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Billy - Curtiss

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Everything posted by Billy - Curtiss

  1. Nice report dude! Thanks for letting me tag along. I can't wait for the next Lakair G2G. And Glen, I need to get my hands on one of them there skunk hats!
  2. Nice! Beer, moose tenderloin, grouse, fishing and beer. How can you go wrong with that?!
  3. Awesome report and pics dude. Looks like you had the trip of a lifetime. I'm seething with envy!
  4. Awesome looking fish dude!
  5. Dude, what's wrong with fishing the islands? I always have a blast out there and the pike and bass fishing is great. Dion, PM me when you get to Toronto. Perhaps myself and one or two other local yokels will take you out and get you into some fish. I can also help you get into the sauce as well!
  6. Having never tried this technique before, I went out today and purchased all the needed accessories and finally figured out the way to set it up. My intent is to hit up some Toronto area spots from shore that I've never really worked before. My question is, has anyone ever hooked into rainbows, browns, walleye, salmon and or lakers using this technique? Is it even feasible?
  7. That is hilarious!
  8. Dude, are you serious?! You know that guy and you taught him that?!
  9. It works fine for me. I doubt it's a virus. I think it's just spam trying to get you to purchase anti-virus software.
  10. Beautiful specks dude! I know those falls well!
  11. There are so many great resources on the web for learning music. If you fancy the blazing metallic shred, there's : http://www.chopsfromhell.com. If you favour the blazing acoustic shred of bluegrass, head here : http://www.alltabs.com. Keep on pickin' boys!
  12. 'Sample it' is a HUGE understatement. I reckon I was one of those blind mice that Joey was referring to! To the detriment of my liver...
  13. It's been about 1 year now or so since I rediscovered this obsession with nearly all things fishing. And now it seems to have made its way into my sleep state as well. I have fishing related dreams at least 3 days a week and it's gotten so absurd that I often find myself waking to the sounds of my own laughter! I have one recurring dream where I hook about a 46' northern, bring it into shore only to have it snap the line and swim off to freedom right as I'm about to snap a picture. Am I insane? Should I seek therapy? Or do others share my sickness?!
  14. The Pflueger President is quite possibly the best bang for your buck. I went into Bass Pro intent on purchasing a Quantum Energy PTI and the salesman told me I would be wasting the extra money. He then made me try out both reels and the Pflueger was actually quite a bit smoother. And for about $70.00 less. I spent the savings on tackle!
  15. Congrats! Looks like you a had a great morning out there!
  16. Amazing colours on those fish dude! Can't wait for the full report.
  17. Who you callin' a redneck?! I absolutely love David Gilmour, but I've got to say, I prefer Jeff Beck. The guy is just phenomenal. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=Z92YPKtzHr0&...feature=related
  18. I hear that!
  19. Cool footage! I think that we should try to catch some of them there bad boys either Thursday or Friday. What say you?
  20. Awesome report! I had an amazing time and it all went by too fast! It was great meeting so many of you and I look forward to the next hurrah. Fishing was tough for us as well....with about 3 days of fishing averaging 8 hours a day on the water, i only managed 8 or 9 fish. Glen's skunk hat is priceless! That jam footage is hilarious as well......only after imbibing numerous shots of moonshine would I ever play Yngwie Malmsteen arpeggio sweeps over a slow blues jam! Thanks to everyone that kept me in the sauce on Saturday night! And now, it's back to work.
  21. I am going to this show as well. I've never seen them live before so I'm pretty stoked. I hope they tear the roof off of the joint!
  22. Ha ha ha!! I am selfish and conceited indeed! Good times and nice fish. I enjoyed the kayaking. Let's do it again next week sucka!
  23. Too true! I only wish that he was playing his Telecaster and tearing it up. That dude has ridiculous chicken pickin' skills.
  24. No more work until next Monday and hopefully in for 4 days of insanely good fishing. The weather forecast couldn't be better. I can hardly wait! See some of you there....
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