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Billy - Curtiss

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Everything posted by Billy - Curtiss

  1. Does anyone know where I can purchase tackle in the Markdale/Traverston area? I'm heading up to the Rocky Saugeen tomorrow and need some of those Panther Martins!
  2. Find Science North on Ramsey. There's a marina and boat launch close by. You can find some nice rocky drop offs close at hand to fish from shore and I've caught pike, walleye and bass there. Kelly Lake is home to the sewage treatment plant. You don't want to fish there as it smells!
  3. Awesome! Thanks for the heads up. I'm really looking forward to this journey! Is the Rocky navigable by canoe?
  4. Nice! I'm doing a BBQ at the neighbors across the street so I reckon I'll be good and liquored and ready for bed by 10:00 PM! I've got some caribou tenderloin tips that I'm about to marinade in a nice Côtes du Rhône syrah and shallots and I'm a gonna skewer those bad boys right up. My mouth is watering already!
  5. Cool. I actually just checked out a map, and I think we may actually fish Rocky Saugeen rather than the main river. I'm not sure if that's any better or not.
  6. A buddy of mine has land out around Markdale and recently got back into fishing. We're going to head out that way next week to try our luck. I did some research and the river apparently holds bass, pike, specks, browns, rainbows and salmon. Are these trout strictly migratory or are there residents to be had? Neither one of us know much about this river. Any tips and/or insight would be amazing.
  7. This has been unfortunately one of the most boring Stanley Cup finals in quite some time. I don't care for either team but I don't at all enjoy the style of hockey Detroit plays though it's obviously working for them. I couldn't believe that Malkin getting hauled down and sent flying into the Detroit net wasn't called. The ridiculously inconsistent officiating in the NHL these days all around makes it tough to watch for me. I found this to be pretty much the case all season long.
  8. Awesome report dude. I'm grateful for the experience. And by the way, you guys are dang' hilarious! Have fun in Algonquin. See you next week brah!
  9. In a little over 7 hours, I'll be northbound on the ol' Greyhound heading to Sudbury for 4 nights and 5 days of pure camping / fishing mayhem! We'll be mainly going for big lakers but I'm hoping we can spend a day or two on one of the many other lakes nearby targeting specks. I'm so giddy! Bring on th black flies.
  10. Drats! I'm heading north on Wednesday to camp/fish for long weekend. Hope they aren't too bad...
  11. I had a cup of coffee, a chicken wrap that came with a small serving of salad, and I had the soup of the day that came with one grilled piece of multi-grain toast. I gave the dude a good tip because I felt bad for the fact that nobody was in there. So before tip, it came to about $24. I don't think they serve french fries at this particular establishment.
  12. Man, I hit it up today from 9:30 AM until 3:30 PM and got totally skunked! Other than one follow, it was deadsville. I also spent $30.00 on a fairly average lunch at The Rectory Cafe. Next time I'll know to pack a lunch!
  13. This is the problem with globalization and corporate oligopolies in general. In spite of many years of servitude, this woman is afforded no right to exercise her discretion by giving back a minuscule portion of what the company has received from its loyal customers. Instead, she is just another faceless, interchangeable drone. Life is and should always be reciprocal. This is why I will always try to support the small independent stores. Small business owners take way less for granted and are far more appreciative of those that keep their business afloat.
  14. I respectfully disagree. This story is already all over the radio. CBC is running it which means it is Canada wide. I'm willing to wager they receive hundreds if not well over a thousand boycott letters. How can that NOT hurt the bottom line? And all over $0.16? Hardly seems worthwhile. If this woman was such a wretched employee, how did she last 3 years? Lastly, until this morning, I had no idea that Wendy's bought out Tim Horton's. It isn't even a Canadian company anymore. So regardless of this story, I would hereby be taking my business elsewhere anyhow.
  15. I am hereby boycotting Tim Horton's. What a pathetic joke. Capitalism at its finest.
  16. I think I'm going to finally hit the island tomorrow. Can't wait. Nice fish dude!
  17. Nice work dude! You, myself and High Drifter should hit it up later this week. Thursday or Friday perhaps?
  18. Have you tried marshmallows?!
  19. Toronto Harbor is actually considered Zone 20. By the way, nice fish dude!
  20. I bought a whack load of P-line 30 lb test fluorocarbon intending to make leaders. Like a dolt, I didn't realize that I would need sleeves and a crimper. Can I just use it with a barrel swivel attached to the main line and then tie the fluorocarbon direct to whatever lure I am using? Is 30 lb enough for pike or will they chomp right through it?
  21. I didn't realize that browns also have red spots with blue halos.
  22. Them specks sure are purdy!
  23. There's a free downloadable program called IMG Burn that I'm pretty sure would serve your needs.
  24. Ha ha ha! I just printed 'er up!
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