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Everything posted by pikeie

  1. ive heard leighs bay has a sold 4-5 inches on it. got to be carful out there tho!!
  2. well i had quite a good year! not as good as some past, but a good year none the less! i wannted to learn some new tactics and i did. i started dropshoting more and more on simcoe and it sure paid off! i got plenty of smallies this year over 5 lbs on it learned to use a flippin jig and catch fish when nothing else was working i caught a few PB's i wanted to break the 40" mark for pike. never did but i still got my new PB at 37" when i moved up to sault ste. marie for school i wanted to continue learn salmon and steelhead fishin i caught some new species and some PB's caught my first pink salmon! on the fly as well! i caught well over 200 pink salmon this year! sounds crazy but two times this year i caught over 50 in one day! all on the fly i caught my first pinook! which is a cross between a pink and a chinnook salmon. they are as aggressive as the pinks but fight like a king. they look just like the pinks but double there size! i caught my PB king salmon at 39" over 25 lbs i caught around 90 kings this year! agian all on the fly!! the steelies are acting very weird this year as there are not many in the rapids as of yet because i have only caught 9 this year but i got my first steelie on the fly which was around 7 lbs and i got 3 more around the same on the fly, the rest were on roe.
  3. about 80% of my largemouths this year came on flippin jigs. best colour for me was black/brown/olive and a little bit of orange. i would use a black plastic craw trailer most of the time. i also started using the olive and orange jigs with olive trailer with blue fleck to imitate the blue gill and pumkinseeds. cant stress the use of approprate equipment enuff! use a 7'6" + rod heavy action with strong braid like 50 lbs plus. you will need this power to pull those hawgs out of the thickest of junk!!
  4. i went out with hawg hunter last year, great guy would recomend him to anybody. i only landed one fish that day but lost 3 more. the one i landed was around 10 lbs so i was pretty happy! use heavy action rods with heavy pound test line like 15 lbs plus. and big spoons like oversized swedish pimples, or hopkins smoothies.
  5. thats a great pic of a hairy woodpecker! i just love the look of all woodpeckers. i was out looking at some of our bird feeders the other day and as i got closer i saw a pair of pileated woodpeckers on the tree we have some feeders on. and down below there was a hairy and a downy woodpecker feeding on suet out of our feeder! was really cool to see the 3 species togeather. didnt have a camera at the time but i still stood and watched for close to a half hour till they all took off!
  6. purple is one of my fav steelie colours when im flyfishn!
  7. any fly fishing equip.? rods and reels?
  8. bad boyz for whities forsure, i have never had to much luck with the meegs high low rig for perch with minnows skin hooked through the back or a forege minnow in silver and black with a minnow head or berkley honey worm. BOQ walleye hopkins smoothie spoons with minnow
  9. you dont "need" an 8 weight for salmon. ive been fishing for kings all year with a 6 weight, i know way to light but i broke my 8 weight this summer. so far my PB is a 25+ lbs king that was caught on the 6 weight and ive caught plenty of kings from 15-20+ lbs plus this year. i think im was in the 80's + this year!! no kidding two days with over 25 caught
  10. northern pike- 37" lac seul walleye- 30" 10+lbs BOQ largemouth- 23" lake X 7+ lbs smallmouth- 21" 6 lbs lake simcoe im not sure which one is bigger salmon- 39" 25+lbs hen st. marys river steelhead only around 5-6 lbs looking to upgrade that this year
  11. well ive been using the BPS pet mania series rods the past few years and there a great rod and real for the price. very stiff with a good backbone and fairly light weight.
  12. from what ive heard up here in the soo. the st. marys and other tribs that conect to the st. marys have a summer run of steelhead. i guess those are the skamaina trout??
  13. well im happy to here that there are some fish out there lol and happy to here that the boo tail has had some luck. im gona have to make some more of them lol. did u get a good look at here? how big do u think?? was this the one? the one on top?
  14. ive caught plenty of pike over 10 lbs in kempenfelt when the perch are in. and ive seen some big pike come through the ice aswell!!!!
  15. wow!! amazing. those wild steelies are sumthin else forsure!
  16. yes marabou is from a turkey. i have used some rabbit skins from friends before and they work fine. i think they used borax??
  17. oh ya those kings sure can put a bend in ur rod
  18. well that pic is of me lol that fighter is of that first salmon posted in this thread. im crossin my fingers so that i can get TB into some of those fighters next weekend!!
  19. so far looks like it will be a good weekend weather wise. a tad cold but thats no problem!! lol misfish
  20. yes cougers have been confirmed in ontario by the ministry this year. i am currently working with a teacher at sault collge who is trying to get some fur samples to test if these arethe acctual eastern cougers that once lived in ontario or if they are another strain that could have been pet escapes or releases.we are working with trail cameras aswell trying to get some good pictures but the bears sure dont want our cameras on the trees as they keep ripping them down lol anyhoo i think that these animals need to come back. after all they were as much a part of our ecosystem as anything else was. cougers are a dangerous animal none the less but i still belive that they shouldnt have shot it. p.s. i am not part of p3ta or anything stupid like that i just think that they have the right to come back as much as any other species
  21. good to hear your gettin out TB. hope you guys find some of those big'ol toothy pike in the near future!
