonable on fuel---the escape is better
  19. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/u-s-man-catches-giant-400-kg-sturgeon-on-b-c-river-1.2676051
  20. Is it the plan to keep this thread goin till bass season opens??
  21. Pleease I just ate some grool--can't afford to yack it back up--all I can afford now that the world has ended and the lieberals are back in power Yes I will mention in my thanks at bedtime that the conservatives are in power federally
  22. Not Me--maybe Sunday---it's the gusts
  23. Not barbie but ken needed a wash down
  24. The original mitchell 300 was the cutting edge at the time of spinning reels---they made various models later called the 300---not the same animal
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