  22. well here we go once agian but this time i finally got some pictures!! on sunday i decided i have to get down to the rapids soon if i want some pics of the pinks as there run is slowing down and there are dead ones on the shore. i got to the rapids at around 9 o'clock am and went to my first pool. on my very first drift i hooked into an avrage pink but as i was landing him he got off next drift fish on agian this time after a very strong fight for a pink i landed him on a purple egg sucking leach. pic 1 about 4 lbs then i catch a few other pinks about the same size. i move down river and start to see lots and lots of kings i tryed and tryed but i couldnt get them to hit. i probably tryed every fly in my box but it wasnt ment to be. i jumped upand over the cement berm to see how the fishing was on the inside of the berm. there were 5 people fishing a small stretch of river so i moved up to the head of the pool just ahead of some nice sized boulders. i was watching these people land pink after pink and i couldnt get one. i looked upstream to the next pool and i couldnt belive my eyes there had to be 15 kings in this one pool. so i slowly wade up ahead of the and pick out a big rabbit strip streamer and bounce it on bottom all the way to the fish. as i was watching the pink streamer get closer to the kings i see one hen come over and smack it!! fish on! and remember im only using a 6 weight rod lol after a nice fight pullin me around i got her to the shore and tailed her. she had quite a few lamprey marks on her kinda gross lol. http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/pik...pg?t=1222711798 pic 2 around 10 lbs after i release her i hook into and lose 3 more kings all around 10 lbs. i switch up to a black and orange egg suckin leach and pick up a few more pink salmon. http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/pik...pg?t=1222711849 pic 3 a nice hen about 2 lbs http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/pik...pg?t=1222711897 pic 4 another male about 2 lbs after my fun with the pinks i get back into my casting spot and notice a group of 4 kings commin into the pool with some nice sized fish in it. so i cast 20 feet ahead of the group and once the leach gets over there heads my indicator stops and goes under! i set the hook and it took the fish 30 seconds to know it was hooked lol. so it just felt like another fish around 10 lbs and i was goin easy on him with my 8 lbs tippit. he made a small run up river and then started splashin on the surface. he turned down river and decided he was goin for a long long run he started jumpin agian and i still was guessin ten lbs. he by now i was way into my backing and as i started to chase him down stream he ran back at me almost making me lose him then he went into another pool and the guy that was fishin there was being a ass about it. yelling at me to get out of his pool because he wasnt going to move for me. everyone on the bank told him to shut up and said what would you want him to do if you were in my shoes. lol http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/pik...pg?t=1222711991 pic 4 the big one on im 10 minutes into the fight when he decides to jump agian this time compleatly out of the water. by now ive got quite the group of people watching me and when he came out everyones jaw dropped including mine. this fish is huge was all i could think. i was trying to stay calm about 5 minutes later he finally starts to slow down. someone trys to net it and he takes off agian. once i gain that line back my indicator is getting closer and closer and finally i grab onto the leader!! i finally really get to look at him and as i ease him closer to me i tail it and i get a hand under the belly all on 8 lbs tippit lol everyone starts cheering lol i get the hook out of his kype barely hooked and get a quick mesurment.................39" and by everyones guess 23-24 lbs. by far my biggest salmon on the fly! got a few pictures and off he went. http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/pik...pg?t=1222712038 pic 5 whoooo http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/pik...pg?t=1222712206 pic 6 nice girth on him well i finally did it. my first real big king out of the st. mary's rapids. here are some more pictures of the area. http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/pik...pg?t=1222712369 pic 7 part of the rapids http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/pik...pg?t=1222712409 pic 8 the international bridge well thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it as much as i had fishing..... if thats posible lol
  23. well on sunday me and some friends had to go down to the river/rapids to do some projects. we have to do some tree identifiying and work on our entomology projects. after we did our work we decided that we should spend a few hours tryin to get some salmon on the way to the rapids i was setting up my rod while walking so i would be ready right away.... i sure payed off once i crossed the river to where i wanted to fish i started casting first cast indicator slows down and fish on. i turn around to look at my friends who are still on shore and waved and showed them my bend in my rod lol i got some rather anoyed coments considering i caught 3 pinks all over 4 lbs and one over 5 before any of them made it over to me. once my friends came over i wouldnt let them have my rock lol i was the only one catchin any we got a few pics of the fish i was getting and all of them went back to the drink. finally i gave some one esle a turn on my rock after i caught 9-10 pinks lol. i moved down 20 feet and started casting agian not long after i started casting i get what i thought was a snag. as i start pulling i see a big king jump i didnt think much of it until i felt the big run. in only a few seconds i was 50 yrds into my backing . im only using a 6 weight and in the fast water i didnt have much of a chance. so i found a shallow crossing and waded across to the middle where there are a lot of eddies with some slower water. as i slowly got back into my flyline i relised the fish kept wanting to go down the rapids. i knew if he go into them i would lose him for sure. so i put some side pressure on him and he moved 10 feet up stream i posisioned my self in fround of the rapids so the he would run upstream and away from me. it worked. he eventully tired out and as i was tailing him he shook his headand straightend out my hook and he took off. he was around 15 lbs but i wish i had a better look at him o well anyways now i am about 100 yards down river from where i was lol pain in the a** to walk all the way back up. i got back and continued to catch pinks and 1 small king only about 5 lbs. i got another hit and as im bringing the fish in i notice somthing flashing on this back it was a cleo. when i get it in it seemed that my tippit had wraped around the trebble hook lol. got a picture of that. so as we wade back across at the end of the day my friend slips up near shore and gets a little wet. and so did his cell phone with all the pictures on it so once agian i dont have any pics sorry in the end i got way over 20 pinks i think it was 25 for 30 lol just insane fishing. also i went one for 3 on chinnoks. my friends only caught a total of 10 fish thats bettween 3 guys lol. and im the newbie on the river lol
  24. sure would im not down there to much as i have school and work to deal with but when ever im free im down there. PM me i try to go down at least once a week.
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